Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 388 - 388 Weapon Testing

Chapter 388 - 388 Weapon Testing


Dropping his scythe Marcus activated its remote attacking enchantment and sent it right towards his iron golem.

And flying forward the scythe began its assault on the iron golem, cutting into it like butter.

Of course, Marcus had given his golem the command to fight as defensively as possible, and it was doing a good job of keeping the scythe from chopping it to little bits.

However, it was not long before the scythe started to ramp up its attack, much to Marcus' surprise, since it started throwing in feints and maneuvering for angles, which the enchantment should not have been able to do.

Normally, the auto attacking enchantment just had the weapon attack straight on with rapid attacks more meant to occupy the opponent than actually defeat them.

Yet, it was what happened as the scythe got under the iron golem's guard that really caught Marcus off guard.

When the scythe had the perfect angle for a devastating attack, it began glowing with mana, before activating the powerful slash skill and cleaving the golem in two.josei

Seeing this Marcus could only stare in disbelief, since there was no way his weapon should have been able to use one of his skills on its own.

Except that is what had just happened, and Marcus even felt the mana being drained from him to activate the skill.

'What the hell is going on.'

Looking at his scythe that was just floating in the air over the destroyed iron golem, Marcus was trying to figure out what was going on.

Weapons could not activate skills on their own, or come up with complex attack strategies, but his could and the reason was quite obvious.

Since his new scythe had a part of his soul in it, it was almost like a living weapon, that could think on its own and use Marcus' skills.

After figuring this out Marcus tested to see what other skills his scythe could use and found that it could only use his weapon and unique skills.

Still its use of the skills, were weaker than Marcus' own, but the fact that his scythe could fight on its own was very impressive.

'I wonder, will this work.'

Feeling the connection he had to his scythe, Marcus willed it to come back to him, and the scythe instead of flying back towards him, actually seemed to warp, right into his hand.

Surprise all over his face Marcus had never expected that to happen.

He had not put any type of teleportation or dimensional enchantment on his scythe, so it should not have been able to do that. In fact, what he was really trying to test was whether he needed to give verbal commands like normal to activate its return enchantment.

Testing it over and over again, every time he sent his scythe far away from him, when he called it back it seemed to disappear before apparating into his hand.

The best Marcus could surmise was that since the scythe had a part of his soul in it, he could call it back to the rest of his soul.

After that he tried to see if it worked both ways, but unfortunately, he could not appear next to his scythe only the other way around.

'Even so, it is still a useful ability. But now it is time to see what it can really do.'

Now that Marcus had satisfied his curiosity on the abnormalities that his scythe exhibited, he turned his attention to seeing just how powerful his new weapon was.

'Iron Golem.'

Summoning up another iron golem, Marcus charged towards it his scythe at the ready.


Slashing with his scythe that he had fully charged with mana, Marcus sliced through his iron' golems' fist and into its body.

However, he had overestimated the amount of power he would need and sent out a blast of mana that caused a massive explosion creating a crater in his yard.

'Oops.' Marcus thought seeing the thirty-foot deep hole in the ground he had caused.

Naturally after causing such a disturbance, a handful of his maids, and the estate's guards began running towards the disturbance.

Marcus apologized to all of them saying that he was testing out he new weapon he had just created.

Yet as he showed everyone the scythe he had in his hands, their eyes went wide, since not only was it an adamantine weapon, but it had also been recognized by the system.

"Lady Irene did you make that." Clara said, still not sure if she could believe her eyes.

A system recognized adamantine weapon was considered the peak for most people, since amethros was so rare not many even knew it existed, and even less ever thought of being able to acquire some.

"Oh yeah, I just finished making it a couple of hours ago. Pretty impressive right."

Marcus then showed off the scythe a little and everyone was unable to keep their eyes off of it.

It was an impressive weapon that would normally only be in the hands of the most elite of the kingdom, but here Marcus was swinging it around after having made it himself.

Eventually though all those that had gathered needed to get back to their work, and with the crowd once again gone Marcus did some more tests of his scythe's abilities.

'To think that it can cut through a fully enhanced mithril weapon. This scythe is something else.'

Trying all types of different tests, Marcus quickly noticed how naturally the scythe felt in his hands.

It felt like an extension of his body, and in truth it really was.

Unfortunately, he was unable to test the full scope of his power as even when he simply tried using his embodiment of light, one swing from his scythe decimated the landscape around him.

'Hm, it channels my powers almost too well. I will need to test it outside the city sometime so that I can get a better feel for it and learn a bit more control.'

After having tested the limits of what he could while on his estate, Marcus attempted to store his scythe into his item box, but to no avail.

His scythe simply would not go inside, and the reason became apparent pretty quickly.

Anything alive or possessing a soul, even a fragment of one could not enter the item box or a magic bag.

'Damn, now how am I going to carry this thing around.'

However, an idea quickly formed in his head, and he focused on the part of his soul that was within the scythe.

He then used his master of soul and body unique skill to turn the scythe ethereal, before he began absorbing it into himself.

'It actually worked.' Marcus thought as he could now feel the scythe inside him.

It was a somewhat weird feeling but her figured he would get used to it in time.

Testing this new application of his unique skill a few times, Marcus found that it was quite seamless to take the scythe in and out of his form, actually being just a tad faster than when he used his item box.

'I suppose I should go see Thabon now. Since tomorrow I am heading back to the castle, and after that my schedule is going to be pretty packed.'

Going back to his workshop, Marcus cleaned everything up, and put all of his important supplies back into his item box, before heading out to the Blazegram Forge.

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