Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 199 - 198 Boss Fight Planning

Chapter 199 - 198 Boss Fight Planning

Marcus continued to stare at Jarek with a befuddled expression. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he was going to be asked to go and fight a boss with his new friend.

"Jarek why would you want me to go with you to fight a boss that is going to be around level fifty. One I am only level thirty-seven, and two we just met."

However, Jarek just shook his head and said, "Yes we just met but I already trust you more than most of the adventures around here. I am not saying they are bad guys but when it comes to boss rooms, even tight nit parties have been known to kill each other over the loot. So, yes normally I would never taking anyone I just met with me, but if you were the type of adventure to kill your fellows for money, you would not have healed me but killed me and taken me for all I was worth. My shield and spear alone are worth over a hundred thousand gold, anyone who just wanted money would never have helped me. And to make sure I even brought you to Tris, who confirmed that you were not a bad person."

After hearing this Marcus started to see it from Jarek's perspective. Certainly, they had not known each other long but Marcus had potentially saved Jarek's life and the two of them did seem to get along.

'The chance to get the rewards from a boss would be good even if I had to split them. I was thinking about trying to find a room on my own but even phasing through walls it was still a long shot.'

Marcus was certainly interested in fighting a boss and getting the rewards from the dungeon chest. He knew that all types of rare items would be obtained, and if he was lucky, he could get some of the adamantine he was looking for.

Nevertheless, there were still a couple of things he needed to confirm before agreeing to joining Jarek in the boss fight.

"The first thing I need to know is how many people you are planning on brining with you other than me, and how you would plan on splitting the items obtained from the chest."

Jarek with a look of victory on his face seeing that Marcus was interested, smiled and said, "There is just one other person I will be bringing along. They are also a mithril rank adventure like me and are actually a bit stronger. And the way we will divide the loot is by picking lots and then going around one by one choosing an item."

'Well, it certainly is not elaborate but with only three people it should be fairly effective. But does he think that three people will really be enough, even if his friend is stronger than him.'

"Jarek do you honestly think that just three people will be enough, I know you must be at least level fifty and the other mithril adventurer you are talking about must be as well. But I am only level thirty-seven, no matter how strong I am for my level, I am still far below the boss."

"Yes, I have to agree with you there, but what I really am looking for from you is magical support. Me and my mithril ranked friend are both pure warriors but judging from your stats you are more of a magic fighter specializing in magic. I already know you have healing magic, which is rare enough in itself, but I am sure you have a number of enchantment spells you can use on other people as well."

'Wait use my enchantment spells on other people?'

That was when Marcus realized he had never tried to cast any of his enchantment spells on others, and no one had ever told him he could.

'I though they were just for buffing myself. I have never seen anyone using enchantment spells on someone else, though I guess the opportunity never really presented itself.'

Marcus then wanting to see if it would work went up to Jarek and cast lightning strider on him and watched as the spell actually took effect.

"Your right it actually works!"

Jarek then looked at Marcus with an astonished expression, as he realized Marcus had never used an enchantment spell on anyone else.

  "Irene was this your first time casting an enchantment spell on someone else. Since you are a noble, I thought you would have attended some academy where you learned magic, did they not teach you this."

Marcus looking a bit embarrassed told Jarek that he had only recently obtained his title and that he was self-taught when it came to magic.

Jarek seemed to find it hard to wrap his head around Marcus being self-taught on magic since it normally took years of studying just to get a single magic skill, but at this point Jarek had seen Marcus use three.

"Irene just how many different types of magic do you have?"

Marcus quickly counted the magic skills he had and listed them off for Jarek. 

"I have iron, fire, lightning, healing, darkness, and light magic skills."

It had been a long time since Jarek had been this surprised but everything about Marcus seemed to be so far outside the norm as to be impossible.

Six magic skills was the stuff of legends. Most people focused on one or two since it was hard enough to reach a level of mastery over just a couple of magic skills. Even the best and most talented in the art of magic might have at most four different types of magic.josei

Of course, this was because of the great deal of studying and research as well as practice that was needed to learn and level up magic skills which Marcus circumvented by simply purchasing them or getting them from a skill orb.

"So, Irene have you decided if you want to tackle a boss with me and my friend. I am sure you already know that it will be dangerous and that we could all die, but neither of us made it this far as adventures because we are adverse to danger."

Marcus began thinking long and hard about what whether he should accept or not. The possible rewards were great, but the danger was equally high. It would also mean he would have to leave Lilia alone for an extended amount of time and he was not sure if he or she was ready for that.

However, in the end the allure of possibly getting some adamantine which could appear in a chest from a level fifty plus boss was too much.

"Okay I will agree to go and act as your magical support. So now we need to discuss details."

The two of them began to talk about important details such as who would bring what, how long it would take to get there, and when they would be leaving.

"So, we will be leaving in three weeks, and it is around a week long journey to the area the boss is located and before we leave we will all get together and have a strategy meeting."

Once the two of them had hammered out the finer details of their plan, their order from the restaurant they were at came and they began enjoying their meal.

"Jarek, do you know of an area where I could find things like elemental crystals especially those of the darkness and light elements."

Jarek who had been in the middle of eating his soup put his spoon down and thought about it for a minute before pulling out his own map of the dungeon.

Looking it over Marcus could see that it was far more detailed and covered a much larger area than the one he had purchased.

Jarek then showed Marcus on the map and area that was quite deep into the dungeon and was apparently a massive area full of elemental crystals of all types.

"However, Irene, while I know you are strong this area is very dangerous. Even I would not go far into it alone. It is full of beast and monsters with elemental affinities, and they guard the pockets of elemental crystals and ore very fiercely. Even the weakest creatures will be in the mid-thirties, but when I was there last over a year ago, me and Dahlia had a run in with a very powerful level forty-six epic grade inferno wyvern that was guarding the purest fire elemental crystal I have ever seen. That thing in itself is almost as strong as a boss and while we did not explore the area in depth, I am pretty sure that other beings on the same level probably inhabit the area."

Unfortunately, while what Jarek was trying to tell Marcus to ward him away from the area was just making Marcus even more excited to go.

'If I could get my hands on some high-quality elemental crystals, I would be set for making updated gear for me and Lilia. While what we have now is pretty good, it is still not the best.'

As Marcus was already making his plans to go to the incredibly dangerous elemental crystal caves area, Jarek was still listing off reasons to avoid such a dangerous area which went in one of Marcus' ears and out the other.

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