Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 369 - 369 Salvia

Chapter 369 - 369 Salvia

Bracing himself, Marcus placed his hand back against the amethyst blossom tree, and immediately just like before he felt something trying to drain his spiritual energy.

However, this time since he knew it was going to happened, and did not get startled and yank his hand back.

'Hm the amount of energy being taken is not very much now that I am really paying attention. Maybe I can speed this up by channeling my spiritual energy.'

Feeling the vast sea that made up his spiritual energy, Marcus slowly began pouring it out, and allowing the amethyst blossom tree to absorb it.

And after around five minutes of taking in Marcus spiritual energy, the amethyst blossom tree began glowing, and soon a number of new flowers began growing on it expect they were pitch black, and when they fell off instead of dissolving into the ground they turned into mist and dissipated into the air.

Continuing like this for roughly thirty minutes, Marcus felt that he had depleted nearly ninety percent of his spiritual energy, but the amethyst blossom tree, or more precisely Salvia, seemed to show no signs of stopping.

"Okay that is enough." Marcus said as he pulled his hand back, away from the tree.


Yet as he did, he heard a very disappointed voice that did not seem to want him to stop.

"You done Marcus?" Mrazivý asked him, seeing him pull away.

"Yeah, I have given about all I have to give, though I think that Salvia was not satisfied, judging by the tone of her voice." 

"Wait, you heard her." Mrazivý said in astonishment.

Looking at her, Marcus realized now that the voice he heard must have only been transmitted to himself.

"Who said you could stop."

But a moment before Marcus could explain what he had heard to Mrazivý, a voice that they could both hear resounded through the area and its displeasure was obvious.

Then as Marcus and Mrazivý turned around the amethyst blossom tree shimmered and the form of a beautiful woman with purple skin appeared out of it.

'Huge.' Mrazivý and Marcus both thought at pretty much the same instance, when they saw the well-endowed form of Salvia.

However, what Salvia did next surprised Marcus. and caused Mrazivý's blood to boil.

She floated right up to Marcus and grabbed his hand, and a soft glow could be seen between the two of them before Slavia said in an almost seductive tone, "Ah, your energy really is good."

"Hands off.." Mrazivý said, rushing up getting jealous and trying to push Salvia away from Marcus.

Except as she ran into her, Mrazivý passed through as Salvia was in her spiritual form and not currently tangible.

"Um, Salvia right, would you mind releasing me." Marcus said, as he had already tired to pull away, both while tangible or ethereal but Salvia had matched him and would not let go.

She also had an iron grip he could not break by force alone, and while his spiritual energy was draining slower now that he was not freely giving it, Salvia was still taking what little he had left.

"No, you have only filled me up by half, and I still need more." Salvia said not letting up at all.

"We both said let go." Mrazivý said coming back and this time channeling her spiritual energy.

And if she had been in a focused state of mind, she would have noticed that her spiritual energy was stable and not shacky, but she was too busy trying to rip Salvia away from Marcus.


Unfortunately, when Mrazivý got her hands on Salvia, the nature spirit knocked her away with one of her arms sending Mrazivý flying into one of the walls.

"Embodiment of Eclipse, Dark form."

Seeing Mrazivý get hit, Marcus who was trying to remain calm, immediately went into a rage and prepared to attack Salvia.


No longer being able to hold onto Marcus as the dense darkness energy of his supreme skill covered his body, Salvia let go and jumped back, as darkness' cording properties were one of the natural enemies of nature-based beings.

"I thought I sensed someone familiar."

Turning his head towards the newcomer that had just appeared, Marcus saw Gwyneira, standing not far away and looking at Marcus and Salvia.

"Marcus, could I ask you to stand down. I am not sure what Salvia did to- oh!"

As Gwyneira was about to tell Marcus to calm down, she spotted Mrazivý, pulling herself out of a wall and quickly understood why Marcus was acting so hostile.

"Big Sis Gwyneira he was bullying me." Salvia said, running up to Gwyneira and hiding behind her like she was not the one who had started this.josei

Of course, even though she was playing the victim, Gwyneira quickly grasped the whole situation, and as Salvia got close, she hit her on the head, which caused Salvia to yell, "Ouch."

"Big Sis what was that for." Salvia said with a betrayed expression as she rubbed her head.

"You know good and well what that was for, who gave you permission, to hit one of my descendants. And from the looks of it you did quite a bit to offend Marcus here as well. Now Apologize!" Gwyneira said scolding Salvia.

Looking teary eyed, Salvia, turned towards Marcus and Mrazivý, and bowed her head before saying, "I am sorry, your spiritual energy just tasted so good I lost control of myself. I have been barely keeping on for the last thirty years and when I finally found some hope you completely ignored my distress signal the first time, so when you came just now, I felt that it would be my only chance."

Lowing her head, Salvia looked pretty pitiful, and seeing as how Gwyneira was here and had already hit her, Marcus stopped his supreme skill, and looked towards Mrazivý.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am fine. I just did not expect her to hit me like that all of a sudden." Mrazivý said as she wiped some rubble off of her clothing.

"What the hell is going on in here." One of the knights guarding the atrium said as he walked in and saw the strange group of people, and a shattered wall.

However, before he did anything else, Gwyneira looked at him seriously and said, "Stay out of this, and make sure no one else comes in here."

Gulping, for some reason the knight felt as if the pressure of a mountain had been laid on top of him just from the quick command this unfamiliar woman had given him.

Still, as he looked her over, he noticed her blue hair meaning she must be a member of the royal family.

"As you command." The knight said, his voice squeaking a bit from the fear he felt as he looked at Gwyneira.

The knight then ran out of the flower garden and slammed the doors shut, ready to keep anyone out, less he face the wrath of the scariest being he had ever met.

"Well, now that we are alone again. Salvia would you mind explaining what happened.. Last I heard, was that you planned to spend an eternity as the caretaker of this atrium in a dormant state. So, what happened to cause you to awaken again?"

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