Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 216 - 215 What Looms Ahead

Chapter 216 - 215 What Looms Ahead

As his body slowly put itself back together, Marcus closed his eyes and began feeling the power of the spirt gem in his chest.

Getting a grip of the overflowing power, Marcus managed to gain control over of it and sent it towards his lower half to speed up his recovery.

However, as his legs were reforming Marcus watched as the inferno wyvern burst into the area having crashed right through the walls, and Marcus looked up at the powerful being with anticipation.

He was certainly in no shape to deal with it and going into his ghost form and retreating would slow down his recover.

Yet as Marcus was getting ready to flee, the large wyvern collapsed onto the floor and he saw standing on top of it, Mrazivý with her sword jabbed into the wyvern's head.

Mrazivý then leapt off of the wyvern and sheathed her sword away, giving Marcus a quick glimpse where he noticed she now carried and adamantine blade.

Staring at her Marcus could not curb his surprise since in all honesty he did not think that Mrazivý would have any chance against such a powerful opponent. But moment later, one of the strongest of the intelligent beasts, a level forty-five epic grade polar owl flew in behind her.

Mrazivý after landing on the ground quickly noticed Marcus and a big smile began to form on her face until she saw that he was collapsed on the ground and his lower legs appeared to be missing.

Running up to him quickly, Mrazivý pulled a potion out of her item box and was about to force feed it down Marcus' throat when he said, "Wait I will be fine. Remember I have a regeneration skills, just give me another minute."

Disregarding what Marcus had said Mrazivý still dumped the potion down his mouth and Marcus who had no strength to resist felt it go down his throat and disappear into his void like stomach.

Luckily for some reason's potions still worked for him and as the effects of the one Mrazivý had given him took effect, he felt himself becoming revitalized and the last of his body quickly recovered.

Looking up at Mrazivý, Marcus said, "What kind of potion was that, not only did it instantly heal me, but I feel much better as well."

Putting her hand out and helping Marcus back up to his feet, Mrazivý with a smug smile said, "That was just a minor elixir my father had given to me for emergencies."

Marcus' jaw nearly dropped when he heard this since elixirs even minor ones were some of the highest-grade potions around and could fix just about anything wrong with a person.

"Are you sure that it was oaky to give me something so valuable, I doubt that even you could have too many of these things."

Simply shrugging her shoulders Mrazivý replied saying, "You can just consider us even now for the time you rescued me in the ocean bluff temple, and anyway you looked pretty rough, and I did not want to have to carry you out on my back."


Just a moment after Mrazivý had helped Marcus back up, the polar owl let out a loud sorrow filled screech as it looked down and saw its leader fallen to the ground in a pool of blood.

The polar owl landed and began feeling around Veunlux hoping that by some miracle he was still alive, but death had already claimed the once proud beast's life.josei

Looking over at the bereaved beast, Marcus could not help but feel a hollow sensation in his chest.

Certainly, he had not spent much time with Veunlux, but the two of them had fought a life and death side by side against the same enemy, and a bond forged through battle was beginning to form between them.

Staggering over, Marcus approached the polar owl who was looking over Veunlux's body and said, "I am sorry that the demon killed your leader and friend. He fought valiantly and without him there is no way I would have been able to defeat the demon. You should be proud of him because thanks to his sacrifice, your nightmare will soon come to an end."

The polar owl nodded towards Marcus and said, "Thank you for your kind words and your help in defeating the demon. The battle outside is winding down, so I shall take my leave along with Veunlux's body. Feel free to return when you want and retrieve your rewards for helping us."

The powerful magic beast then picked up Veunlux's body with its talons and flew towards the exit back out into the open cavern.

Buzz buzz.

A slight buzzing sound began to emanate from one of Mrazivý's pockets as she took out a familiar stone Marcus had seen people use for long distance communication.

Sighing Mrazivý brought the stone to her ear and after a couple of seconds said into it, "Okay, I will come and meet up with all of you as fast as I can."

Mrazivý then put the stone back away, looked towards Marcus and said, "My guardian knight is calling me back to his side so that he can "protect me", so I need to get back to him before he has a panic attack. Did you want to come with me?"

Shacking his head Marcus responded saying, "No there is something else I need to do before leaving, you go on ahead and I will catch up later."

Reluctantly Mrazivý ran out of the room heading through the corridors of the stronghold and back outside to where her worried party was.

As Mrazivý ran off to rejoin her party Marcus looked towards the large core the demon had dropped and moved over towards it.

Picking it up Marcus examined the core and could tell it was pretty high quality, though like some in the past had dark lines running through it making it stand out from normal cores.

'Well, this will certainly be useful for later.'

After having finished examining the demon's core, Marcus stored it away and began searching around the area for anything the demon may have left behind.


Coming across a secret door Marcus went into his ghost form and floated inside finding the demon's stockpile of treasures.

Inside there were a number of magic cores, some of them being of a high grade from monsters or beasts higher than level forty, and a large number of elemental crystals ranging in purity.

However, that was not all as there were also a number of natural tressures along with some ores that could be refined into magic metals like mithril.

'That demon certainly managed to get a large stockpile of high-quality resources. I wonder what exactly it was doing here.'

As Marcus pondered what the demons' ultimate purpose was, he went around collecting the high tier items from among the demon's horde, not stopping until he had nearly filled his item box and magic bags.

Feeling quite pleased with the gains he had acquired; Marcus floated out of the hidden treasury and began making his way towards the last thing that needed his attention.

Coming out into the large room that once housed hundreds of beasts and monsters that were being corrupted by the demons but was now devoid of any life, Marcus stared at the colossal blue demon arm that was still sticking out of some kind of portal.

'Time to put a stop to whatever this is.'

Staying as far back as he could, Marcus brought forth his spectral arm and sent it towards the device that seemed to be generating the portal that the arm was coming out of.

Once he had his spectral arm in front of the device, Marcus grabbed ahold of one of the elemental crystals that was powering it and yanked it out.

As soon as he did this the blue arm jerked back so fast that Marcus could not even see it and a torrent of wind followed that began blasting around the room.

Marcus then watched as the portal began to waver and look unstable as it slowly began shrinking.

He was about to start yanking out the other elemental crystals powering it when he heard a booming voice that held so much power in it that he froze unable to do anything but listen.

"So, the one who has killed Jirroth has come. To think that there was a being that could kill one of my own protégés in this backwater place. I commend you ghost, for very few at your level can boast such strength. Now then I would like to extend my hospitality to you. Why do you not come through this portal before it collapses, and you can take Jirroth's place as my protégé."

After the demon on the other side of the portal stopped talking, Marcus felt as if the weight of the sky had been lifted off of him and began making a break for it.

He had no intention of going through that portal or sticking around any longer, it was already on the verge of collapse anyway, so his work here was done.

Yet before he got far the voice resound out again and Marcus felt the oppressive pressure once more.

  "A pity but expected. But do not worry we shall meet again when I make it over to your world. Until then savor your time for when next we meet you shall fine your end."

The voice then went quiet and the portal that connected two world began to shrink rapidly until it shut closed leaving no trace it had ever been there.

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