
Chapter 22

Chapter 22: ~The dance.~

***Norfolk, Fellmar***

“Why are they looking at us like that?”

Celestial takes a look around the great hall in which the Ball of Fellmar is held. Many nobles are staring at us without trying to hide it.

I smile broadly. “They are staring at -me-. First because I left my homeland, which accounts to outright betrayal. Second because I am one of the few who ever got a wish granted by the Academy. …..and third group is obviously ogling your body.”

Celestial puffs her cheeks and starts to mumble. “If anyone tries to touch me I will rip out their eyeballs and shove them up their.....”

I nod while I lead the mumbling Celestial towards a bar to get something to drink. “It's so refreshing to have such a ~nice~ companion.”

“Why did that sentence feel like pure sarcasm?” Celestial grabs my arm tighter while I fight to keep my smiling face.

Of course it was sarcasm! Well. Breath in. Breath out. Everything is fine! I am still able to do anything I want in this world.

Getting a cheeky and dangerous wife is just a little unforeseen circumstance. I can deal with her taking over my principality! No problem! At least she seems to have some skills in managing a country. I am not interested in administrative work anyway! Let her do the annoying part.

I just want to do my research. Having power and money is just a means to an end. Researching magic, science and building my machines is my primary goal.

Taking care of Violetta is another concern of mine. And as long as this scheme works out it's fine.

And how often do I get the chance to meet someone else who remembers his past lifes? I lived so many lives, I don't even remember most of them. It gets a little boring if you are caught in this loop for so long.

Yet I never met someone like me. Geez. Why does she have to be such a..... Well. I guess if you live that many lives you get a little strange and opportunistic. I can remember that I still had some ideals a few hundred years ago.

Hmmm. I guess you start to distance yourself from your whole life. After all you know that everything will change as soon as you die. You die and boom! Different family, different world, different culture, another annoying language.

I take one glass of some strange liquid from the servant and sip at it while observing the hall. There are huge windows with coloured glass on all walls. The magical powered light sources behind them dive the whole area into a strange combination of colours.

Everyone is dressed differently because there are guests from multiple different Nations.

All invited guests have their own tables and there is a big dancing floor in the middle of the room. From what I heard the Jarl decided that the first part of the evening should be reserved for talking between the leaders of the different nations.

So we will be spared from having to deal with the really big fishes.

“Sigh. Too bad that this nice room will be most likely blown to bits.” Celestial takes a look around with a sad expression.

“Blown to bits?” I arch an eyebrow and take another look around.

“There are nobles from Mislow and Jamaian here. How long do think will they need to start a fight?” Celestial tilts her head while looking at two groups.

Now I too realize that the nobles from Mislow and Jamaian are forming two camps. I snort and take another sip from my glass. “Then let's try to not get involved.”

“We could go to the dance floor and have a little duel.” Celestial steals a glance at the few couples who occupy the dance area.

“Hoh? A duel? Whoever steps on the others foot first wins?” I start to walk towards the dance floor while pulling Celestial after me.

“I thought more about going as fast as possible and whoever can't keep up looses.” Celestial follows with agitated steps.

“Actually that sounds even better. Of course I am allowed to use magic. Aren't I?” I glance at Celestial.

“Of ~course~. It would be no fun otherwise.” She smiles.


I am halted in my advance as someone calls for me from the side. “Oh please! He is still alive. I had hoped he was buried nine feet deep in some mass grave.” By turning my view to the side I see my father and my mother advancing towards me.

“Your parents?” Celestial takes a wild guess. Hm. Maybe not so wild as she may have recognized some family resemblance.

“Yes. Ignore them. Let's go to the dance floor.” I take a step onto the dancing area which is slightly elevated over the normal ground.

I pull her towards me and start to dance while I move us away from my family. I hope they aren't rude enough to start a commotion in the middle of the dance floor. And indeed my parents remain at the edge of the dance floor while staring holes into us. josei

“Don't you feel anything for them at all?” Celestial looks at me with a sad expression.

This question angered me. Why is she prying? “I have even more reason to hate them than you. Besides. Someone who tortures his own child shouldn't be counted as a parent. So why should I love any of them.”

I quicken my steps while applying a magical enhancement spell to my body. I will have to pull some tricks in order to keep up with Celestial.

“So it is true? You don't allow yourself to be involved with them any more? But which came first, Ascathon?” She places her head on my chest while we dance to the music. She goes even faster and I fight to keep up.

“What do you mean? Which came first?” I look up at the chandelier while wondering about her reason for asking about my past.

“Did they mistreat you first? Or did they realize that you don't love them?” Her response carries obvious dismay.

“I was a little child when they threw me into some kind of training camp. So I couldn't have done anything to them that would justify their actions!” I spit the words out of my mouth and we keep dancing.

“I just thought that they may have realized that you were different from their previous children and felt... frightened?” Celestial tilts her head while thinking.

I shake my head. “I still don't think that it's correct to forsake your child without trying to confirm the problem.” Again I increase our speed to a level where lenient talking becomes almost impossible.

Half an hour later the music stops and the musicians step out to take a little rest. “Haah. I guess I have to face them now.”

I turn in their direction and see that they are already advancing towards us. Celestial steals herself closer to me and puts my arm around her shoulders. Then she smiles brightly at the incoming enemy while hugging me from the side.

“Ascathon! How dare you! Treating us like that after everything you did! And even holding Violetta hostage!”

I sigh. “May I introduce you. These are Tendril Arenzien, my father. And Irda Arenzien, my mother. Here we have my wife, Celestial Asceron.” I point at Celestial with my free hand.

“You married a slave?” My mother has a shocked expression on her face. She may fall unconscious at any moment from her expression.

Oh? So they have some information about me? I wonder how well informed they are.

“We are here to take Violetta back!” My father is unconcerned by my introduction.

I shake my head. “I fear that nothing can be done about that. I legally bought the slave you call Violetta and adopted her. She is Violetta Asceron now.”

My father's eyes almost pop out of his head. “YOU!”

But I interrupt him. “Scram! You sent assassins after me and tried to abduct Violetta. You should finally realize that I am not one of your minions! You are nothing more than dirt on my shoe! I have my own principality and more land and money than you ever attained in your whole life.

“Belonging to a magical bloodline isn't about money.” Tendril snaps.

“Is Violetta doing fine?” My mother finally asks the one question they should have asked first.

“She is doing fine.” I don't let my heart waver and change my expression to a smile.

“Violetta is the only one who can continue the house of Arenzien! You have to give her back to us.” My father spurts out another ridiculous line.

“Why should I care for your house? Were my brothers killed in one of the raids for you to be that desperate?” I shake my head.

“They will both fight in the war with Jamaian. We don't have high hopes that they will survive.” Mother answers with a sad voice.

I shrug my shoulders. “They are the first and the second sons of the house of Arenzien. If they can't take care of themselves nobody can.” My voice is filled with sarcasm.

“You know that they are nowhere as capable as you.” My mother bows and turns to walk away, ignoring my father.

Tendril looks after her and then towards me and spits on the floor. He follows my mother with long steps.

“Well. Looks like we have to find someone else to get information about my parents.” Celestial looks after them with a disturbed expression.


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