Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 428 - Preparing For The Operation

Chapter 428 - Preparing For The Operation

Nodding her head Tesia, said, "Yes, I do. Now let us go inside before we attract any attention.

Not waiting for Marcus' response, Tesia walked into his room and waited for him to come back in so that they could talk.

Shrugging his shoulders, Marcus followed behind and closed the door interested in hearing what the rebel army's number two wanted to discuss with him.

"So, what did you need from me?" Marcus said in a relaxed manner.

And in return Tesia flicked a golden token towards him.

Catching it Marcus immediately felt that it was a powerful magic item and could tell that it was made with a very complicated magic formation.

Marcus then saw Tesia pull out another identical token, and said, "These are a pair of portal tokens. I know that Marek wants me to stay out of the operation to break into the prison, but I cannot just leave my brother alone. I am afraid that either he will be killed or that he will kill many people. But I have a way to suppress and seal him, so that he can be taken alive. I would ask that when you face him that you use that token to bring me to him."

Looking at Tesia, Marcus could see the desperation on her normally cool exterior.

Her eyes were pleading with him to go along with her selfish request to save her brother who was one of their greatest enemies.

"Very well, I will use it when I can. But from what you and Marek told me the entire building is protected by a formation that prevents spatial fluctuations to prevent anyone from warping in or out. So, it may be difficult for me to accomplish." 

"I know, but part of the plan is to destroy the mana furnace powering the building anyway. Once that is done make sure to summon me when you can. I know you said that you had a way to deal with my brother, but I came to warn you not to underestimate him. In terms of destructive power, he far outclasses even Cibor."

After saying that last warning Tesia left Marcus' room, hoping that he would keep his word and summon her to his side when he fought her brother.

'Well, if the opportunity presents itself, I will do as she asked.' Marcus thought as he looked at the portal token before placing it in his item box.

With that done, Marcus once again exited his room, and headed to the forge that had been built in the rebel's base.

His first order of business was to make weapons and armor for the high-level prisoners that he was about to liberate.

'They really came through.' Marcus thought as he walked into work room that had been prepared for him.

There, he saw stacked neatly, were around fifty ingots of adamantine.

This was everything that the rebels had on them and could procure for Marcus to use.

'It is too bad I cannot keep it all for myself, but maybe I can ask for some as payment for my services.'

With a greedy look in his eyes Marcus began inspecting the adamantine, hitting it a couple of times and listening to the sound it made, then picking it up and thoroughly looking it over.

'Hm, they are good but there are still a few impurities in each one. These definitely did not come out of a dungeon, but I suppose that they do have three mines in this kingdom so that is where these probably came from.'

Picking up the first ingot, Marcus got right to work on making a suit of armor.

There were apparently five great knights currently being detained on suspicions of whatever bullcrap crime the kingdom could come up with to prevent them from possibly joining the rebels or deserting.

So, Marcus was now making new sets of armor and weapons for each of them after getting the specifications form Marek.

'Okay two sets of light armor, and three sets of heavy.'

After looking over the guide he had been given, Marcus got to work on the two sets of light armor first. He had more experience making this type and wanted to work up to the three sets of full plate.

Getting right to it, Marcus heated up the adamantine ingots and began hammering away.

He quickly, got invested in the work and fell almost into a trance as he entered the zone. knocking out one suit of armor after the other. Until before he knew it, four days had passed, and he had completed all five sets.josei

Wiping the soot off of his forehead, Marcus looked at his work with a smile happy with what he had produced.

'I did not get the system's approval for any of them, but I suppose that is to be expected since this is only my second time working with it.'

Of course, Marcus may have been able to make each one top tier, if he had once again literally put a piece of himself in them, but he no intention of lowering his spirit stat right now and making soul bound armor he was going to be giving away.

With the five sets of armor done, Marcus sat down and took a break.

He had been working pretty hard, only stopping to replenish his mana during the entire process of making the armor.

Still, he had more to get done, so after taking a thirty-minute nap, he got back up and began working on the weapons.

Each of the great knights currently incarcerated used different weapons, and Marcus was making a couple of them for the first time.

'I do not know why this guy fights with a giant rip saw but whatever.'

Starting with the weirdest weapons and working his way towards the more normal ones, Marcus once again did his best making each of the weapons to the specifications he had been given so that they would best suit their wielders.

It was difficult work, and Marcus found that making the rip saw was harder than he thought it would be, having to melt it down multiple times and start again.

Eventually though, he had all of the weapons completed and was very proud of his work.

Certainly, it had not been easy, but it gave him another chance to work with adamantine and get more accustomed to the powerful sturdy metal.

'Time to go and find out what has happened while I was working.'

Exiting his workspace, Marcus received concerned glances from the rebel forgemasters, who had seen him go in and not come out for a week.

He had never left once, not to eat, sleep, or even use the toilet.

Of course, Marcus had no need for any of these actions and was actually incapable of the last one, but none of these people knew that.

Though Marcus paid them little mind and quickly made his way to the tower where the rebel's leaders normally were.

'Lyra are you around I finished up the armor and weapons.' Marcus sent out via telepathy.

Then a few moments later he received a response from her that was full of surprise.

'You are done already?! I thought that it would take you at least another two weeks to finish.'

'Yeah, I just finished. I can work without much of a break so it is done earlier than most could accomplish. Now where are you right now.. It is time that we move onto the next phase.'

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