Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 247 - 247 Spirit Healing

Chapter 247 - 247 Spirit Healing

Following behind the village chief, Marcus soon came to a small house and the village chief knocked and said, "Angie open up, we have someone to look at Lucas' legs."

A few seconds after the village chief knocked on the door a young woman who was probably in her mid to late twenties opened up the door and looked at the village chief and then Marcus.

"Chief what do you mean they are here to look at my son's legs. I do not have the time or money to deal with a scam artist and I am surprised that you would bring them here." Angie said, as she started closing the door

However, the chief stuck himself in between the door and said, "Angie, this is Irene, she used to be apart of the logging community just north of her. Ah and she is one of Vance and Whitney's daughters."

Hearing this Angie stopped and had a thoughtful look on her face before changing into one of recognition.

"Yes Irene, now I remember. I did not see you when you came through here a year ago, but I guess you really did lose that nasty scar you had. Wait but last I heard I thought you were dead."

The chief then retold what Marcus had told him earlier and Angie nodded before saying, "So you want to look at Lucas and see if you can restore his legs. But when we were in River Landing the priest that they sent around to look at our injured said it was beyond recovery."

"Yes, for a normal healer it certainly would be, but I am confident I have a spell that can fix your son." Marcus said confidently.

With hope welling in her eyes, Angie quickly let Marcus and the chief in and showed them to the small room where her son Lucas was resting.

He had been bedridden since the ice ant's attack, but he was still alive and had been learning how to sew, weave, and carve so as to not end up useless.

Walking into the small room, Marcus saw the young boy who looked to be around eight years old and was currently working on sewing up some damaged shirts.

"Lucas the village chief and a healer is here to see you. They say that she might be able to fix your legs."  josei

Lucas then turned around and looked at his mom, then the village chief, and finally Marcus.

And to Marcus' surprise, instead of the cold lifeless eyes he was expecting to see from the kid, his eyes were instead filled with determination.

Shifting his body over Lucas moved closer towards Marcus and uncovered the blankets that were over his legs.

What Marcus saw was truly a nasty sight, with half of the kid's right foot missing and had horrible scarring all over up to the knee, but worse was his left leg which was now just a stump where his thigh used to be.

Looking over the wound Marcus was actually surprised that the boy had survived them but after examining it a bit closer he noticed that the scaring was from frostbite, so the ice ants had probably frozen his legs.

"Can you help him." Angie asked with hope and worry in her voice.

Nodding his head Marcus said, "I think I can."

'Well time to see how effective this new power is.'

This was actually Marcus' first time using his recently acquired spirit healing specter power, but the description in his status stated that he should be able to heal any wound physical or spiritual so long as he had a high enough spirit stat.

He had obtained this ability thanks to all of the times he had possessed people to use his regeneration on them, so now he was hoping to be able to use this power instead.

Holding both of his hands towards Lucas' right foot, Marcus wanted to try fixing the lesser of the two injuries first.

'Here goes nothing.'

Beginning the chant for his tier four healing magic spell, Marcus made sure to make it look like he was using magic instead of some other ability he would have to explain, but when he finished the chant, he simply did not send any mana to use the spell and activated his specter power.

A soft white glow then began to emit from Marcus' hands and covered Lucas' damaged foot.

Time seemed to move slower for everyone present, as Marcus waited to see if his ability could truly recover lost body parts.

Two seconds passed, five seconds passed, seven seconds passed, yet there seemed to be no change in Lucas' injury.

And just as they were about to give up hope, after ten seconds the flesh around his foot began to grow back and bone and muscle followed, and within just a minute Lucas' right foot had been fully restored.

Both Angie and Lucas began to cry seeing this, and the village chief looked truly astonished.

It could be said that what Marcus had done was nothing short of a miracle since it would actually normally take the tier seven spell regenerate to fix such an injury.

'Whew I am glad that worked since plan b was to come back later and posses him and say that my abilities had a delayed reaction.'

With Lucas' right foot healed Marcus first had him test it out by moving it around and standing on it to see if everything worked fine.

And once it had been determined that his foot was fully functional, Marcus quickly fixed up the scaring on his right leg before moving onto the completely missing left leg.

Using his spirit healing specter power Marcus managed to restore Lucas' missing leg in just five minutes and when he was finished Angie practically jumped on him and gave him a hug while bawling with tears of joy.

"Again, thank you so much. I know there is nothing we can do to repay you but if you ever need anything from us feel free to ask." Angie said as Marcus and the chief exited her residence.

After making sure that Lucas was perfectly fine Marcus had said that he need to go and fix everyone else's injuries and promptly left to see his next patient.

Quickly going to the other two households that had people that could no longer walk, Marcus similarly fixed their legs and received tears and thanks from their families.

'Now for everyone else.'

Heading to the center of the ton Marcus saw the eleven people that were similarly missing limbs or extremities.

The worst was definitely the guy who had lost both arms, but luckily most of them were only missing a single hand, or some fingers and toes.

When he had finished healing everyone, basically the entire village had gathered around him and began clapping and thanking him from the bottom of their hearts.

The people then began to swarm around him and many of them started giving him hugs or shaking his hands until the village chief dispersed them telling them not to be a bother.

Once the crowd was somewhat dissipated the village chief led Marcus back to his home so that they could talk some more.

"So, Irene, how long do you plan on staying here. I figure you have not come back permanently by the way you have been speaking." 

Nodding his head Marcus said, "A couple days at most. I have things I need to take care of in the capital and I have already been away for a while. However, I am not sure about Lilia. She may wish to stay but I have not asked her yet."

A sad expression then formed on Marcus' face since while he did not want Lilia to stay, he thought it was a real possibility. While the community that had been her home was destroyed this village now housed most of the survivors and she had plenty of friends here.

However, the village chief just shook his head and said, "I doubt she will stay if you leave. The way she looks at you, there is no way she would be willing to part with you. Anyway, you are her only family left, and while she would be more than welcome here, she would be without anyone."

Hearing this from the village chief Marcus felt a bit better but he still planned to ask Lilia what she want before they left.

"Well now since you will be here for a couple of days, we will need to prepare a feast for you. And no dissent from you, after everything you have done for us, a feast is the least we can do." The village chief said with a stern expression.

Holding up his hands in surrender, Marcus agreed to the feast since he did not want to argue with the village chief when he seemed so dead set on it.

"Now there is one more thing I want to ask you.. Has anyone been up to the logging community since I left? I was hoping to take Lilia up there so that we could pay our respects." 

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