Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 399 - A Big Misunderstand (2)

Chapter 399 - A Big Misunderstand (2)

With explosions going on all around them, Marcus and Roxene had been pushed further apart as hundreds of men and women began rushing out of the woods and attacking the solders of Tralenstein.

The battlefield quickly turned bloody as the soldiers of Tralenstein were caught off guard and their weaker members quickly into pools of blood.

Looking out at this, Marcus was momentarily unnerved to see his first real sight of war, as bodies went flying everywhere, and pained cries resonating throughout the area.

Still, he quickly got ahold of himself, and scanned around for Roxene finding that she was currently doing her best to evade the attacks coming at her from both sides.

'Roxene continue evading while running towards me. We are getting out of here.'

With Marcus' direction Roxene did her best to avoid those that were perusing her, and run towards Marcus, while he began slipping through the chaotic battlefield towards her.

Yet, as Marcus was closing the distance, his danger sense started going off like crazy.

Stopping and turning towards his left, Marcus reacted just in time to deflect a top tier mithril glaive that was aiming to piece right through his torso.

"Oh, you are good as I would expect of the leader of the kingdom's mountaineer brigade." The man said.

Hearing this Marcus was entirely confused since he really had no idea what was going on and was just an innocent bystander.

However, he soon realized why this man thought he was some type of commander, and that was due to his scythe.

Only the strongest people would have such a powerful weapon, and from this guy's point of view, Marcus was the strongest enemy on the battlefield meaning he must be the enemy commander.

'Level forty-seven, and he seems pretty strong. Damn if I bring him towards Roxene, she might actually get hurt her.'

"Listen I am not with mountaineer brigade as you called it. I am just a bystander that got caught up in this. Would you mind letting me go, and I promise I won't make any problems you or your companions." Marcus said hoping to defuse the situation.

Alas, he knew this was a long shot and the man with the glaive said, "Yeah right. Like I am going to believe you. No, I said I would kill the enemy commander so that is what I am going to do."

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Marcus cast his gaze over to Roxene who was still doing her best at evasion and seemed fine for now.

Unfortunately, things were not looking good, and the longer things went on like this the more likely that one of them might get hurt.

'Roxene, go ahead and start killing anyone in your way. I just need a few seconds to deal with this guy and then we can meet up.' Marcus said to Roxene allowing her to stop holding back.

He had hoped to get out of this without killing a bunch of people, but now that push came to shove, he was going to put down anyone in his way.

"Keep your eyes one me." The man wielding the glaive said as Marcus cast his gaze towards Roxene, taking this opportunity to attack.

Yet as his blade should have chopped Marcus' head off, it passed right through his neck, leaving the man stunned.

'Die.' Marcus thought as he used this opening swinging his scythe for the man's head.

But as the tip of his scythe, was about to piece the glaive wield man's left eye, a mana barrier appeared around his head, blocking the scythe for an instance.

Nevertheless, the man's mana barrier was unable to hold up to the power behind Marcus' scythe and shattered an instance later.


A new shinning blue barrier appeared in front of the man's face, and the necklace around his neck began to glow.

"Whew that was close." The man said as he jumped back his second defense saving his life.


Shattering the life saving magic item he had on him broke into pieces, stunning the man since it should have easily held up to a few attacks.

"Well, you are stronger than I thought, I will need to stay on my toes."

The man then took a defensive position no longer planning to finish Marcus off quickly, but wait until the rest of the fighting had wound down and he could fight Marcus together with his comrades.


Still, this meant little to Marcus who was just going to overwhelm this man quickly and then pick up Roxene.

Barely reacting in time, the man used his glaive to blocked the laser spell, but it was too late, Marcus was already right next to him, slashing out with his scythe.

Yet with a feat of agility using all of his reflexes and battle experience, the man was able to twist his body back, and got off with just his right arm being cut off.

Though as his arm was falling, Marcus simply took a step forward and swung again but the man using his glaive managed to block the blow and only be sliced into a few inches instead of all the way in half.

Even so, the man was still blown away from the force of the swing, and Marcus was satisfied that the guy would be out of his hair.


A moment after the loud howl resounded through the area, a massive burst of light energy covered the battlefield.

Seeing this everyone was surprised by what had just happened, but Marcus knew that this was Roxene's unique skill howl of day.

'Shit she must be in trouble if she had to resort to that.'

Looking back Marcus saw the scorched earth around Roxene as well as the numerous bodies from the people that were attacking her.

'Time to go.'

Going into his ghost form Marcus took his opportunity to fly towards Roxene, so the two of them could get out of here.

Yet as Marcus was flying towards her, the man with the glaive began rocketing for her after seeing the damage she had done.

He was aiming right for Roxene with his glaive in front as he launched himself like a missile. 

And unfortunately, with Roxene panting and worn out from using her unique skill, she was in no condition to block or dodge this kamikaze attack 

With his only option to meet the attack head on Marcus reappeared and swung his scythe forward infusing it with a massive amount of mana while activating all of its enchantments.josei

The two of them then clashed, and the man pushed against Marcus trying his best to break through and kill both Marcus and Rexene who he perceived as the biggest threats.

Nevertheless, he was horribly outmatched and within less than a second Marcus had deflected the glaive out of the man's remaining hand.

Then bringing his scythe back down Marcus aimed to end this nuisance once and for all, when the man shouted out, "Captain!"

And instant after, Marcus saw a blur moving at blinding speed and two blades met his scythe stopping it in its tracks right before it ended this man's life.

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