Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: The Fluttering of a Butterfly

< Chapter 121: The Fluttering of a Butterfly (3) >


To describe him in one word, he’s a maniac obsessed with killing.

His characteristic is a dark magical power that is close to omnipotent.

Starting from material composition to physical enhancement, dark magic, and even the creation of life—his magic is of a cheat-like nature capable of doing anything.

His stats themselves are also staggering.

All of his stats are SS-rank.

It’s not just an expression to say he’s strong; the rank literally displayed in his stats window is SS (99/99).

At this point, some might question:

‘Wait, aren’t the existing ranks only up to S? What’s this SS rank?’

I did say ‘existing.’

In the early part of the novel, S-rank is indeed the limit.

However, it changes in the middle of the novel. With the start of Part 2, the limit of ranks increases.

At the beginning episode of Part 2 called “Revolution,” the system unlocks new features. One of these new features is the increased limit of ranks.

‘Transcendent System.’

With the opening of this system, it becomes possible to exceed the S-rank. Those who succeed in transcending are called ‘Transcendents.’

Lucifer is among the strongest of these Transcendents, easily within the top ten.

―I’ll give you two choices. Die painfully or die horribly.

Such a person is emitting intense killing intent toward me.

Is there anyone who wouldn’t feel terror in this situation?

Absolutely not.

―Now, choose. Hurry! Hurry!!

The beast approaches, roaring and growling, one step at a time.

Kuwoong, Kuwoong!

With each step it takes, the asphalt cracks like eggshells.

…Can I win?

No, I can’t win.

Even if I have a few ancient relics, that being is on another level.


Strong as it may be, it’s just a boss of the first arc.

In front of Lucifer, it’s just a newborn.

All existing heroes and villains combined can’t defeat this being. That is Lucifer.


I cursed without realizing it.

They say that when humans are pushed to the edge, they become calmer.

It’s true.

I’ve become calmer as well, so I start to analyze the current situation.

‘Is this also a kind of butterfly effect?’

Gray out. Gate runaway. Magic circle. Nature’s fury.

These four phenomena have distorted the magic in this place beyond recognition.

Perhaps that distortion led to a ‘Black Out.’

Maybe that distortion in magic created a synergy and unsealed Lucifer who was banished in the gaps between dimensions.

It’s a flimsy theory, but not impossible.


If that’s the case, this is ridiculous. What can I do if a boss-level creature appears out of the blue?


Lucifer clicked his tongue, looking at me.

—How boring. So you’re a prey that knows its place.

Seems like he’s not pleased with my lack of resistance.

Lucifer approaches, close to my face.

His serene crimson eyes gleam in front of my nose.


His pupils suddenly dilate, and he grins like a crescent moon.

—Hahahahaha! So that’s it!

He laughs manically, something seems amusing to him.

—So the prophecy was right after all. Hehe.


He laughs as if nothing could make him happier.

—Well, good. All I need to do is kill, kill, kill.

Suddenly his eyes become fierce, and he shows off his sharp fangs.

—Now, die. ■□□■□.

I can’t make out the last word.

He raised his right hand.

It’s a stabbing motion.

Just then—

A monster jumps out from behind.

It’s a bug-like creature resembling a stag beetle.

—Tch. These nuisances don’t know their place.

Lucifer grimaces.

With a swipe of his arm—

The monster is crushed, and others are sent flying.


All the bugs in that direction are annihilated.

An immense power, surely.

Anyone seeing this would be astonished.


Except me.

…Why is he so weak?

Even Unknown can do that. No, even single rankers can.

According to the original description, Lucifer’s power should have shattered the sky and destroyed the mountains behind. There shouldn’t be a trace left of those monsters.


Lucifer also seems to sense something off.

He clenches and unclenches his hand, staring at it.

Maybe he’s also uncomfortable with his own strength.

Is it an after-effect of the seal breaking? Or has his power not fully returned yet?

‘Could it be that he can’t use the SS-rank powers because the Transcendence System isn’t activated yet?’

There’s a high chance.

‘If that’s the case, then he’s not unbeatable.’

There’s a glimmer of hope in my eyes.

I change the cloth in my hand to a dagger.

At the same time, the path of the wind opens.


I saw a giant red trail, unlike anything I’d ever seen before.

It’s gigantic, but it seems careless and lax.

…Then there’s a way to avoid it.

I desperately hurled my body.



However, completely avoiding it was impossible. The flesh of my forearm was grazed by the aftermath, exposing the bone.

I felt like I was about to lose consciousness from the intense pain.

But now wasn’t the time to focus on the pain.

—Avoided this?

Lucifer’s smile deepened.

At the same time, his eyes filled with determination.

His gaze felt like he was sure to kill me this time.


An even larger and sharper red trail appeared.


I can’t avoid this attack.

No matter which way I hurl my body, no matter how I defend myself, it’s useless.

I’m going to die.

…Damn it.

I quietly closed my eyes.


It was then that I heard a woman’s voice.

A voice that I’ve grown accustomed to recently.

A voice that I’ve mulled over in my thoughts, tinged with worry.

“The weather isn’t very good for a walk, is it? On days like this, my mood tends to sour for no reason. Is that why?”

I slowly opened my eyes.

I saw a woman’s back.

Shirakawa Ai.


She was blocking Lucifer’s fist. However, her appearance was anything but ordinary.


She had demon wings on her back and a black tail hanging from her hips.

Just like Lucifer said, she looked like a succubus.

“Right now, I’m in a really bad mood.”

Her voice, unlike the gentle one I’ve been hearing, was filled with a weighty, grim tone.

—Why is the succubus stopping me?

“What are you doing, you monster?”

A halo formed around Lust.


No. Given the blackout that’s currently in effect, no one can use magic. Even the Dragon Lord can’t.

So what is that?

It feels warmer than magic, giving off a mysterious aura that feels inherent to life itself.

In reality, the answer had already been determined.

The sound that rang out as the fist and chest collided was unimaginably intense.


At the impact, Lucifer was sent flying into the sky.


Lust briefly glanced at the flying Lucifer, then turned her head towards me.

“Seo-yul-ssi, are you… okay?”

Her pupils are pink.

She seems prettier than usual, is it my imagination?

There seems to be a strange halo flowing behind her.

“Ah? Oh, thank you.”


Seeing my reaction, Lust’s eyes widened.

She looked as if she had seen a ghost.


Then, as if she had come to some sort of understanding, she nodded her head slightly.

“As expected, Seo-yul-ssi is different.”

What could it mean?

I couldn’t understand what she was saying at all.

Suddenly, Lust’s expression became grim. Her gaze was fixed on my forearm, likely checking my injury.

“That monster! How dare he… to harm someone’s body like this!”

Her expression turned icy cold.

It was the first time I had seen her look so fierce.

“Seo-yul-ssi, please wait here for a moment. I’ll quickly go and take care of it.”

With a slight smile, she flew in the direction where Lucifer had flown off.


Left alone, I was blankly staring in that direction.


I have no idea what’s happening right now.

Everything is a mystery.

The biggest question among them is about Lust’s combat power.

Currently, Lucifer should have the strength of at least an S-rank top-ranker level.

And for Lust to overwhelm such a Lucifer—does that even make sense?

That means Lust must have combat power at least at the level of a Maestro…

At that moment, something clicked in my mind.


Lust’s Qi is a special power that is not affected by ‘Blackout.’ Of course, there are no restrictions on its use.

What about Lucifer, on the other hand?

No matter how powerful Lucifer is, he cannot use magic within the Blackout. Without a magical spear or any transcendental systems, he has to fight purely based on physical abilities.

An incomplete Lucifer, who can’t use magic, and Lust, who uses Qi to be in a complete state.

The result was obvious.

“…A perfect counter.”

As long as Blackout exists, Lust has a distinct advantage.

Kwaah! Pwoooong!

―Damn you, Succubus!

From afar, a loud explosion and Lucifer’s shout filled with rage resonated.

―Magical Spear! Come to me now!

He reaches out to the void, calling for his magical spear. But there’s no response.

Instead of the magical spear, Lust’s fist flies toward him.


With a thunderous impact, he’s sent flying into the void again.

―Magical Spear! Magical Spear!

Unable to move his hands or feet, Lucifer, reduced to a punching bag, desperately called for his magical spear.


He’s beating up Lucifer, who’s like a mid-boss in Part 2, as if he’s nothing.

“Die! How dare you lay a hand on Seo-yul?”

This is absurd.

Just moments ago, I was prepared for death.

And now, so anticlimactic…

—Heuk… Heuk…

Lucifer’s breathing became more rapid.

His face was disfigured, and his right arm was completely broken, dangling uselessly.

Still, he was somehow hanging on.

But now, even that is over.


Lust wrapped her arms around Lucifer from behind.

—Let go, let go! You filthy wench!

Lucifer, already beaten down to a pulp, couldn’t shake off Lust.

“I’m not really up for it, but I have no choice.”

Lust licked her lips.

At that moment, an intangible energy surged out from Lucifer’s body and began to be absorbed into Lust.


He screamed as if his soul were being ripped out alive.

“I usually don’t take lives, but for a monster like you, I’ll give you the most painful death.”

Lust’s eyes glowed with a dangerous light.

—You, you wretched wench!

Lucifer’s voice was breaking.

The strength was draining from his body.

He’s dying.

“May you die with bitter regret.”

With a captivating voice, Lucifer lost all his strength in his body.

“…Is he dead?”



So emptily?

As Lust removed her hand, Lucifer’s body sprawled on the floor.

I slowly approached his corpse.

He’s really dead.

“What is this…”

I can’t find the words.

How should I describe this situation right now?

Then it happened.


The gate opened.

Without any warning, just like that.

I thought for a moment it was another new enemy, but I soon realized it wasn’t.

The black sky is turning blue. Slowly like paint being drained, but surely, the sky is turning blue.

There was only one thing this could mean.

“…We succeeded in the siege.”

Success in seizing the main gate.

That’s all there is to it.

The next moment, four human figures and two tigers appeared from the gate.

“Seo-yul! We’re back!”

Si-yeon, who was at the front, energetically waved her hand and called my name.


At that moment, Si-yeon’s expression hardened.

“Seo-yul… sir? What is that…?”

“My God…”

The same went for the three people behind her.

They were staring intently at something behind me, unable to hide their astonishment.

Oh no!

Lust was behind me!

I quickly turned around.


But Lust had long since disappeared without a trace.

When did she disappear?

I hadn’t noticed at all.

“…Mr. Seo-yul.”

Yu Hwa, who had somehow come close, asked with a trembling voice.

“Did you… handle the demon by yourself?”


Everyone was staring, mouths agape, at Lucifer’s remains at my feet.

―Lu, Lucifer! You’re saying you took care of Lucifer?

Rena was beyond bewildered, she was horrified.


Is this how it is?

< Chapter 121: The Fluttering of a Butterfly (3) > The end

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