Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 362 - 362 Reception’s End

Chapter 362 - 362 Reception’s End

Once Guild Master Leonard, finished giving his not so veiled recruitment offer to Marcus, he looked expectantly waiting for his answer.

Of course, Marcus felt little need to join back up with the adventurers guild as himself, since his persona as Irene was a higher rank, and would draw less attention.

Also, Marcus could tell that a major reason that Leonard was showing such an interest in him was more towards Roxene then himself.

'Yeah, right if I had gone to Joras and tried to get the guild's protection, at best they would have taken her away, and at worst, I would have been shoved in a weighted barrel and tossed into the middle of the sea.' Marcus thought after hearing what Leonard had to say.

Certainly, for the most part the guild was an above-board organization, but they still crave power above all else, hence why their strongest members basically become citizens of the guild rather than wherever they originated from.

So, Marcus was certain that they would have much rather taken Roxene away from him and given her to one of their leading members than help him out.

"Thank you for the offer, but as much as I enjoyed my short time as an adventurer, I have other endeavors to work on right now. Maybe in the future I might jump back into it again."

Politely refusing Leonard's offer, Marcus made sure to leave the possibility of a future return since he knew that Frostine was trying to foster good relations with the guild and by extension Leonard.

"I see I suppose that is understandable." Leonard said looking slightly disappointed.

After that the five of them continued conversing mostly about perilous encounters and adventures they had experienced, until Frostine said, "Guild Master Leonard, you have been in charge of the Adventures Guild in our kingdom for nearly ten years now, and I am sure that you are aware that my father intends to abdicate within five years. I know this may be forward of me, but would you and by extension the guild give me your support."

Having beaten around the bush long enough, Frostine felt the time was right to just come out and ask knowing that like most adventures Leonard had a straightforward personality.

"Hm, I figured that was why you were here, but you are the first of your siblings to outright ask me. Your brothers Reigen and Florian came by earlier also looking for my support, though it seemed that they did not have the spine you do."  josei

Leonard then went deep into thought for a while before saying, "I assume that Mrazivý and Marcus here are also supporting you yes?"

Nodding her head Frostine said, "Yes, Mrazivý has decided to join me, along with a number of my siblings, including first prince James who has ceded his claim to the throne. And while Marcus here has decided not to back me directly, he said he would follow Mrazivý wherever she went."

"I see. Well, I can tell that you are a great deal stronger than your brothers that approached me, and if Mrazivý here is with you, then I can expect for the good relations with the guild to continue. Very well, I am more than happy to show my and the guild's support for you. Right now, we are very happy with the current arrangements with your kingdom, and if you do not plan to shake things up that would be ideal."

Smiling brightly Frostine said that she had no intention of changing anything about the guild's and the kingdom's relationship, and was very grateful for the security and prosperity they brought to the kingdom.

With her goal accomplished, Frostine and Leonard set up a date where they could further discuss the politics of the kingdom and the adventures guild, before they went their separate ways.

"That went even better than I thought. It looks he does like and respect you Mrazivý and covets your beast companion Marcus. It was the right move to bring the two of you along." Frostine said looking kind of like a scheming villain.

Still of all of the royal's Marcus had met he felt that Frostine was the most like her father, and while he may not have been the best dad, it could not that he was not an impeccable statesman.

"Ah, we are finally done." Mrazivý said jumping onto one of the couches in her "room".

Nodding his head and sitting beside her Marcus agreed.

While getting tired physically was pretty difficult for him, having to deal with all of those nobles was mentally draining.

"There is just one day left, and then we can get back to our regular lives. Oh, and how has it gone getting me permission to enter the archives." Marcus said, wondering if Mrazivý had made any more progress.

"We have both been granted access though in a limited capacity. There are certain areas that we will not be allowed to view, though that is normal since there are some items that only the current monarch has access to." Mrazivý said a smile on her face.

Expect a moment later an expression of remembrance came over her and she said, "Also my great grandmother sent me a message saying she wants to meet you in three days at the Guldur Spire. I think that she is going to give you access to the spells archive now that you will be working for the kingdom even if in a limited capacity."

Hearing this Marcus' eyes practically started sparkling, as he began imaging all of the powerful new spells he could add to his arsenal.

"Great, tell her message received. Also, when will I be getting a sending stone of my own. I only have the one that Quillon gave me, and it exclusively connects to his."

"I think that my father is currently having one made for you, one that has especially long-range communication abilities. You know the farther its range and the more other stones it can connect to the longer it takes to make." Mrazivý said shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, talking to all of those nobles has got me worn out, so I am going to go and recharge my batteries, see you tomorrow." Marcus said as he headed back to his room.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow and good night.." Mrazivý said as he left, though she was not sure what recharging batteries meant.

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