Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 265 - 265 Profit From Permafrost

Chapter 265 - 265 Profit From Permafrost

Having delivered the evidence he had collected against Permafrost to the kingdom, Marcus could now wash his hands of the issue.

There was nothing left for him to do now since the proper authorities were going to handle the rest.

So, before the city went into an uproar as Permafrost got destroyed, Marcus decided now was a good time to sell off the items he had obtained from Permafrost.

Of course, Marcus decided it would be best not to use either of his two main forms and switched over to Cal one of the guys that had ambushed him in the dungeon.

With his form now completely different, Marcus headed to the nearest weapon shop to get rid of all of the high tier weapons he had obtained.

Normally he would set them up in Thabon's shop since that was where he would make the most money, but since he had not made any of these weapons himself other than the one sword that Obadiah had, Thabon would certainly notice with his item appraisal skill.

Walking into a high-end weapon shop that was one of Thabon's main competitors, Marcus walked up to one of the employees and asked to see the manager since he was here to make a big sale.

Naturally the employee asked to see what Marcus was offering first, to make sure it was worth his boss' time, but when Marcus pulled out a half dozen mithril weapons one of which was top tier and recognized by the system, the employee's eyes went wide.

"Yes of course let me take you to see the owner of this establishment. I believe that he is here today working on the books." The employee said while looking greedily at the weapons Marcus was carrying.

If the sale was to go favorably for so many powerful weapons, he could expect quite the bonus for helping to facilitate the deal.

Being led to the back of the store the employee took Marcus to his boss' office that was in the far back of the store where people were not normally allowed.

Knocking on his boss' door the employee waited for just a moment before hearing from inside, "come on in."

Opening the door, the employee bowed his head and led Marcus inside.

Looking at the owner of the store Marcus could see that he was a portly mid aged man with a hard face that made him look perpetually mad.

"Sir this gentleman here has a number of high quality mithril weapons to sell. I have already inspected some of them and one is even recognized by the system." 

The stores owner who looked barely engaged in what was going on suddenly perked up and looked at Marcus in a new light.

It was pretty rare even for his store to have access to such top tier mithril items since they were very rarely sold outside of high-end auctions.

"Ah sir please sit down and let me examine the items you wish to sell; I am sure that we can come to a deal." The owner of the store said to Marcus.

Nodding his head Marcus walked over to the owner and took out all of the weapons he had gotten off of the Permafrost members from a series of magic bags in order to not show off his item box

In total there were eighteen mithril weapons and the two that were recognized by the system were the spears that Firmin was wielding. 

With dollar signs practically popping out of his eyes, the store owner examined each of the weapons but took keen interest in the two top tier spears.

"Well, I must say that this is an impressive collection of weapons. Now I do have to ask where you obtained all of these."

Understanding what the owner was getting at, it certainly was not normal for someone to walk in with a cache of powerful weapons and sell them all at once.

"These are the weapons from groups of criminals that I killed over the years. I am an adventurer by trade, so you understand that over numerous jobs I have collected the weapons from the scum I have gotten rid of. But right now, I need money over weapons that just collect dust in my magic bags."

"Very well, then could I see you adventures card real quickly, just to make sure that what you say is true." The owner said, in a business-like manner.

"Yes, here you go."

Reaching into a magic bag Marcus pulled out a gold adventurer card and handed it to the shop owner.

Naturally this was not his actual card but a fake he had made himself. And while it would not hold up to a thorough examination, a store owner just taking a quick look would not be able to tell the difference.

"Thank you, everything looks good. Now how about we get down to making a deal." The owner said as he beckoned Marcus back over to his desk where the two of them sat down.

The owner then pulled out a few pieces of paper that were obviously a sales contract, and after scribbling a few things down slid it over to Marcus.

"Please feel free to read over the contract and at the bottom is the amount I am willing to pay for these weapons. Oh, and if you cannot read, I can have someone read it to you."

"No that is fine I can read on my own."

After saying that Marcus looked through the contract finding that everything seemed pretty standard but when he got to the price being offered, he frowned a bit.

The store owner was only offering eight thousand gold for all of the weapons Marcus had brought.josei

However, even just the two spears alone would be worth around ten thousand to the right buyer not to mention the other weapons he had brought.

"Everything looks fine expect the price. I know very well the market value of these weapons and respectfully ask for twelve thousand gold for the lot of them." Marcus said in a stern manner.

Changing his happy demeanor, the store owner got serious as well and said, "Nine thousand gold that is as high as I am willing to go."

"Eleven thousand, any lower and I will find somewhere else to sell."

Grumbling the store owner did some calculations in his head before saying, "Ten thousand is the absolute highest I can go. You have to understand that tying this much capital up into one sale will put me in a precarious situation until I am able to sell these weapons."

Clapping his hands together Marcus said, "Very well you have a deal."

He had been aiming to get around ten thousand gold from the beginning since that is about all he would have been willing to pay for these weapons himself.

The owner then took back the contract he had given to Marcus and changed the amount to ten thousand gold.

This was not an insignificant amount and for many small noble families was their entire wealth, including their property.

Once the contract was signed and the deal complete, the owner stood up and reached his hand out towards Marcus.

Accepting the gesture Marcus clasped hands with the man and the two shook before the owner said, "If you ever get any more weapons like these to sell feel free to come back here and I am sure we can do business again."

"Yes, should the opportunity ever arise again this will be the first place I come." Marcus said while thinking he would probably never come by again.

The owner then had a few employees collect the ten thousand gold to pay Marcus, while another took away the weapons he had just brought in.

Collecting the money Marcus put it away and thanked the owner for his time before heading out to other stores to sell the magic items and precious gems he had obtained.

Once everything was said and done Marcus was a bit dissatisfied with the amount of money, he was able to get.

He had estimated that everything he had plus the money he had taken would get him close to around eighty thousand gold, but in the end, he ended up with just under sixty-five thousand gold.

'I guess this is what happens when you just drop by and sell things. Oh well they need to make a profit as well and it is not like it took me very long to get all of this. Anyway, I still have the weapons I made to sell at Thabon's shop and the auction.'

With the day quickly turning to night, Marcus decided to head back home and wait out the coming storm that was about to happen.

He thought it unlikely that anyone from Permafrost would target him now that Obadiah who was the one who had his sights on him was dead.. But just to make sure, Marcus was going to stay at his estate until things blew over on the off-chance Permafrost retaliated.

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