Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 474 Assault on the Capital

Chapter 474 Assault on the Capital

Quickly six days went by, and liberation army had begun moving into position to begin the final assault on the kingdom’s capital.

This was the last bastion of the kingdom’s power and once it had fallen, Tralenstein would start a new era of greater equality for the people.

Of course, this was certainly not a bunch of hot air as the areas already taken over by the liberation, were already able to experience their newfound freedom and increased quality of life.

Still, all of these efforts could go up in flames should they lose this final battle that was far from a sure win.

The capital was the most fortified city in the kingdom, and even a force greater than ten times of what the king has might still be insufficient.

‘Looks like they have been preparing.’ Marcus thought as he looked down upon the city from far above.

Using his enhanced vision, he could see that the walls were now manned by an even greater number of soldiers, with those that were patrolling the city probably dispatched to defend against the coming attack.

However, even as he looked down at this, he thought that their seemed to be a bit too few soldiers. But it was possible that the king who had already shown his cowardice during this war, was hording the majority of his forces in the inner city and castle.

After taking one final pass at the city’s walls, Marcus gave out the little intel he was able to gather, and the liberation army began approaching.

From eight sides armies of between one hundred and ten thousand to one hundred and thirty thousand soldiers marched towards the capital city..

Naturally each of these armies was protected by mobile strongholds that were either taken from the kingdom or provided by Borealia who had heavily invested this war.

Soon the two opposing forces came into range and mana cannons and spells began flying as the battle for the capital began.

Though the leaders of the rebellion who were all at least level fifty-four other than Marcus, did not participate in the opening assault.

They needed to keep vigilant for the kingdom’s strongest and intercept them before they tried to wreak havoc on the weaker soldiers.

‘I have visual on him. Cibor is protecting the west side of the wall.’ One of the leaders sent out via telepathy.

And not but a moment after another one said, ‘I have also found Armand. He is protecting the northeastern side of the wall.’

Yet as everyone heard this, something definitely seemed to not be right.

Both Cibor and Armand were positioned as far away from Argus, Marek, and Tesia as possible.

Though this could just be a confidence, it seemed awfully convenient that the three people that could content with these two were being avoided.

‘Looks like we might have a spy within the upper ranks.’ Marcus thought hearing this.

So far, they had been able to avoid any major leaks, and while it was certain that there were spies within their forces, like they had spies within the kingdom’s, this was the first time that it seemed that all of their movements had been anticipated.

‘Just hold out until reinforcements arrive. Focus on defense and keep the mana cannons trained on them. Not even Cibor and Armand can take a full bombardment unscathed.’ Marek said giving out his commands.

‘Tesia you are the closest to Cibor. Make your way over to where he is. Argus you head for Armand.’

‘Understood.’ Tesia responded.

‘Got it buddy.’ Argus said back.

Repositioning to handle the threats that were popping up, the liberation army managed to get ahold of their disadvantageous situation.

Still, Cibor unleashed a particularly brutal attack while no one could directly face him, and while the barriers created by the mobile strongholds protected most, he managed to kill about two thousand people before Tesia arrived and suppressed him.

‘Well, since two of the biggest threats are accounted for, I guess I can move into action.’

‘Embodiment of Eclipse, Harmony Form

Pulling out his focusing lenses, Marcus lined them all up and began casting his tier six light magic and darkness magic spells into them.

Fusing the powers together, Marcus unleashed a full power blast of rending light and darkness at the city’s wall.

As it impacted, the powerful attack met the barrier that protected these reinforced walls and began breaking through.

Certainly, the magical defenses around the capital were impressive, but even they had limits to how much power they could take in one place.

Soon the barrier began to crack under Marcus’ full powered attack, but as he expected he was not able to break through with one attack.

Even his combined tier six spells that boasted power just inferior to what a tier eight spell might have, was still insufficient to blast through the wall of a capital city.

And as he was about to fire off another shot after drinking a mana potion, someone Marcus recognized appeared and began assaulting him from afar.


‘Of course, Grunt would be here.’

Seeing the earth spirit, Marcus had to take defense action as it began hurtling spears of earth at him that were infused with spiritual energy.

Though Grunt’s master soon also made her appearance and began firing at Marcus with her crossbow, keeping him surpassed.

However, this was actually perfectly fine by Marcus, since if these two were focusing on him that meant that they were not able to cause trouble elsewhere.josei

The battle continued to rage on for two days as the liberation army fought had to break into the city, and on the second day one of their armies finally succeeded.

With one portion of the wall breached, the rest soon followed as the kingdom’s defenders practically gave up the moment the wall was broken through.

Soon the liberation army began to flood into the outer city, and began securing the strategic areas within.

Naturally they met little resistance here as it seemed that most of the soldiers had already retreated to the inner wall, with those that had been left behind only being meant to slow down the liberation.

Yet, for some of the liberation’s leaders, things did not seem to add up. They had expected to have the siege of the outer wall last for at least five days before breaking through, and in general the response to their attack had been fairly tepid.

‘Why is there no one on the inner wall.’ Marcus thought as he advanced through the city, being the first to arrive at the inner wall to take stalk of the defenses there.

Except the wall was completely empty, devoid of even a single person.

It seemed that the kingdom had forgone even trying to defend this area and must have fled all the way back to the castle.

‘Still, it does not make any sense to just give up on the inner wall like this. They easily could have worn us down quite a bit more from here, before moving back to their most secure location at the castle for the final fight.’

As Marcus had a sinking feeling inside him, and tried analyzing what the king’s goal was, when he noticed the inner wall begin buzzing and shaking.

Marcus’ eyes went wide as he recognized what was happening, since the liberation had used a similar strategy on a smaller scale during the battle for Valenhart.

‘Everyone prepare your strongest defenses! Do whatever you can to protect yourselfers and those around you! They are going to blow up the entire city!’ Marcus screamed over his connection to the liberation’s telepathic network.’

And just a few moments after he did, the inner and outer walls, and many places in between began to glow, before every mana furnace within the city went haywire and exploded.

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