
Chapter 103

Chapter 103: ~Finals?~

***Sphere of Sous***


“...Aaand 'The four Pillars of Death' won! There was simply too much action in this fight! I couldn't even decide on which scene we should focus!...”

Aneth's face distorts in anger while he points his finger at us. “This isn't over you fucking cheaters!” His head snaps towards the bunny girl. “And where were you! I didn't even see you do a thing!”

The bunny girl clenches her fists and pulls them protectively in front of her chest. Then her eyes wander to me.

Aneth continues with his tirade. “I swear! I'll take a look at the video footage! And if there wasn't a good reason for your disappearance...”

I grin and make a few poking motions with my staff in bunny's direction.

Tears appear in her eyes and her left hand wanders towards her butt. Then she turns and runs out of the arena. “~Uwaaah! You can keep the moneeeey...~” Aneth watches her strange exit in silent confusion.

The arena turns silent and all eyes wander towards me. Hmmm? What's their problem? She was my opponent? And a bunny girl on top. There wasn't anything wrong...

“... Well. Ladies and Gentlemen. I think there is nothing wrong with deleting the footage of this part of the fight. Gods should always watch out to protect the dignity of their fellow gods. This incident shouldn't be spoken about from now on....”

I get a strange itchy feeling in the back of my neck and I reach back to scratch myself. The feeling doesn't go away though. I turn and find Celestial in front of me with half closed eyes and an expressionless face. Lidith and Jazira look at me in disgust.

Then it strikes me. “Probably you are misunderstanding the situation, if we take a look at the footage...”


I try to smile and raise a finger. “I believe there should be a proper...”


Celestial's voice doesn't allow for any further discussion.

“Yes. Ma'am.” I get down on both knees.

***Sphere of Sous***


“What a fight! And just one more match to go!” I punch the air to get rid of my euphoria. “I would've never thought that we'd get this far!”

Celestial is sitting on her unconscious husband's lap and sips on her tea. “It had to be expected. Ascathon's equipment changes the fights completely after all.”

Jazira is looking out of the window of our lounge. “They are still trying to repair the arena...” She turns and stares at Ascathon. “Are you sure that this was smart? Don't we need him for the next fight?”

Celestial shrugs her shoulders and pulls a syringe from a strap on her thigh. “I'll wake him up when it's time. Until then I'll sit on his lap. You guys have to realize how hard it is to control him. One little slip of your attention, a little bit of too much free room and you have a situation like this.”

She takes another sip from her tea. “I admit that it was my fault. The leash wasn't tight enough.” She closes her eyes and slowly shakes her head.

My memory returns to two days ago, when I had my pupils registered as gods. “Well. As long as nobody triggers his other side... I am happy.”

Jazira nods enthusiastically. “I am so glad that you can control him! I almost peed myself back then.”

I purse my lips. “You don't have to be so direct about it.”

“~It is as it is.~” Jazira turns back to the window. “Looks like they are done.”

True to her words, we are transported back into the arena. Celestial immediately grabs her husband to keep him from falling over and injects him with the syringe. Then she places him in the same kneeling position as he was before.

I puff my cheeks. “What's the point if he doesn't remember?”

Celestial smiles and sends a cold glare up to the ranks of spectators. “~Did you ever train a pet?~” All of them nod in unison.

***Sphere of Sous***


I blink. “What happened?”

“~I punished you.~”

But nothing happened? I just knelt down? Hmm. Aneth and his team are gone though? Did they feel the danger and run away. “I don't get it?”

Celestial smiles warmly at me. “Let's just say that your wife is generous and wise. She knows when she should deal just a little punishment. You may stand up know. The finals are about to start.”

I try to get up, but drop to the ground instead. “My legs are burrrnning!” What's this witchery! She didn't even touch me. Through the air? No, others would be affected too.

“~Never do it again.~”

“I'll never do it again!” I gasp! “Give me the antidote.” Celestial bends down and kisses me on the forehead. “Cast a regeneration spell. That should be enough. ~This time.~”

I do as I was told and the prickling pain disappears. “My sugar cat is surely generous.”

Another group of opponents appears as I get to my feet. One moment... wasn't that too fast? There was almost no time between the matches? My watch says that three hours passed! Did I have a blackout?

“... And finally the finals! On the right are -The four Pillars of Death-! And on the left are our champions! First there is Gemesh the Vigilant! A real fighter! Strong in all matters of combat! He deserves the title champion! …”

Gemesh has light brown hair and a muscular body. He waves at the crowd of spectators. His face looks rough. A huge sword is on his back and he wears shining plate armour.

“... Cassandra the Lusty is our winner from the last tournament. Also known as …”

“THE PANTY FLASHER!” Lidith calls out and points at Cassandra. Cassandra wears a beautiful blue dress which matches her blue hair. Though the dress seems to be a little too short. Her figure is good, though not as tempting as the bunny girl from earlier.

“... Yeah, that's her nickname! As a master of distraction, she takes every possible opportunity to turn the battle to her advantage! …”

“... The final team member is Zerberon the Hellion. One of the best flame users I know of! His flame magic is truly on another level! …”

The commentator continues to speak, but I don't pay attention to him. “We have just three opponents? They must be strong if they got this far.”

Celestial nods. “We shouldn't underestimate them. Let's try to protect...”

Lidith interrupts her and steps forward. “There is no need! Cassandra! I challenge you to a one on one duel! Our teams aren't allowed to interfere.”

Cassandra smirks. “Why do you think that I would accept something stupid like that?”

Lidith crosses her arms in front of her chest. “Because you will be always looked down upon as the Panty Flasher otherwise! Last time you just won because you show...”

Cassandra turns red. “ENOUGH! Fine! Let's do this! Just you and me! And then your stupid...”

Gemesh taps her shoulder. “But this year it is a team fight.”

“Shut up! I put this team together, so I decide the rules!” Cassandra barks at him.

Then we are transported to the battlefield. As soon as we arrive, both Lidith and Cassandra jump at each other with bared teeth releasing their battle aura to the limit. Grabbing each other’s hands and interlocking their fingers, they start to wrestle with each other.

We are in a rocky landscape with many grassy hills. The ground under our feet is dry and cracked from the heat.

Gemesh and Zerberon walk slowly around them. Gemesh forces a smile onto his face and bows to the three of us. “I am sorry that you have to witness this. But this wrestling match is something they’ve been doing for almost a thousand years. Probably you expected some kind of grand fight during the finals.”

Celestial shrugs her shoulders. “It's fine. But how long will it take them to get tired.” She gestures at Lidith and Cassandra.

Zerberon scratches his head. “It could take a while.”

I summon five deckchairs. A wave of my hand pulls a grill and a big cooling box from my extra-dimensional storage and I hum a happy tune while I stab an umbrella against the sun into the ground.

By opening the cooling box, I reveal everything which is needed for a decent camping party. Cooking tools, drinks, meat, seafood, candy...

I take a piece of meat and place it onto the grill.

Then I take a soft drink from the cooling box. When I sit down I realize that all eyes are on me.

Celestial smiles and takes a look into the box. Of course none of the food is from our world. She pulls a big bar of chocolate out of it. “From where did you get all that stuff honey?”

I arch an eyebrow. “I looted a nearby technological world with a decent culture? Do you believe that I would be satisfied with the stuff from home after becoming a god?”

The others shrug and take a seat.

Only Jazira keeps standing while she watches Lidith and Cassandra. Suddenly her expression turns creepy and she starts drooling. josei

She raises her hand and points her finger at the dry ground under them. A stream of water shoots out of a magical circle, which appeared in front of her, turning the dried up ground into mud.

Lidith and Cassandra slip. They fall to the ground, but continue their competition. The fight turns into mud wrestling within seconds!

Jazira gives us a thumbs up and drops herself into the remaining chair.


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