Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 143 - 142 Troll Slaughterer

Chapter 143 - 142 Troll Slaughterer

Marcus approached the nearest troll moving at an incredibly high speed under the enchantment of his magic and skills.

The troll seeing Marcus as a blur of light swung its club down towards him with an immense amount of power.

However, as the club was about to crush Marcus, he deftly stepped to the side and with the quick swing of his scythe the arm of the troll went flying.

The troll letting out a guttural scream, held its now bleeding and burned hand that was not regenerating due to the flames coming off of Marcus' scythe.

Not allowing the troll any time to recover, Marcus moved in and sliced through its right leg, the sharp blade of his scythe meeting no resistance.

The troll falling to its knees soon found Marcus' scythe plunging through the bottom of its head and coming out of the top.

The troll its head now impaled, quickly collapsed onto the ground unable to regenerate but not quite dead yet.

That was until Marcus used his flamethrower spell to cover its entire body in flames and the ice troll began to go up like a bonfire.

Everyone that had witnessed this could not believe their eyes as in an exchange that lasted less than two seconds Marcus had killed one of the incredibly resilient ice trolls.

Even the other trolls that were not the brightest bunch, took a step back felling fear form the entity that had easily killed one of their brethren.

However, that was when a much larger troll came out of the woods, and gave a loud roar causing the trolls to get back in line.

Turning his gaze towards the leader of the trolls Marcus used his creature appraisal to check the trolls level and found that it was only at level twenty-nine.

'Most of them are in the low twenties, with a few being in the mid-twenties. The only one that is a bit strong is their leader, but even its highest stat which is strength is only just a few points higher than mine even when its spirt and intelligence stats are basically nonexistent.'

As the troll leader got its followers back in line, a dozen of the thirty or so trolls began charging towards Marcus while the others made their way towards the wall.

Smiling Marcus jumped right into the fray meeting the dozen trolls head on.

Weaving past club strikes, Marcus slashed with his scythe and with each swing he dealt critical wounds to a troll, and in some case even took off their limbs.

His scythe which was incredibly sharp and powerful sliced through flesh and bone like it was made of tofu and even the wooden clubs of trolls would be cut through like twigs.

The trolls tried piling onto of Marcus, but his agility was far to high and each tackle normally ended up with a trolls head flying off of its body.

Of course, the trolls were regenerating but Marcus' searing weapon enchantment was making it difficult for them as it slowed their regeneration immensely.

At the same time the rest of the trolls had made it to the city's wall and were trying to get over it.

Unfortunately, with the assistance of the Eternal Queens, the barons' knights and guards were pushing them back far easier than normal, especially since Marcus was handling about half of their forces.

"Spiral Thrust."

Shouting out the name of her attack skill, Bridget punched three hole into the chest of a troll that was trying to climb over the wall, forcing it to fall onto the ground.

The incapacitated troll was then bathed in fire as Branna used her own flamethrower spell to engulf the troll with flames.

On another part of the wall Rekia, cast her tier three spell arbor pikes and ten six-foot-long sharp pieces of wood materialized and stabbed into another troll.

The troll pinned to the ground by the sharp wood created by magic, was soon pelted by the town's guards with molotov cocktails, lighting it on fire.

The ice trolls continued to suffer casualties under the assaulted of the Eternal Queens, the barons knights, and the town's guards.

The leader of the trolls seeing that his forces were losing on both fronts let out another loud roar and ten trolls that had been hiding in the woods in reserve came out, and began running to the wall to reinforce the other trolls, while the leader began bounding towards Marcus who it had designated as the biggest threat.

'Shield of light.'

A round shield of glowing light apparated in front of Marcus blocking the club strike from one of the ice trolls.

Having stopped the momentum of the trolls club, Marcus jumped up onto it before running up the arm of the troll, and with one fluid motion removed its head from it torso.

Jumping into the air Marcus dodged the strike of another troll and casting his iron threads spell, Marcus attached them to the troll that had just attacked him and reeled himself towards it.

Slashing down Marcus cut the troll he had just landed on from shoulder to waist causing it to split in two.

With that attack Marcus had incapacitated all of the twelve trolls that had attacked him leaving most of them in multiple pieces.

Seeing that they were still alive, Marcus jumped back thirty feet and a small bead of fire formed in his left hand before flying forward and exploding into burst of a twenty-foot diameter sphere of flames.

The trolls that still could, began screaming as they were overwhelmed by the intense flames of Marcus' spell.

However, at the same moment Marcus felt a sense of danger coming from behind him and turning around saw the large, mutated ice troll leader jumping towards him wielding a massive sword.

Bringing his scythe up Marcus intercepted the troll leader's wild attack and was surprised to see that the troll's sword withstood his scythe's sharpness.

The two clashed pitting their strength against each other, but alas, Marcus was pushed back by the power behind the troll's swing, sliding across the ground tens of feet before coming to a stop.

Nevertheless, he did still block a full powered sneak attack from a mutated troll that boasted strength as its highest stat.

Staring at the much large troll leader, Marcus now that he was up close could tell that it was around fifteen or fourteen feet tall while the average troll was only around nine.

The two of them continued to have a stare down for a few moments, each of them sizing up the other, until Marcus relaxed his posture and held his hand out and beckoned the troll to attack.

The troll seething in anger as a tiny being barely a third its height was mocking it, let out a horrible roar and charged towards Marcus with reckless abandon.

Swing after swing Marcus and the troll leader traded blows neither one gaining any ground.

However, after exchanging blows with the troll leader for around twenty seconds Marcus decide to activate one of the enchantments on his scythe.

Darkness then burst forth from the blade of the scythe increasing its power even further while also giving it a corrosive property.

Clashing once again with the mutated troll leader with his darkness enchantment active on his scythe, Marcus began pushing the troll leader back and many shallow wounds began appearing on its body.

"Clink, Clink, Clink, Clang."

The sound of metal hitting against metal resound around Marcus and the troll leader, until finally Marcus' scythe corroded through the troll leader's blade and it fell to the ground broken.

Seeing its sword broken, in a fit of rage the troll leader threw the handle and remaining part of the blade towards Marcus while surging towards him and brandishing its claws.

With a smile Marcus looked at his scythe with a satisfactory expression while thinking, 'That was a good test of my scythe and I have to say I am quite pleased with its capabilities. But now it is time to finish this.'

Turning his attention back towards the charging troll, Marcus activated his speed burst skill that he had not used yet, and like a flash of light appeared in front of the raging troll leader, and with one quick powerful slash split the troll leader in half.

The troll leader with an expression of utter surprise slowly fell apart as its two halves split away from each other causing a loud thud as they each crashed into the ground.

Staring at the two halves of the troll leader that were slowly trying to merge back together, Marcus sent another flamethrower spell at the remains of the ice troll and burned it to ashes.

With his fight now over Marcus turned his gaze towards the town wall and saw that a number of the trolls were dead, or currently on fire rolling around in the snow.

It was not long before the surviving trolls began to retreat only four left from the around forty that made up the tribe.

Unfortunately, Marcus had no intention of letting these trolls get away and a shinning light began to coalesce on the tip of his right index finger.


With a sweeping motion of his arm a bright beam of light sliced through all of the fleeing trolls cutting them in two at the waist.

As the trolls fell down in two pieces, they were quickly assaulted by flaming arrows from the defenders on the wall.

Looking around all that was left of the trolls that had been attacking the town was ashes, not even a single one surviving.

Cheers began ringing from on top of the wall as the guards that had been fighting these trolls for two weeks rejoiced in their victory. josei

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