Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 340 - 340 Atrium Adventure

Chapter 340 - 340 Atrium Adventure

Being led by the enthusiastic fifteenth princess, Marcus and Mrazivý followed her to a place where a special tree called the amethyst blossom was located.

Marcus asked Mrazivý about what it was, but she kept quiet saying that when they got there he would see.

'Whoa it is more impressive than I thought.'

When the tree in question came into view, Marcus had no doubt that it was as the most beautiful tree he had ever seen.

It looked like a cherry blossom tree from back on earth, but its petals were a vibrant purple that looked like amethyst and were perpetually falling as if from a picturesque scene.

Looking at the tree, Marcus was impressed at how it was able to continuously produce blossoms that began falling, and when they touched the ground, they seemed to be absorbed into it.

"Are the petals always falling like this." Marcus asked curious as to how this was possible.

"Hm. Oh no the petals only fall during the day and from the spring to summer. I do not actually know how it works, but it certainly is a sight to see." Mrazivý said with a bright smile on her face.

"So, what do you think Lady Irene. Spectacular is it not." Princess Eis said, enthusiastic to show one of her favorite spots to Marcus and get his opinion.

"It certainly is magnificent. I have not ever seen anything like it. Do you know where it came from?"

Frowning Princess Eis shook her head and looked up to Sir Hinsen hoping to get the answer from him, but he apparently did not know either.

"Mraz do you know about it?"

Unfortunately, even Mrazivý shrugged her shoulders and said, "Sorry I do not know anything about it either. Maybe the keeper of the atrium Baron Kental would?"

With no one knowing anything about the amethyst blossom tree, Marcus put his inquiry off for now, and the three of them simply enjoyed the view for a while.

Once they had gotten their fill of viewing the spectacle that was the amethyst blossom tree, their group moved on and explored the rest of the flower garden, enjoying the stimulation to their senses and the good company.

"So where should we go next Mrazivý and Irene." Eis said, wanting to keep having fun with her sister and her friend.

She did not get to interact with other people that treated her like an equal very often, and she was having the time of her life.josei

"I guess we could explore the vineyard where they grow the grapes we use to make wine, and then after that I am sure we could get a quick peek at the natural treasures." Mrazivý said while thinking about the other interesting places in the atrium.

After that Eis began running off again heading towards the vineyard.

Following after her Sir Hinsen rushed off in a fluster to keep up with his charge who liked to run off in a hurry.

"She sure is fast for her age." Marcus said watching the young princess able to move swiftly enough to give her guardian knight trouble.

"Yeah, she has the blessing of lightning speed, making her quite fast even though she is still in the low double digits level wise."

"I see, sounds like a useful blessing… Wait but if it is this strong already why is she not being trained up more. She could probably be a prodigy like you." Marcus asked confusion on his face.

However, as he said this, a frown came over Mrazivý's face, and she said, "It is complicated. I will tell you later when we are in private."

Mrazivý then began walking in the direction that Eis had run off in, and Marcus followed along wondering what the young princess' circumstances were.

Soon they made their way to the vineyard where grapes of all different types were being grown, some of which had peculiar colors like grey. And trying one Marcus found that they had a smokey flavor.

'That was not what I was expecting, but it was surprisingly really good.'

Going around the vineyard, Marcus, Mrazivý, and Eis, enjoyed sampling the different grapes, and at one-point Mrazivý went up to one of the workers that was tending to the vineyard and said something to them.

Then a few minutes latter they came back with a few bottles of wine, and some glasses.

"Thank you." Mrazivý said as she handed a pouch of gold coins to the worker.

"Now are you ready to have some of the best alcohol you have ever tried." Mrazivý said as she held up one of the bottles.

Pouring a few glasses, Mrazivý handed a full cup to Marcus, a very small amount to Eis, and though she tried to give some to Sir Hinsen, he refused as he was on duty.

"Mm, looks like this year's crop is a pretty good one." Mrazivý said as she took a drinking of the wine.

"You are right this is pretty good. I think it might be the best I have ever had." Marcus said genuinely enjoying the wine.

They continued to drink the wine, and explore the vineyard, before wandering towards the other areas of the atrium.

"Well, I think that is everything but the natural tressure farm. And since we have not found Baron Kental, yet he is probably there." Mrazivý said.

Having explored the rest of the atrium Mrazivý began leading the way towards the section where they grew natural treasures, that was in its own section removed from everything else.

And as they approached the security in the place noticeably increased, with guards patrolling the area, and in front of the door leading to the area were five high level knights.

Marcus could tell just from the look of them that they were imposing, probably all at least level thirty-five. Though he did not dare actually appraise them in case they had a means to detect it and he angered them.

"Please stop there your highnesses." The lead knight said.

Doing as they were told, both Mrazivý and Eis stopped, and Marcus and Sir Hinsen followed suit.

The knight then approached them, and said, "Please leave any magic bags that you have here, and we will need to check your IDs once again.

'Gosh it is like airport security in here.' Marcus thought as he emptied out his pockets and handed over his magic bags.

Of course, as the knights inspected his and Mrazivý's statuses, they frowned since both of them had item boxes.

"Princess Mrazivý, and Lady Geist. Seeing as you both have item boxes, we will need to assign a knight to accompany you as per regulation."

Nodding her head Mrazivý agreed to having a watcher since she already knew about the rules to enter the natural treasure area of the atrium.

The kingdom did not want their natural treasures wandering off, even in the hands of one of their royals.

"Dame Leona and Dame Kaiya, would you be their escorts inside." The lead knight said to the two female knights on watch.

Both bowed their heads and moved over towards Marcus and Mrazivý keeping an eye on both of them.

"Now you may enter but your highnesses please be mindful of the rules, and make sure your guest does not get into any trouble."

After saying that, the lead knight had the fortified doors opened up, allowing Marcus his first glimpse into the area where the kingdom grew natural treasures.

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