Touch of Flame

Chapter 308 Stand With Me!

Chapter 308 Stand With Me!

Malachi drank her blood, the metallic taste was strange against his tongue, as it wasn't meant to drink from her but only have a taste for the purpose of mating. But since she was reacting well and he could feel her breathing stabilize a little more, he continued to drink. 

Her blood was warm, and soon he got acquainted to the taste. With every drop. it was as if her essence, her life force, was blending with his own and he could feel her, dive into the state of her mind. They were together there, the world around them a field of flowers, the chaos long gone. 

It was strange. He had never heard that mating felt like this, but he was doing more than mating. He was taking more blood than needed, and with each sip, something was transforming within him. 

His dragon essence grew more radiant, his scales shimmering with an ethereal glow. He could feel his power expanding, his connection to his dragon heritage strengthening. Was this the old way of mating? He had heard such tales. 

Before he could drain her completely, Malachi abruptly pulled away, his senses overwhelmed with a mix of confusion and awe. To his surprise, Ravina's face appeared serene, her features relaxed as if she was immersed in a blissful dream. The wounds on her neck remained, but they no longer bled profusely.

As he observed her peaceful expression, a wave of realization washed over him, and a voice in his head whispered to him. Memories flooded his mind, memories from the collective consciousness of their dragon ancestors. He saw images of ancient rituals, legends whispered through generations, and tales of extraordinary connections that surpassed time itself. It was then that he understood the true significance of their bond—a bond that went beyond the physical realm and delved into the realm of ancient magic.

This ancient tie was a rare phenomenon known as the Draconic bond, a sacred connection that occurred once in a generation. It was said to be a merging of souls, a union that granted the couple extraordinary powers and marked them as catalysts for change, the first change for dragons being their ability to shift. 

Long ago, dragons were creatures of magnificent power and untamed nature, existing solely in their dragon form. However, a visionary dragon, driven by love for a human, sought to bridge the gap between their worlds so he could live with his beloved. With immense devotion, he delved into ancient magic, discovering a way to harness its energy and manipulate it to his will.

In an act of commitment and love, this dragon partook of his beloved's blood, believing that by sharing her life essence, their souls would intertwine because his heart already belonged to her. Through this sacred ritual, he became the first dragon to shift into human form, unlocking the potential for dragons to take on the guise of their human counterparts.

The images in his head stunned Malachi for a moment, leaving him grappling with the realization of the ancient tie they had formed. Did he already mate? Did the ancient way only involve drinking blood because humans couldn't? What did this mean for Ravina? Questions swirled in his mind, but he pushed them aside for now, focusing on her well-being.

He watched Ravina carefully, his concern gradually easing as he observed her breathing stabilize and the color return to her face. She seemed to be recovering, no longer in immediate danger. Then, to his relief, she stirred slightly, her lips parting.

"Ravina?" Malachi gently shook her, his voice filled with worry and hope.

She sighed, a sense of relief or contentment evident in her expression. The panic and pain seemed to have subsided.josei

"Is she alright?" Nazneen's voice suddenly broke through, and Malachi looked up to find her standing nearby, panting and covered in blood from the battle outside.

"I think it's working," he replied. 

She paused when her gaze shifted to him. Her eyes widened. "Your scales…" 

Malachi followed Nazneen's gaze, his eyes falling upon his shoulder and arm. Between the scales, a mesmerizing sight greeted him. It was as if molten lava flowed through the gaps, creating a patterns of fiery energy. The black scales seemed to crack open, revealing the raw power that surged within him.

Malachi nodded, his voice filled with awe and realization. "I think I've unlocked something."

She nodded, still captivated by the sight. "It seems so. Anyhow, if Ravina is stable for now, you need to attend to your people. They shouldn't think their king has abandoned them at this crucial time. I will stay with her."

With a lingering glance, he left Ravina in the care of Nazneen and hurried to make sure that everyone in his family was alright. 

The entire village seemed to have collapsed, with broken homes, dead bodies, and blood splattered everywhere. His clan was among the purest breed, so he knew they were strong, but this was still not ideal, and his people would not be happy. 

He could already hear the whispers of his people, the cries for justice and protection. The pain and anger radiated through the air, demanding his attention. One fight had ended, but he could already hear another from afar. 

He followed the sound as, just as he thought, people were agreeing after the fight for their lives. They were confronting his family, and his mother seemed to try to explain the situation.

With confident steps, Malachi approached the gathering crowd. His eyes blazed, the newfound ancient power running through him as if ready for a fight. 

"Listen!" he called out, his voice resonating through the air, averting the people's attention from his family to him. He waited until he had everyone's attention before he spoke, "I understand your anger, your pain. We have endured a great loss, and the scars of battle mar our kingdom. But in this moment, we should not turn against each other and fight among ourselves."

A mumbling followed, and they tried to protest again, but Malachi spoke louder. "Look around you!" he continued, gesturing to the broken homes and the blood-soaked ground. "This shows that we can't hide forever. You might want to point fingers, but who did what does not matter when it is only a matter of time. What matters is how we respond. Do you want to keep being enemies with humans? Do you want to hide forever, or do you want to work for peace so we can live without hiding. Without having to find a new home whenever we are found." 

"We don't have to hide. We will fight!" A few called. 

"Yes!" Others agreed. 

"For how long?!" Malachi called. "For what end? You fight and they will fight back. Do you want to spend your entire future in a war? If you are selfish enough to do so, then what about your children, and their children?!" 

A hushed silence settled over the crowd as Malachi's words reverberated through their hearts. His voice carried the weight of their shared history and the weight of their possible future. He saw their conflicted expressions, their anger and fear mingling with uncertainty.

"We have witnessed the devastation that conflict brings. We have lost loved ones, seen our homes crumble, and felt the weight of sorrow upon our hearts. Is this the legacy we want to leave for our descendants? Is this the world we want to pass on to our children?" He paused, allowing his words to sink in, his gaze sweeping across the faces of his people, searching for a glimmer of understanding. 

Slowly, a murmur of agreement began to rise from the crowd.

"We are not weak. We are not helpless. But we must remember that strength lies not only in our claws and fire-breathing might but also in our wisdom and ability to choose a path that leads to lasting peace."

Malachi took a step forward, his voice unwavering."It is time for us to rise above our anger, to become the guardians of not just our land but also of peace itself. "

The crowd shifted, expressions of doubt mixing with understanding and agreement. Malachi continued, his voice filled with conviction. "We will not abandon our heritage, our identity, or our ways. But let us remember that true strength is not in anger or vengeance and don't fool yourself to think that your are protecting your people by fighting back. You are not." He shook his head, thinking of his sister. "The road to peace will NOT be easy. We will probably hurt each other more times on our way there, but the rewards will be far greater than the endless cycle of violence."

His brothers and mother came to stand with him. "Come stand with me. Fight for a cause worth fighting for. Provide a good life for your elders. Create a safe environment for your children. That is my duty as your king, and that is what I aim to do. I hope that you can share my vision and help me. Let us show the world what our clan, the Azar clan, is capable of and what we stand for." 

A few in the crowd separated themselves from the rest. "We stand with you, King Malachi." 

Malachi offered a nod of gratitude. A few more dared to join, their friends and family then joined, and slowly the group supporting him grew larger and larger, speaking among themselves and convincing more and more to join.

Saul gave him a tap on the back before he leaned in as his people spoke among themselves. "What is happening to you?" He asked. 

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