Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 452 Volos’ Announcement

Chapter 452 Volos’ Announcement

Seeing Marcus appear out of nowhere and start berating him, Volos was stunned for a moment until he heard Marcus tell him to be shocked later.

Rubbing his face with his hand Volos took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

“Okay, what is it exactly that you want me to do?”josei

This time without any interruptions, Lyra told Volos their plan and how they wanted him to divert troop movements away from the number of barracks and bases that were situated through the city.

This would allow for the rebel’s forces to take over these strategic areas, while also having the patrolling troops sent into traps where hopefully they could be apprehended without much bloodshed.

“Yes, that could work. But what about announcing your return? It could cause fear and panic if fighting just suddenly broke out in the streets.” Volos asked with a concerned expression..

“We will be making the announcement at dawn, right before the rebel forces engage with the kingdom. But before that, we need to move quickly and have you divert the troops’ movements. Say that you are going to be addressing the city and want the added military support around the main square. After that we will take everything from there.”

Nodding his head Volos agreed to everything that Lyra suggested, understanding that anything else would likely end badly for him and the city.

Of course, he also wanted the people he worked hard to govern to no longer have to live under fear of the oppressive military occupying the city, but his main motivation was to ensure the safety of his family.

The king was already not pleased with his performance in his new role, as he had not done enough to control the populous.

Naturally this was because he had no wish to be a tyrant and had been doing his best to uphold the practices that were originally set by Lyra and his ancestors.

“Okay, I will need to make some calls and visit some people if I am to accomplish everything that you have requested. Though, I am not sure what great knight Edek will do, as I have little sway over him and his men.” Volos said after he and Lyra had finished discussing their plan.

“That is fine. Just remember that my ‘guardian spirit’ here will be watching over you to make sure you do not betray us.” Lyra said while pointing at Marcus.

Marcus then disappeared again and stuck behind Volos, who definitely had a bit of fear creeping onto his face.

Still, he did as he agreed to and got to work on setting up Lyra’s announcement and funneling the troops into a trap.

During this time, Marcus watched him like a hawk, and Volos seemed to be keeping his word, not sending out any signals or try to ask for help from anyone.

Though he certainly angered plenty of officials who were not happy about having their sleep interrupted so that Volos could make some big announcement at dawn. But they did as they were told, since Volos was currently the duke and in charge of this city and the entire region.

Quickly everything was set into motion, and while it was tight, the stage for Volos’ announcement was prepared and word had gotten out to the citizens.

At the same time the pretense of increasing security using army’s patrols, had for the most part been successful, as many were redirected into the area’s that were perfect for the rebel’ ambush.

This had also allowed the rebels to slip into position more easily, as Volos had guards that were solely loyal to him, and Lyra’s late parents take over the gates.

Soon the light of the sun just began to crest over the horizon, and droves of people had come out to witness the surprise announcement that the current leader of the city would be making.

Of course, thousands of them were actually here as a means of protest, though the soldiers in close proximity kept them quiet. At least for the moment.

Taking one last deep breath, Volos walked onto the stage that was in the middle of the largest square in the city.

As he did a decent number of people in the town clapped and cheered. Since while the city was certainly not as free and prosperous as it used to be, Volos did have a decent public image for the hard work he did to try and keep the city stable and uphold the legacy of Lyra’s parents.

No, the problem that most of the citizens had, was with the kingdom’s army that felt more like an invasion force than the people that were supposed to keep them safe.

When he got up to the podium that was set up for him, he looked out at all of the faces of the citizens, before looking to his left and right where he knew Lyra and her compatriots were standing invisible, waiting for their moment.

“Good morning to you all. I am glad to see that so many of the citizens that I look after have gathered to hear what I have to say today. I am sure that all of you are wondering why I have gathered you all today on such short noticed? It is so that I can address the issue that have been arising in recent months.”

Volos then gave the people a few moments to whisper amongst themselves and really take in what he had just said before starting again.

“I know that it has been hard on many of you after the incident with the former duke and duchess, and the divide it has caused through our kingdom. I am sure that many of you feel it was unjust for them to executed and for me to be installed in their place. And while I have done all I can to live up to my aunt and uncle’s legacy, I can see now that is not my place. I have failed both the kingdom and this city while in my position as duke, as the unrest has grown. Yet I am here to say that today the last day for dissension, turmoil, or rioting against the king.”

Hearing this many of those in the pro king faction smiled, as they believed that the soft duke was ready to finally crack down on his tumultuous citizens.

Yet his next words caused their jaws to drop and their eyes to go wide in fear and shock.

“That is because on this day, I abdicate my position as Duke of Augustyn, and hand it over to its rightful heir. My cousin Jadzia Augustyn.”

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