Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 322 - 322

Chapter 322 - 322

With Mrazivý's help, Marcus made it back to her private room, where she let him sit down on the couch in the room and pulled up a tray of snacks and tea for them to have.

"My great grandmother should be by in around and hour to come and takes us to the meeting with my father, do you think you will be up for it by then?"

"Yeah, it should not be a problem, I am still just getting used to my stats being lowered, but in an hour, I should make a decent recovery." Marcus said with a confident smile.

He wanted Mrazivý to feel at ease even though he did feel a bit of trepidation.

He had no reason to believe that they would kill him, seeing as how they had apparently known for a while that he is really a ghost, but the possibility remained.

Of course, if push came to shove Marcus was willing to roll over and show his belly and make whatever promises necessary to stay alive until he was strong enough to retaliate.

'No if they wanted me dead Aria would have already killed me probably. I have more value alive than dead. Anyway, I have already helped the kingdom out on multiple occasions so that should show just how valuable I can be.'

Steeling himself, Marcus pushed the lingering thoughts of his possible destruction out of his mind and went over his selling points.

He wanted this meeting to go well, and he was hoping to get Mrazivý her freedom at the lowest possible cost to himself.

Naturally, Marcus did not want to be tied down or beholden to anyone, but he had come to like Mrazivý, and while it may not have turned into full blown love yet, he knew he would regret it for the rest of his presumably infinite life if he did not give it a shot.

So, for her he was willing to chain himself down a bit, if that was what it took for their relationship to blossom.

Soon the time passed them by, and with his soul regeneration, Marcus felt himself revering, and his damaged soul was soon back up to full health.

Unfortunately, his stats were still going to be quartered for a week, which made him feel weak and lethargic but there was nothing to be done about it.

Then after the hour was over Aria came into Mrazivý's private room and said, "Ah good you are both here. And it looks like you have recovered enough, so let us not keep the king waiting."

Getting up both Marcus and Mrazivý followed behind Aria, though Mrazivý's two protectors looked somewhat confused.

They had not yet been told that Marcus and Mrazivý were going to be having an audience with the king, though they quickly gathered themselves and began to follow.

However, as they were about to exit the room Aria turned around and said, "There is no need for you two to accompany us. This is going to be a private meeting, so just wait here for Mrazivý's return."

Hearing this both of them stopped and were surprised for a moment, but Diana following Aria's orders bowed her head and went back inside.

Sir Heward on the other hand hesitated for a few instances.

The last time he had let the princess go off on supervise she went on a dangerous journey to some far off and remote location.

Still with the grand archmage accompanying them, Sir Heward could only bow his head and relent to the higher authority even though he did want to stay by Mrazivý's side in order to make sure she stayed safe.

"Everything will be fine Sir Heward, I am just going to have a chat with my father." Mrazivý said to lessen his worry.

Nodding his head Sir Heward back off and stayed inside the room as Marcus and Mrazivý followed behind Aria.

'Looks like no one is around, so this should be a good time for it.'

After they made it to a certain floor of the arena, no one could be seen moving around, and Marcus took this opportunity to switch his form back over.

He knew that there was no need for any pretenses during this meeting and he planned to be as honest as possible to win the king's trust along whatever other higher ups might be there.

Seeing this Aria, gave him a quick glance, before smiling, happy that Marcus seemed willing to put everything out in the open.

And luckily, he was wearing his battle clothing that would change shape to fit his body and had already repaired itself after getting tattered during his last match.

Not longer after Marcus changed his form, he saw a large door down the hallway with two guards standing in front of it.

Both of them were equipped wit full adamantine armor, and one was holding a top tier adamantine halberd, while the other had two adamantine daggers at her waist.

Looking them over Marcus could teel that they were both impeccably strong, and that they were likely some of the king's guards.

Aria, then walked up to the door and gave slight nod to the two guards, and they both bowed before the man wielding the halberd opened up the door and allowed them to go inside.

Walking inside, Marcus could see that they were in a large viewing box with luxuries that far surpassed what was in Mrazivý's.

There were a number of couches and other lavish furnishings, along with what even appeared to be a private kitchen in one of the room's corners.

It was certainly an area that seemed to be the definition of royal, and the people inside certainly fit in this place.

There were currently only three other people in the room. One being the king who was sitting on a throne like chair which was facing a couch obviously set up for Marcus and Mrazivý. 

Then another person recognized was, Knight Commander Darius who was standing behind the king, his amethros axe on full display, and gleaming in the room's low light.

However, it was the last person sitting on a chair to the left of the king, who Marcus had never seen that left him somewhat stumped.

At first, he thought she might be Mrazivý's mother since they looked quite similar, but he quickly disregarded this thought.

She had the blue hair that was a symbol of the royal family, and thus the king's wife and Mrazivý's mother were unlikely to share this trait.

Of course, Marcus did not disregard the fact that royalty in his world had been known to marry their cousins, but he would hope that since the first king of this country was from Earth, he would have made sure that such a practice did not happen.

Also, while she looked quite young, when Marcus looked at her eyes, he had a feeling like they were very old and had seen quite a lot in their time.

"Well, I brought them to you as you wanted Aaren. I have already told you and Gwyneira my stance on the matter, so I will leave it up to the two of you."josei

After saying that Aria, turned back around and left the room, not staying for Marcus and Mrazivý's meeting with the king.

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