Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 316

Chapter 316: Interactive Event

Chapter 316: Interactive Event

Chapter 316 – Interactive Event

Pzz— Pzz—

Accompanied by a strange sound, the dumbbell-shaped spacecraft descended to the ground gradually. From afar, it looked as if a mountain was falling to the ground.

Strictly speaking, as a means of transportation to traverse the universe, the Type-R Spacecraft was very compact.

However, on 21st-century Earth, it could definitely be considered a gigantic construction.

When the spacecraft was less than 500 meters away from the ground, the strong wind it generated forced the nearby armed personnel to abandon their duties as spectators and retreat one after another.

Only Little Peach remained standing still and looking up at the spacecraft in a daze. She looked both cute and silly.

“Get out of the way.” A small slit opened up on the spacecraft’s cylindrical part, and Chen Yu’s head emerged from it. “The atmospheric pressure underneath is too strong. You should stay away.”

“Oh, okay!” Little Peach nodded and hurriedly retreated over a kilometer away.

Seeing this, Chen Yu retreated back into the cabin and waved his right hand. Immediately, the entirety of the spacecraft became transparent!

The sky, the ground, the scenery on his front, back, left, and right... He could see everything at a glance!

“This is one of the spacecraft’s functions,” Chen Yu explained to his audience while controlling the spacecraft’s descent. “It allows you to have a panoramic view of the outside from within the cabin. However, if you look at the spacecraft from the outside, it’ll still look exactly the same as before. Besides this, you can also zoom in on specific locations.”

After saying so, Chen Yu hooked his finger at his front.


Like magic, the distant red hill instantly drew closer to the spacecraft. The hill was so close that it was even possible to see the fine sand and gravel on the ground.


[This is simply magical...]

[It has no screens, no radar, and no dashboard. I have never even thought of the possibility for such a spacecraft to exist. How envious.]

[Envy +1]

[Now this is what I call high-tech!]

[I have a bold suggestion, and I have to say it now. Can we use it to peep?]

[No need to take him away. Just shoot him on the spot.]

[This is not a boast. I have ridden on this spacecraft before. While it is indeed excellent all around, the air conditioning inside is terrible. Girls will have to take off their coats as soon as they enter.]

[I have a faint feeling that this livestream is going to have an interactive event...]

[Are we going to explore beyond the solar system together with the UP?]

[I’ve already talked to Buddha and picked up my cleaver. I’ll cut anyone who competes with me.]

“I can control all of the spacecraft’s operations using my consciousness. It is difficult for me to describe this feeling. Using an inappropriate metaphor, it feels like the entire spacecraft is like an extension of my limbs. As my knowledge is limited, I do not understand its operating principles. I assume none of the scientists around the world will understand them, either.”

After saying so, Chen Yu generated a thought in his mind. The next moment, the “world” in front of him moved forward once more, instantly crossing a distance of thousands of miles and arriving before China’s Giant Wild Goose Pagoda.

Immediately, bullet comments flooded the various livestream rooms, with most of the comments being “Crap.”

Squinting, Chen Yu continued making fine adjustments in his mind. He manipulated the spacecraft’s telescope function to zoom in on the scene ahead. To be precise, he zoomed in on a short-haired young man who was looking at his phone.

Five seconds later, everyone watching the livestream could see the content displayed on the young man’s phone. It was none other than Transdimensional Review’s livestream...



After half a minute of silence, the young man slowly raised his head and looked at the sky with a dazed expression.

“Hello.” Smiling, Chen Yu waved at the camera and asked, “Have you eaten?”

The young man began doubting life in his mind as he lowered his head to take a look at his phone. He then looked up to the sky once more, his breathing quickening.

“Ah, it’s just a joke. I hope I didn’t scare you,” Chen Yu said as he waved his hand and dismissed the telescope function. He then resumed with his explanation, This is only one of the spacecraft’s thousands of functions. There is no doubt that even in 6877, this spacecraft is considered a ‘slightly advanced’ luxury product.

“Aside from the telescope function, I’ll show you a few more interesting functions such as magnetic field manipulation, close-range material reorganization, gravitational suppression, atmospheric pressure manipulation, quantum shockwave...”

Chen Yu displayed technologies beyond modern humans’ imagination one after another to his 160 million viewers, shattering their worldviews repeatedly.

However, the spacecraft’s descent was relatively swift. After Chen Yu demonstrated the atmospheric pressure manipulation function, the ship’s hull had already landed on the ground.

The frightening atmospheric pressure the spacecraft generated caused the sandy ground underneath it to sink by at least ten meters before disappearing completely.

After the pressure disappeared, the sandy dune regained its original calm.

Immediately afterward, Little Peach ran up to the spacecraft without hesitation, ignoring the red sand that lingered in the air. After curiously circling around the spacecraft once, she stood beside the left sphere and looked up at the cylindrical portion of the spacecraft. While knocking on the sphere’s surface, she shouted, “King, can I go up?”

Clap, clap.

Clapping his hands, Chen Yu stopped displaying the spacecraft’s functions and mentally issued a command to the spacecraft. Immediately, a silvery-white staircase extended from the cylindrical cabin to the ground.

Running into the cabin excitedly, Little Peach looked around and exclaimed, “It’s so big!”

“It’s because the space here isn’t being used right now.” Pointing at his surroundings, Chen Yu explained, “The more people that occupy this ship, the larger the number of rooms that need to be generated. At most, you can fit a few hundred people in here.”

After saying so, Chen Yu issued another mental command. A square, silver room instantly appeared on the leftmost side of the hall.

Walking up to the room, he opened the metal door and found that the room came fully equipped with a living room, sofa, kitchen, study, bedroom, and bathroom.

“Unfortunately, the information I received only included the introduction and controls of the spacecraft. It doesn’t come with knowledge on how future people design and decorate their houses, so I can only generate a room according to the style of our current era.”

“Is this for me?” Little Peach asked.

“Mhm, go on in.” Chen Yu nodded. “If you think it’s too small, I can further expand it for you.”

“It’s plenty big already! I can even play a round of The Eager Squid Girl in it!” Little Peach said as she zoomed into the room. While caressing the sofa in the living room, she said, “It feels like the real thing.”

“It’s fake. Everything is simulated using the same material used to construct the spacecraft. This material is actually gaseous in nature, but it can be compressed and molded into various shapes using a special acting force. When in a compressed state, the material’s nucleus is locked in place by the acting force, and it becomes unimaginably tough. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that the ship’s hull can pierce through Earth without breaking apart when in a compressed state. Even piercing through the sun will be an easy feat.” josei

[Dammit! I knew it! I knew you were an arms dealer, UP!]

[After all that talk about this thing being a civilian spacecraft, it still ends up being a weapon...]

[If you take a modern truck and put it in the tribal age, it will similarly be considered a weapon.]

[If it can pierce through the sun... Then nukes definitely won’t be effective against it.]

[Is nobody paying attention to the fact that this spacecraft can travel faster than light?]


After shutting Little Peach inside the room, Chen Yu pressurized the plasma engine and flew out of the cabin. After arriving before the Interstellar Portal, he faced the camera and spread out his arms, saying, “I believe some viewers have already guessed it, but yes. Due to this product’s special nature, we will be holding an interactive event for this livestream. As usual, we will have a bullet comment group and a donation group for the interactive event. I will select ten participants for each group.

“This will be mankind’s first time leaving the solar system. It will definitely be recorded on the brightest page of history! So...

“Wave your bills!

“Release your luck!

“Come to the scene in person and feel the romance of surpassing the speed of light!”

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