Transmigrated as a Ghost

687 Chapter 687

687 Chapter 687

Rushing through the sky, Blitz ran across the open air at extremely high speeds.josei

On his back Clara was screaming wildly as clutched onto the sky stag’s neck for dear life.

Normally she was the definition of composed, but right now she was far from her normal demeanor.

Alaric on the other hand was doing pretty well, and only a had a stiff expression on his face while staying mostly calm.

Of course, this was partially due to the fact that he now knew a wind magic spell that allowed him to fly, so even if he fell off he would be okay.

After a couple of hours of flying high in the sky and at speeds of over two hundred miles an hour Clara finally seemed to calm down a bit, or more likely was just too tired and had her nerves fried.

“The ground! I never thought I would miss something so normal. I will never take it for granted again.” Clara said when they touched down for a break.

While Marcus and Blitz could have easily flown all the way in one shot, Alaric and Clara needed time to eat and rest their bodies.

“As an amends to forcing you into such a nerve-racking situation, I have made you both a special meal Marcus said when he had finished cooking.

He had used the meat from a type of uncommon grade beast called a frenzied quail along with some rainbow mushrooms that were a low-grade natural treasure.

Along with it he had created a sauce from some of the bird’s fat and the mushrooms as the base which made for a rich and creamy taste.

Normally Clara would have lightly chastised Marcus for doing the cooking. But in this situation, she happily ate it up without mentioning it being improper for a servant to eat their master’s cooking.

Once they had finished their rest, they took to the sky again and flew the rest of the way to Lethallan. Completing what would normally be a several days journey in just one.

‘Blitz come in for a landing. We will likely cause a bit of a panic if we just fly into the city.’

Following Marcus’ orders Blitz descended to the ground, and they landed right on the road leading into the city just a few miles away from the gate.

Being back on solid ground again both Alaric and Clara were grateful and glad to not have to be flying anymore.

“Blitz, are you up for a light run now, or do you a little break before we go on?” Marcus asked before deciding what to do.

In response Blitz held his head proudly and stomped his front legs down to show that he was still raring to go.

Alaric and Clara on the other hand where pale and looked like they were movements away from passing out.

Unfortunately for them, Marcus wanted to get into Lethallan fast, and figured that once there all of them could find an inn to rest at.

Climbing onto Blitz’s back as well Marcus took the lead, and soon they were running down the road.

Going at around sixty miles and hour Blitz was going slow compared to his top speed but still comparatively fast for normal travel.

Luckily both Alaric and Clara were used to him going much faster in the sky and it actually came as a relief to be going so slow right now.

Within a few minutes they reached the city gates and the guards on duty looked baffled and wary of the three people riding on a large stag with horns shaped like lightning jutting out of his head.

“You three there! Stop and state your purpose!” One of the guards called out.

Naturally they were a bit on edge as they could tell that Blitz was not a normal beast, and it was rare for people to come out to the city that was fairly far from anything else without some sort of carriage or cart.

Along with that the sun was beginning to set and it was around time for the city gate to be closed, which put them more on edge.

“We are adventures from the royal capital and have come to enter the dungeon here in Lethallan!” Marcus called out to them.

Nearly a minute went by after that as the guards bickered about who would go and check their identities, before one began walking over slowly and with an on-edge expression.

“Here are our identifications and guild cards. Oh, Clara is my maid and not an adventurer, just to clarify.”

Taking the ID’s and guild cards the guard’s eyes went wide as he saw that Marcus and Alaric were both nobles.

But while this was shocking by itself, when coupled with Marcus’ platinum guild card the card could only ponder why such important people had arrived on the back of a single beast.

“Everything seems to be in order. We are sorry for any disturbance we may have caused you Lady Geist. You and you companions are free to enter the city.” The highest-ranking guard said once they knew Marcus’ identity.

Urging Blitz to move forward they soon found themselves on the city streets which looked exactly the same as the last time Marcus was here.

“I already know a fairly good inn that is near the dungeon and guild hall so we can stay there like I did on my last trip. When we arrive the two of you can take a long rest.” Marcus said as he directed Blitz down the streets.

Soon enough they arrived in front of the familiar tall four-story building that had a sign on it that read ‘The Towering Bear’.

Marcus felt a wave of nostalgia as he viewed the place that he and Lilia ad stayed at during their trip nearly two years ago now.

Going inside he found that the bar was still filled with rough and tumble looking guys for the most part, but in contrast to last time there were a few normal looking people around as well.

“Lady Irene, I am not sure this is a place someone of your status should be staying.” Clara whispered to Marcus as he made his way to the front desk.

Naturally this was not an inn that catered to nobles, but adventurers. So, it did not have fancy decorations or the bells and whistles that nobles would usually expect.

“It is fine Clara. We are here as adventures, so it makes sese for us to stay at a place like this. Anyway, the more prim and proper inns are located closer to the city center and would make our trips to the guild and dungeon that much longer.”

Unable to argue further Clara stepped back and looked warily at the number of prying eyes on them.

When Marcus reached the front desk, he rang the bell to indicate that someone was here to speak with the owner.

“Just a moment, I am coming!”

Within just a few seconds a large bear of a man who was over seven feet tall appeared.

“What can I do you all-“

Stopping midsentence, the owner of the Towering Bear looked down at Marcus with shock in his eyes. He then began laughing, and said, “To think that I would see you here again, Irene. It has been quite some time, but you have finally come to stay at my humble establishment again.”

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