Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Development

< Chapter 143: Development (3) >

―Damn this chain!

Mephisto, revealing himself, shattered the chain that had been binding his body into pieces.

Losing its cold gleam, he steps on the restraining tool of the secretary that was shattered and scattered on the floor.

―Metatron… damn woman!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The ground splits apart like a spider web, and fragments of the earth scatter in all directions.

A fierce wind pressure pierces directly into my body.

“… Ancestor.”

Perhaps feeling terrified due to his overwhelming presence, Jia called me with a trembling voice.

I understand.

The black magic power he is wrapped in instinctively induces fear.

It has nothing to do with strength.

A fragile morale that is eroded by fear, something that everyone as a human experiences.

Having to face it up close, it is inevitably frightening.

“Stay behind me.”

I stepped forward in front of Jia.

This should slightly reduce the pressure she is feeling.

Indeed, Jia’s expression seemed to have relaxed a bit.

―Hahahahaha! Metatron! You ended up losing! You! Hahahaha!

But what does he plan to do, continuing like this?

There’s no time.

―How long are you going to be like that?

I provoked Mephisto.


Mephisto’s neck jerked sharply, turning towards me.

In an instant, it seemed like he recalled my face, as Mephisto transformed into a menacing expression.

―Right. You were there too. The damn bug that obstructed me.

Due to Mephisto’s stomping, a crater was created, and he stepped out from it, stumbling as he approached me.

―I momentarily forgot because of Metatron, but this works out perfectly.

Thud! Thud!

Each time his massive body slowly moved its steps, the earth trembled.

―It saved me the trouble of finding you.

The malicious energy is blocked and circulated by the magical barrier, becoming more vicious as it condenses. The sensation of the person emitting that energy slowly approaching was quite terrifying.

―Bug. What’s with that look?

Mephisto suddenly narrowed his eyes.

―Don’t tell me you think you can beat me? Someone like you? A backup without any engraving, just trash?

Engraving? Backup?

What is he talking about?

Mephisto burst into laughter.

It was a look that said it was ludicrous.

―Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous! Hahahaha!

It was a mocking laugh.

I sneered.

―If I’m trash, then what does that make you who got sealed away again by that trash? Someone worse than trash?


Mephisto had a special constitution that allowed him to directly feel the thoughts of others.

Thanks to that, even if the languages did not match, he could understand what the other person was saying.

Three months ago, the reason why the conversation between Mephisto and me worked was because of that. Mephisto could read my thoughts, and I knew the demon race’s language through the knowledge I received from Shin hyung.

He probably took in 100% of my harsh swear words without any filter. Korean swears can be quite spicy.

―Using Metatron’s chain to escape a crisis was all you managed, you trashy bastard… Daring to with that big mouth of yours…

It seemed like his head heated up all at once, his expression and words became rougher.

―I won’t kill you nicely. I will kill you very slowly. Torturously kill you…

―Stop spouting crap.

This time, I sneered in the demon race’s language, not in Korean.


Mephisto furrowed his brows.

It was a face wondering how I could use the language of the demon race.

―Why? Are you surprised that I can speak your language?


Mephisto, who approached right in front of my nose, stood tall and looked down at me.

Indeed, he had a dominating presence.

He was roughly about 7 meters tall.

His red eyes and sharp teeth added to his intimidation.

―You… what exactly are you?

Mephisto asked with a face as if seeing something fascinating.

―Both the aura I feel and the lack of the power of engravings… Clearly a dropout, a backup…

That word again.


Lucifer had definitely said something similar.

And he said he couldn’t feel the power of the engravings? Engravings. Could he possibly be talking about the mark of Adam?

No, now is not the time to think about that. I need to focus.

―You. How do you know the demon language?

Mephisto leaned forward, scrutinizing me from a close distance.

―How did you use the constraints of the archangel? How could someone who is not even a part of the heavenly race, let alone an archangel, possibly…

―That’s not for you to know.

I answered, staring straight into his eyes.

―You impudent brat.

Mephisto furrowed his brows and raised his long hand high.

His nails stretched out long.

He probably intended to use those nails to pierce me or hack me to pieces.

Since he said he would kill me as painfully as possible, he was probably planning to cut off an arm or a leg.

―You will beg me to kill you.

The black magical power that was erupting uncontrollably swirled following Mephisto’s will.


Jia hurriedly took a battle stance in the face of the fierce torrent of magical power.

“It’s okay, proceed according to the plan.”

Mephisto’s ability, the embodiment of evil.

Using the scattered magical power around to attack the enemy or enhance oneself.

It’s a feature somewhat akin to a downgraded version of Lucifer’s omnipotent magic power.

Of course, even being a downgraded version of Lucifer’s, it is still strong.

Somehow dealing with this black magical power is the primary victory condition.

And I have a way to dismantle that black magic power, the embodiment of evil.


Magic concentrated in my eyes, and the pupils split horizontally.

―You…! Those eyes are!

Dragon Eyes.

The eyes of a dragon that pierce through the essence of magic.

―It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I heard it’s the eyes you hate the most.

This is exactly Mephisto’s weakness

In the original work, Mephisto had a pathological hatred for fighting dragons.

I can see very well why.

Through the dragon eyes, I can clearly see the weaknesses in the black magic power.

As much as it has a wide range and versatility, it is quite sloppy. Mephisto’s ability is nothing but prey for the dragon eyes.

However, the problem is that the amount of magical power he holds is overwhelmingly huge.

Countering that magic with my power would be impossible.


I spread my angel wings.

The main magical circulation organ of the angel race, which increases the magic rank by one rank.

With this, my magic power is B-rank.

It is a bit regrettable that Si-yeon is not around.

If resonance was activated, it would have been A-rank.

―Even the wings of hypocrites!

Mephisto’s eyes widened even more.


―Do you mean holding the traits of both a dragon and an angel being?

I smiled wryly, and from the makeshift forge of the blacksmith, I took out and held the ‘Bloody Sword of Intra-Species Slaughter’.

―Even Vladimir’s sword…

―Ah, was the name of the vampire who used this Vladimir? That’s the first time I’ve heard of it.

I answered while skillfully swirling the long sword.

―You bastard… what exactly is your identity?

―I told you already, didn’t I?

I gently gripped the longsword and lowered my stance.

―It’s not for you to know.

―This bastard!

Mephisto growled.

It seems like his anger has reached the tip of his head.


I immediately leaped forward.

―I won’t let you get away!

Mephisto attempted to pull me in using his black magic power.

Gravitational pull.

Quite an annoying power.

―Think you can catch me?

But as long as I have the ‘Dragon Eyes,’ Mephisto’s magic power poses no threat at all.

Inverse calculation.

I read Mephisto’s magical power in reverse and completely dismantled the magic structure.

Mephisto’s eyes bulged out in shock.

―This is… the true eyes of those damn lizard creatures…

It seems like he realized that my eyes are the real ‘Dragon Eyes’ through that act just now.

By the way, is it okay to stand there so blankly during a battle?

My body became one with the darkness.

And in the next moment.

―You shouldn’t be distracted.


I was piercing him with the longsword from behind.

―Damn it! You little…!

Mephisto turned his body 180 degrees and sent a palm strike flying towards me.

But it was in vain.

I had already blended into the darkness and left the spot long ago.

―…Even Vladimir’s ability.

Oh, right on point.

―Ah, speaking of which, you now understand what this sword’s ability is, don’t you?

―Shadow assimilation…

A movement skill akin to teleportation, which allows me to move anywhere as long as there is darkness present. Shadow assimilation.

―Not just that.

I raised the ‘Bloody Sword of Intra-Species Slaughter’ which turned into a more vivid crimson color, absorbing Mephisto’s blood. It shone with a more enchanting color, embracing the moonlight.

―Do you know why this sword is named ‘Species Slaughter’? Do you understand?


Mephisto’s expression became grave.

The owner of this sword, was it Vladimir? He was a heretic among heretics, oddly specialized in hunting only the evil races including demons.

It absolutely wasn’t because he was a good vampire.

It was just because he had to do it.

―Your blood seems quite tasty. I feel much stronger.

A heretic among heretics with a very special ability to become stronger by consuming his own kind.

A limited trait that only becomes stronger when facing his own kind.

Even having an effect that inflicts additional damage to evil.

All of these were embodied in Vladimir.

And the Bloody Sword of Intra-Species Slaughter is an ancient relic that carries Vladimir’s power as it is.

Thanks to this, my physical ability has now risen to a level that can match an A-rank superhuman.


Mephisto’s expression became even graver. He must be thinking about my true identity.

A gap!

―So, during the battle, being distracted…

I merged with the darkness again and attempted to thrust my sword into Mephisto.

No, I tried to thrust it in.

―Shut up.

Mephisto swatted away my sword as if it was nothing.

…Without even looking this way?


I gritted my teeth and increased the distance again.

Magic flow.

Mephisto was trying to suppress my body using his magic power.

Not a chance!

I immediately analyzed and dismantled the structure of the magic power using my Dragon Eyes.

That’s when it happened.

―In a battle, you shouldn’t get distracted like that.

Suddenly, Mephisto, who had approached right in front of me, swung his fist. He targeted the gap when I was focused on analyzing the magic power and approached.


I quickly took a defensive action, bringing the sword to the strike point.


A violent collision sound, unbelievable to be the sound of a fist colliding with a sword, echoed.


My body was flying in the air.


―Kuluk, kuluk!

Somehow I managed to land on the ground, but the impact was far from slight.

―You vermin… Just because I went a little easy, you try to get up!

Mephisto, who had suddenly approached again, swung his claws.


Holding the sword at an angle, I deflected the force of the claws outward.

At the same time, I rotated my body, absorbing the remaining shock.


I avoided the following punch using shadow assimilation.


As soon as I finished moving, Mephisto’s black magic pressed down on me.

‘Gravity magic!’


Under the horrendous pressure, I unwittingly found myself kneeling.

But it was not unbearable.

My dragon eyes completely nullified Mephisto’s magic.

It’s already the third reverse calculation.


With my freed body, I surveyed my surroundings. Where is he?


I felt malevolence from above my head.

It was the demonic tribe’s special ability, the power to detect evil intentions.

Instantly, I took flight.

Utilizing Heavenly Wings, I even added acceleration.


A deafening explosion sounded where I had originally been standing as something crashed down.

―Whether it’s the eyes of a lizard, Vladimir’s sword, or the wings of hypocrites. It all means nothing.

Through the dust, Mephisto’s red pupils glaringly shone.

―You cannot beat me, you insect!

Mephisto pressured me again using his dark magic.

I immediately utilized the dragon eyes to perform a reverse calculation, but I couldn’t fully block Mephisto’s attack, who seized the opportunity.

Even if I somehow managed to dodge, I couldn’t completely nullify the subsequent wave of his dark magic.

The battle was a repetition of this.

The difference in abilities.

My reverse calculation speed couldn’t keep up with the speed of Mephisto’s magic invocation.

My physical speed couldn’t match Mephisto’s.

The only thing superior about me were my eyes.

―You have pitiful abilities, waste!

It was a vicious cycle created as a result of this.

But not only that.

Mephisto was vastly superior, to a degree where resistance was futile.

From the get-go, Mephisto was known to have the highest defense among the known demons.

Not to mention his healing ability.

Although I had divine power, Mephisto had natural healing abilities.

Our endurance was different.

In a prolonged battle, I was overwhelmingly disadvantaged.

Above all,

The word “prolonged battle” did not exist for me.

‘About 8 seconds left, roughly.’

There were less than 10 seconds left to use the Bloody Sword of Intra-Species Slaughter.

―You can never beat me!

Mephisto taunted.

I retorted with a smirk.

―I know. I can’t beat you.

As it stands, I could never win.


In this 1:1 battle,

In this current state, that is.

―But you, aren’t you forgetting something?

Dodging Mephisto’s punch, I raised the corner of my lips.

―What nonsense are you…

Whether he was dumb or my provocation worked well, I didn’t know.

But I didn’t expect things to go this smoothly.


The wind blew.

A refreshing wind.

A beautiful whirlwind that shone green.

―What is this…!

Only realizing now, Mephisto’s eyes widened in surprise.

―It seems like you ignored it as nothing serious, because it was trembling behind me. That was a big mistake.

The wind was swirling, gathering in one place.

―Jia is stronger than me.

A giant wind named an arrow.

It was hooked on Jia’s bowstring.


Jia released her hand from the bowstring.

The wind blew.

A wind comparable to a typhoon.

An arrow that seemed like a condensed typhoon itself.

Wind arrow

It flew towards Mephisto with a clear intent to kill.

―This mere thing!

Mephisto shouted, blocking the arrow. Even though it was an arrow that Jia had charged up for a minute, it seemed it was still too much to handle Mephisto.

‘Can’t help it.’

Preparing for when I couldn’t bring him down with this method.

Transitioning to phase 2.


Sparks flew from the Bloody Sword of Intra-Species Slaughter.

A minute had passed.


Immediately after confirming the error,

I put the Blood Sword into the forge.

And then.

―What is that…!

Looking at the astonished Mephisto.

―It’s a nostalgic spear, isn’t it?

I took out and held Michael’s holy spear.

< Chapter 143: Development (3) > End

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