Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Most Terrifying Weapon in History

Chapter 138: Most Terrifying Weapon in History

Chapter 138 – Most Terrifying Weapon in History

[Transdimensional Store Recommended Products (Refreshes at midnight every day.)]

[1. Dark Matter Synthetic Drinking Water: Produced by the Red Bull Company in the year 2211. This product satisfies the curiosity and pursuit of humans toward dark matter in the 23rd century. The drink is composed of a small amount of axions, sterile neutrinos, and pure drinking water. If one connects the cans of the beverage sold solely in the year 2212, it is possible to encircle the Earth 12 times. The product’s popularity exceeded even the radioactive beverage boom in 1918. The selling price is 10 points.]

Chen Yu: “...”

[2. Coach Payback Shot Put: The honorary product of the Vengeance Sports Company produced in the year 2147. One-time use product. The shot’s shape and weight are consistent with the standard shot put specifications and will absolutely pass the tests of standard scanning equipment. The shot’s built-in ultrasonic microsensor can guide the athlete to adjust their posture and strength, ensuring that they will hit their coach at a 100% accuracy within 15 meters. Upon impact, the microsensor will immediately shatter, making it difficult for any traces to be found. The selling price is 22 points.]

Chen Yu sighed and massaged his temples before looking at the next product.

[3. Life Sphere: Produced by the Globe Trekker Outdoor Toys Company in the year 2232. The suggested playing method is for the user to enter the sphere and roll down from the top of a mountain. The sphere has a 2.5-meter diameter. The outer surface is made of a special ENET soft plastic material capable of cushioning a falling force of 95 meters per second (under standard Earth gravity), preventing any harm from coming to the user. When in use, the inside of the ball will automatically secrete a lubricating fluid that lowers the user’s rolling frequency and reduces frictional heat. The selling price is 20 points.]


Upon reading the third product’s description, Chen Yu’s eyes finally glowed in excitement.

This toy was definitely suitable to be livestreamed! If he invited some fans to play with this thing on stream, his stream would definitely achieve great results!

And I was just worrying about lacking products to interact with the audience.

Without even looking at the next two products, Chen Yu tapped on the screen and purchased one Life Sphere.

[23 points expended (product + tax). Remaining points: 98]

After the line of text flashed by, a space-time wormhole immediately opened up in the room. A large, transparent ball then fell out of the wormhole.

Thud... Thud, thud.

The transparent ball was very elastic, and it bounced on the floor several times before it rolled off to a side.

“Huh? What’s this?” Little Peach came over, picked up the large ball, and carefully observed it. “It’s very light.”

“It’s called the Life Sphere. A toy.” After waiting for the wormhole to disappear, Chen Yu took the Life Sphere from Little Peach. Weighing it with his hands, he said, “It is indeed very light.”

“A toy? Can robots play with it?”

“Sure. If you’re obedient, I’ll let you be the first to play with it during the livestream.”

Little Peach immediately jumped and cheered, “Yay!”

“We can also test whether there is any danger,” Chen Yu added.

“...” Little Peach’s movements promptly stiffened. josei

“Let’s set it aside for now. I still have two products to look at.”

After saying so, Chen Yu set down the Life Sphere and sat back onto his bed. He then started swiping his finger across his watch’s screen again and read the next page.

[4. (Retro) Gay Bomb: Produced by the Wright Laboratory in Ohio, America, in 1994. The Halitosis Bomb is a chemical secretion spray. Human male soldiers within the bomb’s explosion radius will have their bodies stimulated to secrete pheromones and their gender orientation altered. These soldiers will then become fascinated with each other and thoroughly lose their will to fight. The selling price is 32 points.]


His face filled with question marks, Chen Yu cursed, “What the heck is this thing?!”

After some time passed, Chen Yu got over his shock, picked up his phone, and quickly typed a message to Transdimensional Marketing’s staff member.

[Chen Yu: “You there?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “...I’m here.”]

[Chen Yu: “I have a question. I saw a product labeled ‘Retro’ in the Transdimensional Store. What does it mean?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “The Transdimensional Store naturally isn’t limited to only products from future space-times. There are also many excellent and memorable products available during ancient times that are replicated by future companies.”]

[Chen Yu: “I understand. Can I trouble you with another matter?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Please speak, Mr. Chen.”]

[Chen Yu: “Can you stop recommending things that aren’t suited for me in the future? With my personality, do you think I will need this kind of bomb?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Why did it even appear in the first place, then?”]

Chen Yu: “...”

Placing his hand on his chest, Chen Yu felt that he had just received a critical hit...

After going silent for a moment, Chen Yu raised his wrist and swiped to the final product.

[5. Amnesia Bat: Produced by the Yezhou Medical Autonomous Foundation in the year 2477. After being inflated, the bat will reach a length of 130cm. The bat’s main body is made of silicone foam, and it has a built-in miniature brainwave jamming device. Upon colliding with the target’s head, the jamming device will stimulate the target’s thalamus and hippocampus. The struck target will suffer a temporary failure of the transmission and storage of information in the brain, and lose their memories of the past one hour. The bat will also effectively relieve the target’s mental fatigue. Multiple hits will extend the amnesia’s length. (Note: The Amnesia Bat will only be effective when striking the head.) The selling price is 74 points.]

Amnesia Bat... Chen Yu subconsciously squinted his eyes. This is a good product.

This was a product he must possess. It would help him solve many problems. He could even put it to use in his own home. Now, even if his three little sisters discovered his secret, he would still have a chance to remedy the problem.

If only this product could appear sooner. He might’ve been able to avoid getting misunderstood as a pervert by Chen Yike and Chen Erke...

But the selling price is too steep. Seventy-four points...

After pondering for a moment, Chen Yu stood up and paced around his room. He then gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and tapped his finger on his watch.

[85 points expended (product + tax). Remaining points: 13]

After the successful purchase text flashed by, another wormhole appeared in the room. This time, though, only a box the size of a fist fell out of the wormhole.

After the wormhole disappeared, Chen Yu eagerly stepped forward, picked up the box, and tore open the seal. He had no intention of reviewing this product, so he naturally didn’t have to wait to unbox it.

Opening the lid, he found a purple leather case that resembled a sausage. And stacked below the case was the instruction manual.

The instruction manual was only three pages long. It took Chen Yu only half a minute to finish reading it. From what he read, this product was initially meant to cure amnesia. However, for some reason, after 50 years of continuous modification, it became a product that caused mass-amnesia instead...

After grasping the method to utilize this technological product, Chen Yu carefully removed the leather case from the box and carefully observed it under the light. He then tentatively put his lips at the bottom of the leather case, inhaled through his nose, and exhaled through his mouth.


The leather case instantly expanded, transforming from a sausage into a giant eggplant!

A huge eggplant that was over one meter long...

So, this is the Amnesia Bat?

Pinching the bottom of the bat to prevent the air from flowing out, Chen Yu subconsciously looked toward Little Peach.

Little Peach: “?”

“Little Peach, come over here?”

“What are you trying to do?” Little Peach obediently walked up to Chen Yu.

“Take this!”

Chen Yu suddenly raised his arms and smacked the inflated bat at Little Peach’s head.


Little Peach: “?”

“Sure enough, it’s ineffective against robots?”

Squeezing out the air from the bat, Chen Yu approached the Interstellar Portal and manipulated its console. “Follow me. We’re going to conduct an experiment.”

“What experiment?” Little Peach asked, tilting her head. “Do I need to change into my livestream clothes?”

“Yes. I’ll get changed as well.”

“There’s nothing left at home. I moved all our livestream clothes onto the island-building ship.”

“Let’s head to the ship first, then.”


Half an hour later, Beijing City:

Chen Yu, who was clad in the special protective suit, suddenly appeared in the sky above Beijing University!

The jet of blue flames coming out of his back looked particularly conspicuous in the evening sky.

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