Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 402 - Marcus Vs The Rebel Captain (3

Chapter 402 - Marcus Vs The Rebel Captain (3


Flying towards the ground, Marcus flew straight through as he was still ethereal.

However, before he got too far underground the chain that was connecting him to the rebel captain tugged on him preventing him from going any further.

'I have never been more appreciative of my armor than right now.' Marcus thought.

If it had not been for his sturdy armor, he was certain that he would have been cut in half, but thankfully his armor and the spiritual energy he had used for defense had blocked most of the last attacks force.

Still the power of the fox girl's flames that had been infused with spiritual energy had done a number on Marcus and he felt the burns that had afflicted his soul.

'Hm seeing as how I am down here; I might as well just wait until I recover.'

Unfortunately, just a few seconds after he thought this, the rebel captain cut through the ground to his location.

The mouth on her flame mask then opened and she unleashed a flame breath that was like a beam straight towards Marcus.

'Embodiment of light.'

With the flame breath coming right for him, Marcus had no option but to use one of his unique skills to boost his power.

Since he had been forced into this fight, he wanted to see how far he could go without relying on his unique skills that drained him quickly. But his opponent was just too strong to hold back against anymore.

He then covered himself with a mana barrier to hold back the flames for a moment while he cast a radiance scales spell that he empowered further with his embodiment of light.

Yet even with his powerful defensive spell, Marcus saw it starting to crack under the pressure of the flame breath, but his next attack was already in motion.

Focusing on his cataclysmic iron sword Marcus had the titanic form of iron crash back down right on top of the fox girl that was currently trying to burn him to a crisp.


As the cataclysmic iron sword hit the ground, it broke thought the earth with ease, causing tremors and  leaving cracks throughout the landscape.

Even the nearby lake was not unaffected as it was rocked violently, and large waves began splashing about.

'Damn I missed her.'

However, as much power as was behind Marcus' tier six spell, his target was quite fast and nimble and had dodged by flying in the air.

'At least she had to stop her attack.' Marcus thought as he floated out of the ravine his and the rebel captain's attacks had created.

He then reappeared as he floated into the sky, casting his tier five iron magic spell and creating six wings to keep himself aloft.

"You certainly are stronger than I thought you would be. I am surprised that the king had something like you hidden away. You are certainly not human, and your magic is already beyond the master class. I also know there is no way you are level twenty-four, so you must have some skill to alter your status. Just who or what are you, and what is your relationship to the king?"

As their fight had gone on the rebel captain had grown more and more curious about who Marcus was.

She used to be one of the kingdom's great knights, but she had little to no recollection of ever seeing Marcus.

Still, she felt like she had seen him somewhere before, and his power and appearance on this battlefield led her to believe he was a hidden agent of the crown.

But now that she had fought him for longer, she was certain he was not human, and wondered if he was some type of monster or maybe even a spirit.

'Did the king or possibly someone close to him hire some sort of specter assassin or something.'

  Seeing that the rebel captain wanted to open a dialogue, Marcus dissipated his cataclysmic iron sword that was eating through his mana and was unlikely to ever connect against such a nimble opponent. 

He was also hoping that maybe there was a chance now that he could end things peacefully.

He had shown that he was no push over and that it was quite possible that he could kill her. So, she might let him go if he could convince her that he was not some agent for the king.

"To answer your question, I already said this before, but I have no connection to this kingdom, and was just traveling through. It was just an unfortunate accident that I was here. I promise that if you let me go you will never see me again."

Alas, with the situation as it was the rebel captain did not believe Marcus, and with her attempt to fish for answers seeming to be unfruitful, she said, "Very well. You can keep all of you secrets in death."

After saying that the fox beastgirl, began flying towards Marcus and she suddenly spilt into nine different images.

Luckily even with these added fakes Marcus could still tell where she was thanks to his life sense skill.

Flapping his wings and channeling his embodiment of light Marcus moved like a flash and flew straight towards the real one.

Seeing this she was surprised, not that Marcus had once again found her but at how fast he was moving now.

Before she had the advantage in speed, but now he was much faster.

Fighting in midair, Marcus let loose a rapid storm of slashes that were pushing back the rebel captain, who was having to use her all just to keep up.


Catching both of her kukris with his scythe, Marcus wrenched them from her hands, though he had to throw away his own scythe in the process.

However, this was all a part of his plan as he punched towards her head with his right arm casting another inferno fist.

Seeing this the rebel captain once again conjured her reflector shield in the path of Marcus' attack, using her final use of the ability for the day.

'Got you.'

Smiling, Marcus pulled back his right hand having already expected this outcome, and having lowered his left towards her abdomen cast a laser spell.

Yet right before that had happen the fox girl had all of her illusions blitz towards Marcus in what he thought was an attempt to distract him, until his danger sense started going off like crazy.

Then simultaneously, Marcus fired his laser spell through the rebel captain's abdomen right under the area her armor protected, and the illusions all disappeared revealing that they had been hiding a ball of blueish silver flame within.


The eight bluish silver balls of fire exploded around Marcus while the fox beastgirl was blown away by his laser spell.

It was a simultaneous hit as both of their sneak attacks landed home.

Crashing into the ground the rebel captain felt the stinging pain right above her waist and saw a pool of blood gushing out of the hole in her body.

Still, she looked up expecting to see Marcus in an even rougher shape, only to look up in horror as she saw him unharmed.

At the last moment he had closed his iron wings around himself, and while many of the feathers that made them had melted from the heat, he had managed to block the attack.

Gritting her teeth and standing up, the rebel captain watched as Marcus pulled out six floating lenses and staked them all together to unleash one big finishing attack.

'No choice, I have to do it.'


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