Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 159

Chapter 159: A Strange Combination

<Chapter 159: A Strange Combination (1)>

It felt like the noisy surroundings suddenly fell silent for a moment.

‘What… did he just say?’

No system?

Did he really say that?

My eyes trembled noticeably.

Subsequently, my lips parted halfway.

It was impossible to maintain a composed expression.

It was that shocking of a statement.

No, I couldn’t even entertain the thought of keeping a composed expression in the first place.

And that turned out to be a fatal mistake.


Master, Unknown, burst out laughing.

He covered his face, raised his head high, and laughed so loudly that the cave echoed.

The mouth stretched as if it was going to tear apart.

“Yes. That’s right. That’s how it was.”

Between his fingers, Unknown’s pupils glowed red. Pupils that seemed to be crafted from a feeling of exhilaration, vibrating energetically.

He was delighted.

“How long have I waited for this moment. How much have I anticipated this very situation.”

In my whole life, I had never seen someone wearing such a joyful expression. It was that bright of a smile.

“Bo, Boss! What’s happening….”

A guild member who was surprised by the fact that the master burst into laughter approached us, shouting.

However, his outcry couldn’t find its end, failing to reach a full stop.

“Shut up.”


With a light gesture from Unknown, his body turned to dust and scattered. He lost his life.

“Bo, boss!”

“What… What the hell are you doing!?”

The guild members who were following looked at Unknown with eyes full of shock and horror.

“Didn’t you hear what I said to shut up?”

Unknown’s eyes shone golden.



In an instant, the two guild members who were arguing with Unknown turned into statues.

It was the effect of Unknown’s main skill, Petrifying Gaze.

“These insects…”

He looked at the guild members who had turned into statues with a cold gaze. His expression showed no intention to act like a master, resembling a look of disgust when looking at hateful bugs.

“Kang Seo-yul.”

Unknown turned his gaze back to me, his hateful expression completely gone, and smiled brightly.

“I have been looking for someone like you all this time.”

He took a step closer to me with eyes full of affection.

“Someone like me, rejected by the world, a heretic…”

I stepped back and prepared to retrieve the “Ancient Relic” from the “Artisan’s Portable Forge.”


His eyes twinkled with exhilaration.

The corners of his mouth reaching his ears.

Both hands wide open.

Matching Unknown’s heightened mood, his magical power fluctuated.

As if mimicking the beating of his heart, it exploded at a regular cycle.

It was a sight of sheer terror.


It felt like the embodiment of fear was slowly approaching me.

Cold sweat flowed all over my body, and my heart beat faster and faster.

“There’s no need to worry. I have no intention of hurting you.”

Unknown’s smile deepened.

“Bo, boss! What the hell is… kuaaak!”


Guild members, noticing that something was wrong, hurriedly approached, but at Unknown’s gesture, they transformed into chunks of meat and flew into the sky.

With just one gesture, a superhuman lost his life.

Soon, complete silence enveloped the place.

Without even paying attention to them, Unknown looked at me and smiled brightly.

His expression seemed to say to me,

‘I could kill you like this too, but look, I’m not killing you. So, there’s no need to worry.’

…like that.

Goosebumps rose on my skin.

“Let’s talk. Shall we listen to your story first? Or shall I go first?”

I got goosebumps at the sight of Unknown looking at the superhumans, with whom he had lived for over 20 years as if they were less than worms or insects.


“…What the hell.”

The three single numbers who were late to grasp the situation because they were scouting and preparing at the front line hurriedly rushed over.

With horrified expressions, they alternately looked at the surrounding carnage, Caribma, and me.

“…Surely not.”

Luke suddenly looked at me with a murderous expression.


Probably thinking that I was the one who caused this massacre.

“This bastard dares…”


Just as Luke was about to charge at me, Susan stopped him.

“Susan! Move out of the way immediately…”

“Look at the situation rationally.”

“What situation are you talking about! This is…”

“The expressions on the kid’s face. Caribma’s expression. And the direction in which the remains of the guild members are scattered!”

Susan muttered with a sharp gaze, and Tay did the same.

“Could it be…”

It seemed like Luke, who seemed to have grasped the situation, trembled as he glared at Unknown.

“Did the boss… do this?”

Despite Luke’s words, Unknown remained silent, just looking at me with the same expression as before.

“I think that’s enough time to think. Kang Seo-yul. Who will speak first?”

It was as if he didn’t even see those three.

“Boss! Please say something!”

Luke, filled with sadness and rage, made an indescribable face as he lunged at Unknown. Unknown’s eyes narrowed.


In that moment, overlapping images of the guild members being turned to minced meat by Unknown’s gestures came to mind. Danger!

“Be careful…!”

But even before I finished speaking, Unknown’s magic moved toward Luke.

As Unknown’s arm swung like a whip, magic enveloped Luke. He probably intended to crush Luke from all sides.

‘I can’t lose Luke like this!’

I pulled out an ancient relic from the void.

A relic of the Dragon race.

The Heart of the Time Dragon.

Ancient Relic/S+ Rank.

It looked like an ordinary red bead.

However, it’s a unique item that can be called the best just for its ability. An ancient relic that distorts time, retaining the power of the dragon that once ruled over time.

As my eyes shone with the golden light of the ‘Dragon’s Eye’,


Time began to slow down.

Time distortion.

An item with a non-standard feature that distorts 1 second into 10 seconds.

Even in this decelerated world, Unknown’s gestures were still fast.

But unlike before, it wasn’t unstoppable.

At the same time, I activated ‘Blessing of the Beast King’ and kicked off the ground.



“You, you…”

The next moment, I was standing in front of Susan and Tay, holding Luke.

Both of them looked at me with surprised faces.

Their expressions seemed to ask, ‘What the heck is going on?’

Unfortunately, there’s no time for a detailed explanation.

“I’ll explain in detail later. Simply put, the Master has betrayed us.”


The three bit their lips with somber expressions. They all seemed vulnerable, not befitting their single-digit rankings.

They must be emotionally shaken.

That’s probably why they were brutally killed by Unknown.

“It seems your physical abilities have increased, but that’s not the only thing.”

A flash of interest crossed Unknown’s eyes.

“So, is it time manipulation?”


I only used time distortion for a fleeting moment, but he noticed it.

“Useless effort. Thanks to you, I just missed a noisy bug.”

Unknown looked down at Luke with cold eyes.


Luke shouted, completely different from his usual calm and composed self.

“Why did you betray us! Caribma!”

He was completely overtaken by a whirlpool of emotions, a passionate figure.

“Say something!”

Unknown frowned.

“Stop buzzing, insect. It’s annoying.”

Looking at Unknown, filled with contempt, Susan muttered.

“…Yes. So that’s it.”

Perhaps due to Unknown’s firm expression, Susan was the first to regain her composure. In that case, I can leave those two to Susan.

“Susan, please take care of them. Help them come to their senses as quickly as possible.”

“Young man?”

The 20-second cooldown of the time distortion has just reset.

I need to act immediately.

“I will buy us some time first.”

“Young man, what is that…”

Before Susan could finish her response, I activated the bead in my hand, ‘Heart of the Time Dragon’.

In a world slowed down by ten times,

I grabbed the sword in my hand.

At the same time, I transformed it into a dagger and activated the wind path.

Perhaps because it was in the distorted time, I could see quite a few openings.

I targeted the most lethal vulnerable point, stabbing my dagger into Unknown’s heart.


The sound of piercing Unknown’s skin sounded ten times slower as well.


Due to the slowed time, the blood had not burst out yet,

but I definitely felt it.

My dagger destroyed Unknown’s heart.

However, destroying the heart does not necessarily mean Unknown’s death.

I know that fact very well.

‘First, create distance.’

I retrieve the dagger,

and create distance.

In the view returning to the original time ratio.


A thick fountain of blood burst out from Unknown’s chest.


However, there was no change in Unknown’s expression.

He just looked at his chest and at me alternately, with an expression that seemed to find it interesting.

“It is certain that it is S-rank physical ability, but he produced a speed that even I cannot respond to…”

He chuckles while stroking his chin.

“So it’s an ability that beats the time axis by about 8 to 10 times.”


“It’s the effect of that bead.”

He points to the ‘Heart of the Time Dragon’ in my hand. I get goosebumps at Unknown’s observational skills.

He understood everything about the ‘Heart of the Time Dragon’ through its use twice.

“Moreover, seeing that you transitioned to evasion actions immediately despite being stabbed in the heart…”

Unknown’s chest started to shimmer with magical energy.

“It seems you knew I had regeneration abilities.”

Unknown’s trait,

‘Save & Load’

It’s a deceitful trait that rolls back his body to a saved point in time.

“Even deliberately avoiding making eye contact with me in this standoff situation…”

Unknown chuckled.

“You even knew about my ‘eye’. No, did you notice it when you were dealing with the bugs earlier?”

I remained silent, on guard.

There were 10 seconds left for the cooldown of time distortion. It was a silence to endure that time.

“Kang Seo-yul. I’ll say it one last time. I want to ‘talk’ with you. I have no intention to fight.”

Unknown pointed at Susan, Tay, and Luke, who were preparing for battle next to him.

“If you agree to talk, I am willing to let those annoying bugs go just like that.”



The three of them expressed displeasure with their own expressions.

I kept a contemplative expression and remained silent. Of course, it was to buy time.

“Well. I wonder if there is a need to have a conversation with them.”

The cooldown of the time distortion has been restored.


The next moment, the world slowed down again. In a world that became 10 seconds, I moved again to attack Unknown.

‘The remaining regeneration times of Unknown’s [Save & Load] is 4…’

To completely kill Unknown, he must be killed 5 more times.

I swung the sword at the weakness presented by the path of the wind, while at the same time raising my magical power. It was a double-action strategy to prepare for a possible counterattack.

‘There’s no way Unknown would fall for the same attack twice.’

I thought that and made preparations accordingly. It was being cautious to the utmost.

‘I want to snatch away at least two lives with the Heart of the Time Dragon.’

However, my thoughts were completely off.

In the slowed-down world,


Unknown’s pupils were looking directly at me.


With a smirk on his face,

The magical power dispersed explosively.

And then.


With a collision sound that resembled metal clashing, my dagger hit Unknown’s skin.

‘So hard!’

The attack failed.

I quickly pulled away.

“Distorting time doesn’t make you stronger.”

Unknown, who became as solid as steel, twisted his lips. It’s an ability I’ve seen for the first time.

“Looking at your expression, it seems like it’s your first time seeing my hardening ability.”


“Then, it means you didn’t know about my ability in advance.”josei

It looked like a gaze one would give to a lab animal.

“Just have a high observation skill?”

At that moment, a minute passed.


Along with the error, all the time limits of the ‘Heart of the Time Dragon’ were used up.

I quickly stored the relic in the forge to suppress the backlash.

‘…I wanted to snatch away at least two lives with the Heart of the Time Dragon.’

As expected, things didn’t go so smoothly.

“Good. This will be a kind of entertainment too.”

Unknown’s momentum sharply changed.

At the same time, he kicked the ground and approached me.


It probably means he intends to analyze my power.

Looking at Unknown who came close to my nose,


I quickly reached for the next relic.

No, I was about to.


Whirl whirl whirl!

If the wall of ice and the baptism of flames did not stop Unknown, I would have.


Susan, who had come next to me unnoticed, spoke with a sharp face.

Flames were flickering in both pupils. Not a metaphorical expression, her real pupils were blazing like fire.

She had activated her trait.

It seems she is thinking of properly engaging in a fight.

Beside me, Tay, living up to the name of Knight of Ice, was preparing ice magic.


Luke was the same.

Still biting his lips, he looked at Unknown with a frustrated expression.

However, seemingly convinced that they had to fight, he summoned the ‘Black Bone Soldiers’ to surround Unknown.

Fortunately, all three of them seemed to have quickly regained their senses.

‘It has actually turned out to be a benefit that Unknown acted so extremely.’

If Unknown had shaken the hearts of these three even a little, it would have been more difficult.


I still can’t understand what Unknown said, but the situation has improved.

A situation without any interference.

The single numbered three were now able to face Unknown in perfect condition.

Although I used the ‘Heart of the Time Dragon’ a bit earlier than planned, I succeeded in taking one of Unknown’s lives, so it wasn’t entirely bad. Moreover, the process of persuading the single number three was skipped.

‘We can win.’

I silently cheered.

I don’t know what Unknown’s purpose is.

I don’t know why he is doing this.


‘Unknown, you’ve become overconfident.’

That shouldn’t have happened.

Giving up his ‘advantage’.

It is an uncharacteristic overconfidence of Unknown.

“Susan. I will match the combination of the three of you.”

“…Good. Seeing your fight earlier, it seems like you won’t be a hindrance.”

Susan nodded slightly.

“Hindrance? What are you talking about? Weren’t you not able to see their movements just now? We would be lucky if we weren’t a hindrance.”

Tay, whose usual refreshing expression had completely disappeared, joked with a stern face.

“Stop talking nonsense and focus. Our opponent is the strongest man in the world, Caribma Nerista. Being off guard equals death.”

Now only anger and malice remained as Luke roughly unleashed his mana and spoke coldly.

‘…Good. All three are full of the will to fight.’

Then we go with plan A.

I put away the sword,

and took out ancient relics from [The Artisan’s Temporary Forge].

In my left hand.

An ancient relic of the Elf race.

[A Poem for the World Tree]

In my right hand.

An ancient relic of the Spirit race (water).

[The Origin and Mother of Life]

I am holding two ancient relics ‘at the same time’.

“Boy… what is that?”

The next moment.


At the center of the dungeon, a world tree formed by mana sprouted.


A blue stream of water gushed out as if wrapping around the world tree.

“For now, two.”

I have enough stored weapons.

<Chapter 159: A Strange Combination (1)> End

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