
Chapter 105

Chapter 105: ~Aunty.~

***Norfolk, Sarn***


“So Aneth and his minions are really gone?” I look up from my book and set my eyes on Lidith. We are in the garden of my mansion and I am enjoying Norfolk's short summer.

It's not exactly hot, but at least some of the snow melted away and the sun is granting us some light and warmth. So I decided to waste my time by reading books and relaxing in my favourite chair.

Lidith is floating heels over head beside me. She is still in her catgirl form. Apparently she decided to stay that way after she confessed to Gemesh. Though I didn't ask how it turned out.

She gestures with her hands and starts explaining. “It has been a week since the party and I didn't hear a word from any of them. Our meeting place is deserted and dusty all over. So Wynne wasn't there for sure. She can't stand untidy rooms.” josei

Lidith returns to an upright position. “And their followers are running amok in the Nation of Mist and the Kingdom of Mislow. Apparently they haven't heard a word from their gods since the party.”

I nod. “I already heard about that. Some groups demand more freedom. Others are trying to leave the country. It looks like all their little secret organisations are trying to influence their nations into different directions. They had more influence on those two nations than I thought.”

Lidith's expression turns confused. “Wasn't the level of influence obvious when they sent both nations to war with aflick of their fingers?”

I shake my head. “No. You can always coax a nation into going to war. That doesn't mean that you are controlling the nation in question to such a degree that it practically falls apart as soon as you are gone.”

Lidith starts spinning around her waist and takes a yoga position. “You wouldn't wonder about that if you had played the game with us. Being only allowed to take indirect measures is very restricting. You require a high degree of influence throughout all levels of society if you want to win.”

I grumble. “So? What do you intend to do about this mess?”

Lidith raises her eyebrows and points at herself. “Me?”

“Yes, you. Didn't you play to get the planet?” I inquire annoyed.

Lidith dismisses my question by waving one hand at me. “I just participated in that stupid game because I felt sorry for all the mortals who were nothing more than chess pieces. To be honest, I couldn't care less what they are doing to each other. I am not some kind of saint who hunts down every pocket thief.”

“Aunty Lidith is cruel!”

Lidith spins around and finds Sera behind her. My daughter approached from behind while I was speaking with Lidith.

Aunty Lidith's smile turns forced. “A... Aunty?”

Sera pulls on her lower lip. “I can't call you aunty? But you are much older than me and Ascathon, aren't you?”

Lidith turns troubled. “Well...”

But Sera doesn't stop. “And you are always spending so much time here. It feels like you are a part of the family.”

Lidith raises a finger. “It isn't...”

Sera interrupts her again. “I measured the time. Even if you are constantly coming and going, you spend at least five hours per day on our property.”

I put my book down. “Is that true, Sera? Maybe I should start to take rent from her.”

Lidith gasps. “But I am just vis...”

Sera doesn't let her speak. “And you even regularly visit for lunch! So why can't I call...”

Lidith drops to the ground like all life force left her at once. “It's fine! It's fine! Call me aunty! There is no need to insist on blood-bonds.”

Sera nods. “Now that the relationship between us is established... please teach me to sense pathways, Aunty.”

Lidith gets up again. “What? You are too...”

“~Pleeaaasee, Auntie?~”

“F... Fine! But don't expect too much you puny half god!” Lidith grabs Serah at her neck and both of them disappear. I think that Sera will get more than she bargained for.

I lift my book again to search the passage where I stopped reading.

“Ascathon!?” Celestial's voice tears the silence apart and I drop the book once again.

“Yes, Sugar cat?” I twist my head to find Celestial behind me.

She holds out a stash of papers. “There is something you have to investigate for me.”

I take the papers and flip through the pages. “Those are just lists of materials?”

“A list of materials. You are right. And they are being bought from all over the world, most of them from our Nation. What strikes me as peculiar is that it has great similarities with the stuff you are buying for your lab.” She smiles.

I take a closer look at the papers. “You are right. Seems like someone is trying to create mana crystals?”

Her expression turns troubled. “So if it isn't you?”

I shrug. “One of the other gods?”

Celestial takes the papers back. “I don't know. But it strikes me as strange. Why should they buy stuff from this world if they can bring it from another one via a pathway?”

I lift a finger. “For the same reason as me?”

She lifts an eyebrow.

“It's troublesome to carry everything yourself. I am a god. So why should I carry heavy machinery and raw materials around? I have better things to do.” I explain without shame.

Celestial's eyes turn to the book on my lap. “These 'better things' don't seem very important.”

I sigh. “Can we forget about this and take a look at whoever is buying all that stuff? I assume you already know where everything is shipped?”

Celestial frowns. “A certain island in the Nation of Mist.”


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