Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 433 - Let The Chaos Begin

Chapter 433 - Let The Chaos Begin

Being questioned by Argus, Marcus could definitely understand his cautiousness in this situation.

Luckily, Marek had already informed him about Argus' wary nature and had told him what to say.

'I hope to never see another chestnut again.' 

As soon as Marcus said this, Argus' eyes went wide remembering the time that both he and Marek had fought a giant organism that was made up of hundreds of trees and launched large exploding chestnuts at each of them.

It had been one of their first missions together, and once it was completed those were the words Marek had said, and it became a kind of inside joke for them.

Smiling and chuckling to himself, Argus responded saying, 'Yes that is something that only Marek would have someone say to me.'

With Argus now believing that Marcus was sent by Marek, his guarded nature seemed to relax a bit and he sat back down and said, 'So what exactly are you? How were you able to get past the security in this place and find me?'

Taken aback by this, Marcus became a bit guarded himself.

While he trusted Marek to a degree, and it seemed that Argus was not showing any hostility. He had not written off that this could still all be an elaborate trap.

'Unfortunately, I am not willing to tell you that at this time. I am not one hundred percent sure I can trust you and that information will not be relevant to your escape.'

Shrugging his shoulders Argus gave up on questioning Marcus and said, 'Fine I get it. Now how are you planning on getting me out of this place?'

Moving on Argus did not care enough to question Marcus further, since he had already confirmed that Marek had sent him.

And seeing that Argus was ready to get down to business, Marcus began telling him the plan on how he would break Argus out and then progressively free more and more prisoners to create chaos.

After that he told Argus that they needed to take care of the mana furnaces powering the prison, so that the nearby strike team could attack from the outside.

However, Marcus gave Argus false information about the location of the rebel team just in case.

That way if a bunch of the kingdom's solders popped up and went to the false area, they would know that Argus was indeed a plant.

'Now the first order of business is getting you out of here. Do you know if there is any way I can deactivate the formations around here and take the restraints off you?"

Unfortunately, Argus told Marcus that the only two people in the entire prison that could get into this room, and they were the warden and vice warden.

It was also them who held the only keys to unlock his shackles and knew the code to deactivate the barrier and open the cell.

'If I freed you from those bindings, do you think that you can bust out of here through force?' Marcus asked to Argus.

Argus then took a moment to look at the bars and barrier that were keeping him restrained.

'It would be impossible without a good weapon to channel and enhance my powers. As soon as I am released from these shackles the formations will switch over to using power from the prison's furnaces. Also, I am pretty sure that an alarm will go off and it would not take long for Teivel to arrive. I am strong but that guy's magic is difficult to deal with, and in a fight to the death I would lose.'

However, while Argus could not see it, Marcus smiled and said, 'You do not need to worry about Teivel, Tesia gave me some ways to deal with him. And, if you did have a good weapon and even armor to strengthen yourself, you could break out of here?'

Marcus then explained to Argus that he had a perfect weapon and set of armor made out of adamantine ready for him.

'Hm, I am used to my amethros war hammer, but if it is a high quality adamantine one, I should be able to break out with a few dozen blows. But how exactly are you planning on getting me out of these shackles?' Argus asked while holding out his hands and showing off the adamantine manacles that were binding him.

'Well, I thought of a way, but I am not sure that you are going to like it.'

As Marcus told Argus about his plan to separate him from his shackles, his eyes went wide and sweat visibly began running down his face.

What Marcus wanted him to do was going to be very painful and exhausting.

'Is there really no other way?' Argus asked, hoping not to have to resort to the method Marcus had come up with.

Of course, Marcus could have just used the device that Tesia gave him to disrupted all of the formations and make it much easier for Argus to escape, but he wanted to save it if he could.

'Nope, it is all I can think off. There is just no way I could safely get the keys off the warden or vice warden.' Marcus said blatantly lying about not having another way.josei

Sighing, Argus agreed to Marcus' proposal even though he really wished not to have to do this.

Still, after being locked up for a few weeks, the novelty of being trapped in a small room, and being permanently chained to a wall wore off pretty quickly.

He had been hoping that the kingdom could fix itself back up, but when Cibor along with the second ranked great knight had told him he was being investigated for a bullcrap crime, he knew things had gone too far.

'Okay just make it quick and be ready. The second you free me the entire prison is going to go into high alert, and it will not be long before Teivel shows up personally.'

'Got it. Just give me a minute to get everything ready and when it is time, I will give you a count down.'

While still ethereal Marcus opened up one of the magic bags he had on him, and began emptying the surplus weapons he had into it.

Luckily, he was able to do this since anything nonliving on his person became ethereal with him and would stay that way as long as it was still connected to him.

He did this so that he could hand these bags over to Argus and he could also distribute weapons to escaped prisoners, since Marcus felt that his hands might be full dealing with Teivel.

'I am ready. Now prepare yourself, I am going to begin in five seconds.'

Gritting his teeth and bracing himself, Argus got ready for Marcus to free him. And after the five seconds were over, he saw a top tier adamantine scythe appear out of nowhere and swiftly cut of his hands and lower legs, separating him from his bindings.

Immediately an alarm began blaring, signaling that Argus had escaped, but neither of them paid it much mind.

Argus himself was in quite a bit of pain, and Marcus moved quickly not wasting a moment and pulled out one of the talismans that Tesia had given him, using it to cast the regeneration spell on Argus.

Along with that he used his own spirit healing power to restore Argus even faster.

Marcus then dropped Argus his new adamantine hammer and armor, along with a few magic bags and said, 'Let the chaos begin.'

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