Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 464 Mrazivý’s Evolution

Chapter 464 Mrazivý’s Evolution

Looking up in shock, Marcus blinked his eyes a couple of times wondering if he was seeing some type of hallucination. But sure enough, standing next to him was Mrazivý.

However, while he was able to recognize her by her face, she no longer looked exactly like how she had before.

She now had two white horns jutting out of the top of her head, her teeth had become sharper and longer, a pair of deep blue wings jutted out of her back, her arms and legs were covered in blue scales, and her hands and feet were now clawed like a lizard.

Yet, before Marcus could say anything else, he felt his head start to crack and it seemed that he was about to reach his end.

That was, until Mrazivý crushed a potion over him

Immediately Marcus recognized the soothing liquid that had begun dripping over him, and the lesser elixir went to work on repairing the horrible damage he had sustained.

Of course, even the powerful healing magic contained in a lesser elixir was far from enough to fully restore him, but at the very least, it did just enough to where his regeneration skills were now able to overtake the damage. Albeit very slowly.

As he felt himself coming into a more stable position, Marcus using his telepathy skill, said to Mrazivý, ‘Mraz what the hell are you doing here. I told you to stay away. You could get into massive trouble if you are recognized, and these opponents are too strong for you to handle.’

Marcus then tried to lift himself up, struggling under the strain of the damage he had taken, when Mrazivý put her foot down on top of him and pushed him back down.

“You just stay there and rest, I will take care of this. Also, just because you told me to, does not mean I have to listen to what you say. You one-sidedly pushed your help onto me when I had said it was enough, so now I am doing the same to you.”

After saying that, Mrazivý flew up into the air where Felica was floating and healing up her injuries.

She was wary of Mrazivý who she could not appraise, due to either some sort of skill or item, as well as the appearance she had that resembled a dragon.

‘Is it some sort of unique skill like Argus’ behemoth aspect, or is she a beast person that achieved a powerful evolution like Jadzia?’.

Still, whether it was one or the other, Felica knew that a new enemy had appeared, and she was going to have to take them out along with the troublesome spirit below.

‘Level seventy-two. That is not good.’ Mrazivý thought as she finished appraising Felcia with her new dragon eyes.

Certainly, after reaching level fifty and achieving her evolution she had gotten significantly stronger, but she doubted she could beat someone over twenty levels higher than her.

‘I will just have to do everything that I can.’

‘Apex of Winter.’

Using the temporary boost ability of her unique skill Winter’s Grace, Mrazivý brought her power up to its peak and prepared to engage with Felica.

‘Raging Tundra.’

Starting things of with one of her best moves, Mrazivý, cast her recently acquired tier six ice magic spell, and sent a massive wave of cold energy towards Felica who had taken up a defensive position.

As her spell advanced it began freezing even the air, and Felica grimaced as she braced to take the wide ranged spell that would be impossible to avoid.

Immediately Felica’s entire body became encased in ice and her movements were halted.

However, this only lasted a moment before the ice around her cracked and the glow of a mana barrier could be seen around her.

Naturally as powerful as Mrazivý’s spell had been, it was still unable to do any damaged to Felica and just slowed her down for a few moments.

It also allowed her to truly gage Mrazivý’s power, and she smirked knowing that this new opponent was not going to be much of a threat.

‘Her ice magic is annoying, but it is not going to be able to hurt me as long as I keep my defenses up.’ Felica thought as she charged towards Mrazivý, no longer being as cautious.

Seeing this, Mrazivý backed off flying away while firing off her tier five spell frigid blast.

In return Felica slashed her spare falchion that was just a simple adamantine weapon forward and cut through Mrazivý’s spell.josei

Soon their little game of cat and mouse ended, as Felica caught up to Mrazivý and brought down her falchion on top of her.

Parrying this attack with her own sword, Mrazivý had to struggle to hold back this powerful attack from Felica.


Being pushed back Mrazivý went tumbling through the air, as her wings lost their balance and she was unable to right herself.

Felica then shot towards Mrazivý, and with one more swing of her weapon, sliced straight through her.

At least, that is what it looked like. But the second her blade passed through what she thought was her enemy, she could tell the sensation was not right.

‘Ice mirage.’

As the ice that had taken her place shattered, Mrazivý became visible again, floating around a hundred feet away from Felica.

She then took off again, firing ranged spells at Felica and just making a nuisance of herself.

Grinding her teeth, Felcia was beginning to get quite frustrated since she was needed on the front lines rather than dealing with Mrazivý.

‘Hm, I suppose that will do.’ Felcia thought.

Turning away from Mrazivý, Felcia went flying towards Marcus who was still lying on the ground recovering from the damage he had taken and the horrible backlash from his skills.

In truth he could not move at all, though as he saw Felcia coming at him, he went ethereal and let himself slip underground.

Unfortunately, he doubted he would be able to get far enough down since Felcia could cut through the ground like butter.

Yet before she could get to Marcus, Mrazivý rushed towards her, with her sword covered in mana and cold energy.

However, this is what Felica had been expecting, and changed the trajectory of her blade towards Mrazivý.

Except instead of cutting clean through her like she thought, Felcia found her blade stuck around sixty percent of the way through both of Mrazivý’s forearms arms that she had brought up to defend herself.

This was due to her new dragon scales, which were incredibly tough and were as strong as adamantine armor.

Using her opponent’s momentary shock to her advantage, Mrazivý released her mercurial ice from out of her body and coved Felcia with it.

She then lunged her head forward, and sunk her fangs into Felica’s wrist, before yanking her head back and ripping her opponent’s hand off and taking the falchion that had been in it as well.

Quickly regaining her composure even through the searing pain of Mrazivý’s mercurial ice and having her hand bitten off, Felcia slammed her shield forward, bashing Mrazivý away with a powerful blow.

Shooting off towards Mrazivý who was plummeting towards the ground, Felica placed her shield in front of herself, aiming to crush her enemy into the ground.

Unable to stop her momentum, Mrazivý saw that Felica was coming at her like a meteor, and knew that she had no way to try and avoid this attack.

Still, she had one trick up her sleeve, and opening her moth that was covered in blood, she fired her breath attack.

A powerful beam of cold like the one she had used to protect Marcus, shot out from her mouth and straight at Felcia, who could not avoid it already committed to her own attack.

As the Mrazivý’s breath attack hit her shield, Felcia continued to push through even as ice and frost formed around her.

Soon Mrazivý impacted into the ground leaving a sizable crater, but still she focused on her attack, keeping up the release of her frost breath.

And as Felcia descended as well, her momentum began to slow. And when she was just a few feet from crashing into Mrazivý, her entire body froze over, enveloped in ice and no longer moving.

Quickly, Mrazivý jumped away, and using her teeth, ripped the falchion that was still stuck in her forearms out, before storing it away in her item box.

She knew this fight was not over yet, and just a couple of seconds later, Felcia broke free from the ice Mrazivý had sealed her in.

Naturally, after all the fighting she had done, Felcia was worse for wear, now missing her main hand, as well as being covered in frostbite along her body.

Still her mana was nowhere near empty, and Mrazivý after doing all she had was running on fumes.

It was certainly a desperate situation for Mrazivý, until another person arrived to intervene in the battle.

“Looks like you got a bit too caught up in your own fight Felcia.”

Hearing this voice, Felica shivered recognizing exactly who it was.

Looking up, there she saw Argus standing in the air above her, with his hammer resting over his shoulder.

Of course, he was also bleeding profusely and had horrible injures all over his body, but Felcia was in a similar if not worse state.

“Had you been paying more attention, you would have noticed that Cibor ran with his tail between his legs, and has already retreated with what forces he could. Unfortunately for you, your side has lost.” Argus said with a demonic smile

Fear running through her entire being, Felcia looked off in the direction of the royal capital and began running.

She knew that she was not going to be beating Argus right now, and decided to give her all to flee.

However, Argus was not going to let this happen, and began swinging his hammer around before descending down upon Felica.

‘Eruption Crash.’

Using his attack unique skill, Argus slammed down with all his might on top of Felcia, who tired to resist by holding her shield above her head.

Yet even the powerful adamantine shield she had crumpled under the pressure of Argus’ attack.

Following her shield, Felica’s arm shattered, and the force of Argus’ attack impacted her head, and crushed it like a watermelon.

Immediately the rest of her body followed suit, and all that was left of Felcia, was the huge stain of blood left on Argus’ body.

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