Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 206 - 205 Joining The Battle

Chapter 206 - 205 Joining The Battle

Having just leveled up his light magic skill, Marcus was a bit disappointed when he found out what his new spell did.

He was hoping for an incredibly powerful attack magic but instead it turned out to be a defensive one.

'Radiance scales. Create a barrier of translucent scales that automatically protect the target from attacks. Great, when I was looking for a finisher, I ended up with a support option,'

However, after a few minutes of thinking about it Marcus was coming around to the idea of his new spell.

Even though it did not give him some monumentally powerful attack, it provided a powerful defensive option he was missing and would allow him to fight harder without having to worry about getting damaged.

'If I had had this spell when fighting that zombie knight, I might have been able to win. I could have then pretty much ignored its mount and fought without dodging.'

As Marcus continued to think of the new applications his tier five light magic spell could have, Findlyier came back over after having checked the perimeter for enemies.

"Thank you again for your help. I am sure that with your power of light you can drive back the demon and his forces, but if you do not mind me asking, what are you?"josei

Taken aback a bit, Marcus decided to tell Findlyier that he was a spirit of light and darkness, thought left out that he was also a ghost.

"To think that a spirit that can take human form would come to our aid."

Findlyier began looking at Marcus with a type of reverence, but Marcus wondered how Findlyier knew about spirits, or demons for that matter.

"Hm, that is just basic knowledge that we all learn when we eat the blessed fruit from the tree of wisdom. There are five main different types of beings, people, beasts, monsters, spirits, and demons, we all know that."

Findlyier then looked at Marcus with concern since to him this was knowledge that anyone should know unless there was something maybe wrong with Marcus.

'Now I just have more questions, like what is this tree of wisdom, and how does it impart knowledge into these beasts.'

Nevertheless, Findlyier did not say much more about the tree of wisdom other than that it was the most sacred place within their community.

After talking with Findlyier for a bit longer the pixie dragon finally began to get sleepy and flew over to sleep on top of Blitz.

Once everyone had rested up and were in tip top condition, they began making there way with haste following Findlyier.

With Findlyier leading the way they eventually came to the edge of the dark river area they were in and Findlyier stopped.

He then floated up around sixty feet and Marcus who was the only one that could see watched as what appeared to be a wall shimmered before disappearing to reveal a tunnel.

'Well that certainly is one way to keep anyone from finding your home. Unless someone went searching up and down the walls of this entire expansive area, they would never find something like that.'

Findlyier having opened the path beckoned everyone to follow, except there was one problem.

'How the hell am I going to get Blitz up there.'

While Marcus was confident, he could carry Lilia and her two beast companion cubs up, and Roxene could ride in his companion storage, Blitz was another matter.

The lightning stag was by no means small, and Marcus did not know if he could lift him up with his iron wings.

'Well, first things first.'

However, before he decided to tackle getting Blitz up, he brought the rest of his companions to the elevated tunnel while he considered his options.

'I guess that is probably the best way.'

Flying down towards Blitz, Marcus possessed his companion and cast his tier five iron magic spell sprouting wings from Blitz's back.

It was a surreal sight to see the lightning stag grow wings and begin flying up, especially because of how clunky it looked.

Luckily after fluttering around haphazardly for around a minute Marcus finally got enough control to steer Blitz's body into the tunnel.

With everyone now in the secret tunnel, Findlyier flew back over to the entrance and the illusory wall that was there before appeared once again.

"Now then we must make haste, the night cycle has just begun and if we hurry, we should be able to aid them against the demon and its forces."

The little pixie dragon then began flying forward at a fast pace causing everyone to have to run after it.

After traveling for around and hour through what was a system of tunnels that branched off in dozens of different directions, Marcus suddenly felt a familiar sense as they passed through a certain tunnel.

'A teleport. It was a similar feeling to the time I got picked up for the monster festival. Damn how did this demon even find this place, not only did we have to go through a labyrinth of tunnels which could have taken months to get through without Findlyier guiding us, but it is also probably not even anywhere near the area we entered at.'

As Marcus thought of the incredibly high security this place where Findlyier was from had, he soon saw the end of the tunnel they were in and could begin to hear the sounds of explosions in the distance.

Coming out of the tunnel Marcus saw what looked like an idyllic natural setting sprawling out for miles, but in the distance their were massive flashes of magic and skills being used in a raging battle.

Findlyier began flying in the direction with a grim look on its face, but before following Marcus turned around and said, "Lilia stay here, and Blitz keep her safe. When the battle is over, I will send a signal to Blitz that it is safe for you to enter the area, until then stay here."

With that last command Marcus took off after Findlyier heading towards the battle.

Running behind Findlyier for around twenty minutes, Marcus was finally able to make out more details of the battle and the first thing that caught his attention was what looked like a massive ball of light fighting against a pitch-black giant form that was certainly the demon.

'That must be the leader Findlyier told me about, the only one that can currently fight the demon toe to toe.'

Soon Marcus and Findlyier made it to the edge of the battlefield where a multitude of different beasts were fighting against monsters and beast that were clad in a dark aura.

Findlyier immediately began opening fire as he shot off compressed balls of light energy towards the dark clad monsters and beasts.

However, Marcus did not immediately begin attacking as he first decided to assess the battle.

'Findlyier's people seem to be heavily outnumbered, but their quality is way higher. I checked a few of their levels and they all seem to be at least level thirty, while the monster and beasts under the demon's command seem to mostly be in the upper teens, to low twenties. Thought that dark aura seems to be giving them a decent increase in power.'

After observing the outskirts of the battle for a few more moments Marcus cast his gaze towards the center where the strongest opponents were currently fighting.

Marcus knew that if he could defeat the demon the battle would end, so his plan was simple, attack the demon hard and fast before it knew what hit it.

'This time I am not worn down from fighting thousands of enemies beforehand so I can go all out without worry.'

Locking on to his target Marcus cast his tier five iron magic spell and began flying towards the huge demon who was the leader of the enemy forces.

Flying straight towards the middle of the battlefield a number of flying beasts and monsters tried to intercept Marcus, but he simply let lose a few of his iron feathers and batted them away as he made a beeline for the demon.

Unfortunately, as he got closer a powerful level forty-one bat like monster that was around twenty feet long began flying towards him separating from its previous opponent.

'Damn it, Roxene could you take care of this thing for me.'

Heading his request, Roxene came out of Marcus' companion storage and leaped off his back towards the massive bat monster, activating her Paragon of the Divine Wolf supreme skill and crashing into it.

The two of them then fought hard as the bat monster lost altitude and crashed back into the ground.

With the way now clear Marcus charged through the last thousand feet in between him and the huge pitch-black demon currently fighting the leader of the secret intelligent beast community.

'Embodiment of Eclipse, Bright Form.'

Activating his supreme skill all of the darkness around Marcus seemed to be sucked towards him like a vacuum before a tremendously powerful light burst from his body and left a dark halo behind him.

Needless to say, this display got everyone in the vicinity' attention, even the demon locked in mortal combat took a glance towards Marcus, only to see the new powerful being of light and darkness coming right for him.

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