Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 333 - 333 Conversation With Quillon And Aerial (2)

Chapter 333 - 333 Conversation With Quillon And Aerial (2)

With the initial disagreement about whether Marcus could be a great spirit or not cleared up, he waited for whatever Aerial and Quillon wanted to talk to him about.

And going first Aerial who as another spirit was very interested in Marcus said, "Well, I originally wanted to know what side you were on darkness of light, but from what you said earlier it sounds like you are a free agent."

After saying that Aerial suddenly had a very serious expression on her face and said, "I would recommend that you try to avoid interacting with any spirits of light or darkness if you can help it. I know both of their kind typically do not get along and both factions might see you as an abomination to be exterminated."

Receiving this grave news Marcus grimaced since he thought that all spirits were fairly tight with each other judging by the way that Voda, Recha, and now Aerial acted, but it seemed that was not the case.

"Would they really go that far. From what I have seen most spirits tend to get along, and can it really be that rare for a spirit to posses both the darkness and light element?"

Shaking her head Aerial could only blame Marcus' being from another world for his lack of knowledge and said, "Have you ever met another spirit with dual elements?"

"No but I have only met three other spirits at this point, so my range of knowledge is limited."

Slapping her face Aerial looked at Marcus like someone with no common sense and said, "Spirts with a powerful affinity for two or more elements are incredibly rare, and for one of opposing elements like yourself is even rarer. Now I have heard of a spirit of water and fire being born before, but light and darkness is something that I have never even heard rumors of."

Hearing the insights that Aerial had into the world of spirits, Marcus' impression of her was growing and he figured now was the time to fish for some more information.

"Aerial would you mind telling me about the ranking of spirits, and where they come from. Naturally I was not originally one in my former life but now that I am I would like to learn about the race I am now." Marcus said his face full of interest.

Smiling and knocking her hand against her chest Aerial said, "Sure no problem." And then began listing off the information Marcus had asked for.

'I see so there are five tiers of spirits, low, normal, high, superior, and great. I guess that means that no other spirit has unlocked the secret evolution I have for a supreme spirit. Or at the very least Aerial done not know of it.'

Then after Aerial gave Marcus the rundown of spirits, she told him about the spirit world which was basically an alternate dimension where most spirits resided.

Aerial also went into detail on how spirits were able to cross over to this world from the spirit world, and apparently the two main methods were to find or make a portal or be summoned by a powerful person and form a contract with them.

Though she had also heard there were other ways, she did not know them, and she herself had come to this world when forming a contract with Quillon.

"Well thank you for the information it was very useful. Is there anything that you would like to know about me?"

Nodding her head Aerial began asking Marcus about his other world obviously interested, and even Quillon who had seemed mostly disinterested so far listened to Marcus intently.

"I see your old world really is very different from this one." Aerial said.

"Oh, but I do have one last question for you. Do you want to go to the spirit world?"

Caught off guard by this question, Marcus could not say he was not curious, but right now he did not think it was a good time to go to a whole other world when he had barely scratched the surface of this one.

"Thank you for the offer Aerial, but for now I want to stay here. I have a lot I need to do in this world before I start exploring other ones."

Shrugging her shoulder Aerial just figured she should offer but did not have any stake in forcing Marcus to go to the spirit world.

After that their conversations started to wind down, until Aerial was done with what she wanted to talk about, and Quillon asked Marcus what he wanted.

"Irene, would you like to come back with me to meet my master? He is a man of much renown and skill, and I am sure that you could learn a lot from him. Also, it would be great to have someone around the same level as me to train with since all of the other disciples that my master has tried to recruit over the years, have been unable to keep up with his rigorous training and dropped out."

Looking at Quillon's face, Marcus could see that his offer was genuine and that he had been very exited by the match he had with Marcus.

Of course, Marcus could relate to Quillon since so far, he was the only person around his level that was close to him in strength.

However, Marcus knew he had to refuse. He already had a master in Thabon, and right now he really wanted to dig in and focus on his forging skills, now that the tournament was over.

"Sorry I have other plans I want to attend to right now. Of course, I am interested in meeting your master, but currently I want to stay here. Maybe in a couple of years from now I will take you up on your offer."

With a sorrowful look, Quillon had definitely been hoping to bring Marcus back with him to finally have a rival he could get stronger together with, but he had already known it was a longshot.

However, someone who had been quite through the entire conversation finally spoke up and said, "I would like to learn from your master if possible?"

Mrazivý who had left Marcus to talk things out with Quillon and Aerial seeing a chance decided to take it.

She had been what could be considered an admirer of the sword savant since she had heard about him, and after watching the power and skill that Quillon had, she was certain that he was even more impressive than the rumors suggested.

Naturally Mrazivý wanted to get stronger to keep up with Marcus, since even right now the gap between them was fairly wide, and one day she was afraid that her strength would not even compare.

Unfortunately, Quillon gave an unfavorable response and said, "Hm, I am sorry Mrazivý, but even if I brought you to my master, he would be unlikely to train you. You are not strong enough to keep up and at your level it would be difficult to catch up to the standards he has. In fact, since you have not evolved yet, it would be impossible for you to reach the special evolution that my master underwent and also had me attain."

Yet even after receiving a denial from Quillon Mrazivý had not given up and plenty of fire was shining in her eyes.

"Actually, I am working towards a special evolution of my own that requires me to reach level fifty first. I believe after that, I would certainly be able to impressive your master."

Seeing the confident look in her eyes Quillon saw a glimmer of drive he was not expecting and thought that maybe Mrazivý might have what it takes after all.

"I see. Then attain your special evolution and contact me when you are ready. After that I will once again evaluate you and see if you have what it takes to become my master's second apprentice."josei

Smiling brightly Mrazivý nodded her head a fire burning in her heart.

After having her dream of grand adventure nearly stamped out by her previously arranged marriage, she was feeling more motivated than ever to get stronger and explore the world.

"Here both of you take one of these." Quillon said as he handed a sending stone to both Marcus and Mrazivý.

"You can use those to get into contact with me, when you want. But princess please do not contact me frivolously, if this is some plan to recruit me to the kingdom neither I nor my master will be happy."

Giving a warning to Mrazivý, Quillon was not certain whether she might try to rope him into the kingdom's business somehow. And while he felt that she was being genuine he thought it best just to make sure nothing happened. 

"Of course, I have no intention of recruiting for the kingdom. I am more adventure than princess anyway."

With what he wanted to do accomplished Quillon bid Marcus and Mrazivý farewell.

"Thank you for indulging me, and I am grateful I got to meet the two of you.. Let us meet again in the future."

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