Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 329 - 329 Meeting Up Before The Banquet

Chapter 329 - 329 Meeting Up Before The Banquet

'Ah that was great.'

Getting out of the large outdoor bath at the Twisted Cats' Tails Inn, Marcus made his way back into the changing room, where he put on his clothes and drank a bottle of milk that was provided.

'I almost wish I could stay here longer.' Marcus thought as he looked around one last time at the inn that had been his home during the kingdom's tournament.

However, he knew that this was his last day here, and that he was going to need to leave.

Still, he had made sure to use the large bath one last time before heading back to his room to collect his belongings.

"Well, that should be everything. You ready to go Roxene."

Nodding her head Roxene got off of her bed and stretched out while yawning widely before reentering Marcus' companion storage.

After that Marcus headed back down to the reception desk and checked out, thanking them for the lovely stay, and that should the opportunity arise that he would be back.

"Okay now I need to go and meet up with Mrazivý and we can go together to the banquet's venue."

Walking onto the streets of the city, Marcus began leisurely making his way towards the royal estate that was within the outer city and was where Mrazivý was currently staying.

And when it came into view Marcus was blown away by the size of it since it was easily twice as big as his estate.

'I guess when you are the royal family you have the best.'

Getting closer Marcus was soon able to see the gate that was the only visible entrance to the large estate.

And around it were two watchtowers with mana cannons equipped an a number of guards.

Of course, in front of the gate also stood a dozen relatively high-level guards as well, showing just how seriously the royal family took security.

"You there halt. This is the estate for the royal family."

Naturally the guards stopped Marcus and told him to leave the area, thinking that he was just another curious citizen trying to get a look at the royal family's estate.

It never even crossed their minds that he might be an invited visitor, since someone of high enough importance to be invited to the royal family's estate would not come on foot and all alone.

However, for the first time in their careers they finally found someone crazy enough to do just that, as Marcus took out a letter Mrazivý had given him and handed it over to the guards.

"I believe I am expected. Her highness Mrazivý is a friend of mine, and we are planning to go to the tournament's banquet together."

Taking the letter one of the guards read it over thinking that this might be some type of prank, but quickly located the royal family's crest and Princess Mrazivý's signature.

"Excuse us for our rudeness Lady Geist. We were not expecting you to come alone or on foot. Please follow me inside, I will take you to the estate's entrance and someone there will lead you to the princess."

The guards then had the gate open up, and the one that had been addressing Marcus, began leading him down the path to the large mansion that sat in the middle of the estate.

And along the way Marcus was able to look out at the beautiful front garden that was full of flowers and amazing decorative trees.

'Wow there is even a large pond over there full of some type of colorful fish. This is not even the royal family's main residence. If this is how spectacular their outer wall estate is, I really wonder how amazing the royal castle will be?'

As he continued down the path Marcus continued gawking at the scenery like a country bumkin seeing a city for the first time and the guard escorting him softly smiled.

He was used to seeing shrewd nobles that always had plastered on smiles and looked down on guards like him, and seeing the genuine expressions on Marcus' face, as well as having been treated like an equal was very refreshing to him.

Soon the two of them made it to the grand front entrance and the guard using the door knockers banged on the door three times denoting that an expected visitor had arrived.

Quickly a woman in maids attire opened the door, and the guard said to her, "Here we have Lady Baronetess Irene Geist, a friend of her highness, Princess Mrazivý. The princess should be expecting her so I will now leave her in your care."

After that the guard bowed to Marcus once before leaving, but was pleasantly surprised when Marcus said, "Thank you for guiding me."

The maid then bowed her head to Marcus and said, "Please follow me Lady Geist, I will take you to the princess' room where she is waiting for you."

Following behind her Marcus walked through dozens of hallways and up three flights of stairs, moving around the labyrinthine estate until they finally stopped in front of a set of large doors.

Immediately Marcus knew that this must be Mrazivý's room, since standing outside like a sentinel was Sir Heward.

"Good morning, Sir Heward. I have brough her highness' guest." The maid said bowing to Sir Heward.josei

Sir Heward then gave Marcus a hatful glare much to the maid's surprise, but she knew better than to make any sort of comment on it.

"You can go now Jessie; I can take care of her highness' 'guest'."

Giving a quick bow, Jessie swiftly left the area not wanting to be around in case something happened.

"Well, if you do not mind, I am going to say hello to Mraz." 

After saying that Marcus moved to open the door, but Sir Heward stood in his way and said, "As if I would let you into the princess' bedchamber. I don not know what sort of magic you used to bewitch her, but mark my words, I will free her from your clutches."

Sighing Marcus looked at Sir Heward with a pitiful look and said, "I realize you do not approve of me, but I am not using any sort of magic or other ability to control Mraz. We both make each other happy and that is it. If she ever wants to cut ties with me and tells me to leave, I will. But since that is never going to happen, would you mind getting out of my way."

Unfortunately, Sir Heward stood stalwart in front of Mrazivý's door, his misguided loyalty driving him to despise Marcus.

"Fine you can stay there, but it is not like you can stop me." Marcus said brazenly

In response Sir Heward moved his hand onto his sword, and was basically telling Marcus not to get any closer or else.

However, this really did not matter to Marcus who simply went into his ghost form and passed by Sir Heward and into Mrazivý's room.

Then once he was beyond the door, he reappeared and saw Mrazivý just finishing up getting into her dress with the help of a maid.

"Hey Mraz looks like I am just on time." Marcus called out.

Turning around Mrazivý had on a devious smiled and said, "Yep I just finished getting ready. Now Aisha, let us fine a suitable dress for Lady Irene here.. There is no way she can attend a banquet in her combat clothes."

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