Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 312

Chapter 312: Future Civilization’s Extreme Society

Chapter 312: Future Civilization’s Extreme Society

Chapter 312 – Future Civilization’s Extreme Society

The Middle East, in the sky above the territory of a certain armed force...

Chen Yu quietly stood still for a long time. After doing his best to calm himself, he faced the camera, shrugged, and said, “As you just heard, this artificial retard just exposed my surname. That’s right. My surname is Chen. Everyone can refer to me as Mr. Chen from now on. However, this is a trivial matter and is not part of the product review, so we’ll skip through it.”

Stepping forward, Chen Yu walked along the silver ground while narrating, “It seems my guess is correct. This episode’s product is indeed a flying contraption, and it is most likely used for space flight.

“Unlike the outside, the atmospheric pressure inside the cabin is at normal levels. This proves that even after several thousand years have passed, humans still live under Earth’s atmospheric pressure. The ground, walls, and ceiling are made of materials I do not know, but I am certain that they are all glowing. Also, I do not detect any flickering of light even with my dynamic vision.”

After walking up to a curved, black wall, Chen Yu stopped.

Reaching out to touch the wall, he found that the surface was incredibly hard. It did not deform like the silver walls on the other parts of the spacecraft.

“I roughly understand the layout of this spacecraft now.” Taking a step back, Chen Yu gestured in front of the camera and said, “Simply put, the cylinder in the middle is a passageway. The surface area is about the same size as what we saw on the outside. There are no compartments or small rooms in this passageway. It is just a cylindrical hall with nothing in it.

“At this point, I’m sure everyone must be wondering where the cockpit is if this thing is a spacecraft, right? This is something I am wondering as well.” Shrugging, Chen Yu spread out his arms and said, “The entire hall is empty. Let alone a cockpit, there isn’t even a chair here.

“As for the convex walls on both ends of this cylindrical hall, they connect to the two balls on both sides of the cylinder. For the moment, I still do not know how to enter these balls.”

After briefly talking about his personal experience, Chen Yu looked up and shouted, “Hey, stupid, are you there?”

Silence filled the hall.

“Artificial retard! Are you there? Say something!” Chen Yu raised his voice.

“Are you talking to me?” the human voice appeared once more.


“Mr. Chen, I am not an artificial intelligence. I am just a quantum information flow. I do not possess the characteristics of intelligence, computing, or life.”

“You’re not an artificial intelligence?” Chen Yu was surprised.


“Um... What year was this ship built?” josei

“6877 AD.”

“A 69th-century product?!”

Chen Yu subconsciously clenched his fists, and goosebumps rose all over his body...

This was the most futuristic product he had received.

It was more than 4,000 years away from modern times.

As a comparison, the gap between the two eras’ human civilization was like the gap between 22nd-century human civilization and Tabby’s Star’s intelligent civilization...

“This ship should be very advanced, right? Why is it not equipped with artificial intelligence?”

“No artificial intelligence exists in 6877,” the human voice explained concisely. “All transportation products are assisted by quantum information flow.”

“No artificial intelligence?” Chen Yu immediately recalled Little Peach’s figure in his mind. “That shouldn’t be possible, right? Artificial intelligence already exists in even the third and fourth millennials. The seventh millennium is definitely more advanced in technology, yet it doesn’t have artificial intelligence?”

“That is correct.”


“There is no established answer to your question.”

“...Is artificial intelligence not meeting the requirements of human use in the seventh millennium?”

“There is no established answer to your question.”


After asking the same question through several different methods, Chen Yu still failed to obtain any information from the quantum information flow’s “mouth.”

Could there be a flaw in artificial intelligence?

After failing to figure out an answer, Chen Yu stopped pondering the topic and switched to asking a new question. “The language we are using to communicate now seems to be Ancient Chinese?”

“Yes, Mr. Chen.”

“Don’t call me Mr. Chen.” Chen Yu grew angry once more when he heard the way the other party addressed him. “Call me Daddy.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Since it is Ancient Chinese, this means there is Modern Chinese, right?”

“There is no Modern Chinese. The usage of Chinese has stopped since the 55th century. Simultaneously, the usage of Ancient English, Ancient Japanese, Ancient Indian, and other languages also ceased.”

“Did they get replaced by the language you spoke initially?” Chen Yu narrowed his eyes.

“Yes. It is called human language.”

“Because human beings achieved unification?”

“Humankind has already achieved a general unification in the 49th century. The reason why a language change occurred was because one-dimensional languages have limited information expression capabilities. They are not suitable for the newly developed society.”

Upon hearing this, confusion gradually filled Chen Yu’s mind. “What does one-dimensional language mean?”

“A one-dimensional language is a language that can only express a small amount of information in the same paragraph, phrase, text, spoken language, etc. Take the Ancient Chinese’s word ‘rain,’ for example. The word can only represent the liquid falling from clouds. Such one-dimensional languages are incredibly inefficient. Since the 50th century, one-dimensional languages have become a hindrance to the development of human civilization.”

Chen Yu wore a blank look on his face upon hearing the explanation.

He couldn’t understand how much knowledge humans of the future needed to process to consider modern languages obsolete...

“...So the human language is a multidimensional language?”


“Can you show me an example? Let us primitive apes get an intuitive feel of what high efficiency is.”


At the human voice’s response, an image appeared in the eyes of the livestream’s 160 million viewers.

It was an image composed of various symbols and lines.

After taking just a glance at this image, Chen Yu already felt himself growing dizzy. “What is this thing?”

“New human characters.”

“You’re telling me such a complicated text is efficient?!”


“What does it represent?”

“It represents the ‘Encyclopedia Britannica.’”

At this answer, Chen Yu couldn’t help but laugh. “Such a big tuft is only equivalent to two words? Isn’t it faster to write it out in English?”

“It represents all 26 million words found in the Encyclopedia Britannica,” the human voice explained.

Chen Yu: “??”


[Crap! +1]

[This painting expresses 26 million words?]

[How is this possible?]


[Is it something similar to a QR code? Do you need a chip implant to interpret it?]


After feeling stunned for some time, Chen Yu asked, “Are you kidding me? This picture is indeed a little complicated, but how can it carry more than 20 million words’ worth of information? Have humans become robots in the future? Are they using binary interpretation?”

“This is the difference between one-dimensional and multidimensional languages,” the human voice replied calmly. “Among one-dimensional languages, Chinese is considered incredibly advanced because its character structure consists of up to four components: up, down, left, and right. For example, ‘众 (zhòng)’ is the combination of three ‘人(rén, people),’ and it represents many people. This can be considered an embryonic form of a multidimensional language.

“Meanwhile, in the case of a true multidimensional language, apart from the aforementioned up, down, left, and right components, there are also components such as front, back, far, near, high, low, large, small, deep, shallow, space, time, folding, connection, delay, compression, etc. There are 44 components in total. Every character can express more than 60 million Chinese characters’ worth of information.

“In the 55th century, humans took a long time to read this new type of text. However, by the 60th century, the average reading speed had already reached an impressive level. It is possible to read up to 22 characters in one second through ancient high-speed graphics flashing, which is equivalent to 1.32 billion Chinese characters.

“At most, a person would need one hour to read every theoretical paper available in the 30th century. It is even possible to store the entire human civilization’s knowledge on a single portable device through these new characters. Whether it is for humans(sound transmission), synthetic humans(electrical transmission), or cyborgs(pulse transmission), communication between each other has become extremely efficient.”

While looking at the “character” and listening to the human voice’s explanation, Chen Yu felt his worldview crumbling.

The seventh millennium...

Just what kind of unimaginable world was it...

At this time, the various livestream rooms’ originally lively bullet comment section suddenly went silent.

After a long time had passed, Chen Yu snapped out of his daze and took a deep breath. “Thank you for broadening our horizons. Now, let’s get to the point. What exactly is this Type-R Spacecraft? Is it meant to fly in outer space?”

“Yes. It is a ship dedicated to space navigation. Its classified name is called...

“The Faster-Than-Light Spacecraft.”

“Faster-than-light?!” Chen Yu exclaimed.



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