Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 476 Death and Fury

Chapter 476 Death and Fury

As Marcus watched Tesia cast her magic and save countless lives, the pit of hopelessness that had been welling up inside him began to vanish.

He had not been expecting such a vile attack to come from the king and his forces, and it had caught him completely off guard.

At the very least he had not had to worry about Mrazivý or Lyra, as they were still positioned outside of the wall waiting for the final push, where they would join forces to take on Cibor with Marek.

However, his relief did not last long as he saw the bolt pierce through Tesia’s head, and she began falling.

Immediately Marcus went into action, flying towards Tesia as fast as he could.

He still had the talisman she had given him, and while it certainly would never have been able to bring so many back like she had, it was more than capable of restoring one person.

Taking the talisman out, Marcus threw it towards Tesia and unleashed the spell sealed within.

The golden light that Tesia had just used once again began to shine, but this time instead of originating from her it flew towards her and enveloped her.josei

Quickly the golden light went to work and first pushed the bolt out of her head very violently.

He skull literally ripped apart as this happened since unlike its normal appearance when it had been fired. Once it was lodged inside its target the bolt had converted into a spike ball that had torn Tesia’s brain apart.

Still, this injury did not matter, for as quick as it appeared, the tier nine healing magic spell fixed it seamlessly..

Soon, the light in Tesia’s eyes returned, and she took a deep breath as she came back to life.

Except as soon as she had returned to life, Ziemia fired another bolt towards her, having seen what Marcus had done from her perch.

Yet to her surprise, Marcus sped in front of the bolt, and reached out to grab it.

Of course, as he grasped his hand around it he did not have the strength to stop it, and instead used his own body as a shield.

The bolt with all of the power it had, ripped through his mana barrier and pierced his armor, before lodging itself in his chest.

This was a powerful bolt that had been created to go through even heavily adamantine armor, and Marcus only managed to stop it after it had embedded itself deep into him.

The bolt like the other then expanded into a spike ball piercing through Marcus’ chest and into his stomach and even neck.

‘Damn this hurts.’ Marcus thought as he expelled the spike ball bolt from his body by going ethereal.

Of course, for that to be his only reaction was quite impressive, since normally if any person had their chest shredded, there would be no way it could possibly survived.

Though for Marcus this attack had actually not caused much damage since it was meant to destroy internal organs, of which he had none.

After that Marcus sent out his spectral arm and grabbed Tesia who was still falling towards the ground after her revival.

Naturally she was still not in great shape, since not only had she just come back to life, but the recoil of casting such a powerful spell beforehand was greatly weakening her.

Luckily, with Marcus protecting her she had managed to survived Ziemia’s follow up attack, and not far away Marek was already rushing towards her dissuading any rash actions from the enemy.

Unfortunately, it was likely that Tesia was going to be completely out of the fight for the foreseeable future, since just casting her tier nine spell normally put her out of commission for a week, but this time it was likely to be much longer.

‘Darkness drill, laser.’

Combining his tier four spells through his focusing lenses, Marcus returned fire towards Ziemia, though as he expected the barrier around the castle stopped his attack dead in its tracks.

‘Roxene come out. We are using that.’

Jumping out of Marcus’ companion storage, Roxene perched herself on his outstretch right arm and said, ‘Are you sure. Last time we were only semi-successful and about thirty percent of its power came back towards us.’

‘I do not really care right now. I just want to unleash all my rage at the bastards that would do such a thing.’ Marcus responded.

Shaking her head in resignation. Roxene could tell that Marcus was far beyond angry and trying to reason with him right now was not going to get her anywhere.

Activating her supreme skill Roxene grew to far greater size and dropped off Marcus’ arm, before floating next to him using her mana barrier to create platforms for her feat.

‘Embodiment of Eclipse, Harmony Form.’

Enveloping himself and in his supreme skill, Marcus began teeming with power.

He then began casting his rending void and quasar blast spells fusing them together towards his focusing lenses.

Yet at the same time Roxene began building up power herself, before casting the same spells as Marcus.

This was a combination they had worked on a few times but had never gotten perfect.

Though right now, Marcus simply wanted to use the most explosive attack he had against those that had been merciless enough to kill so many.

Certainly, Marcus was no hero and could even be quite ruthless at times.

However, even he had a limit to his morals, and killing so many innocent people had ticked him off to no end, and seeing Tesia get shot was the final straw that set him off.

‘Hm as if I will let that happen.’ Ziemia thought as she saw Marcus charging up a big attack.

Firing another bolt she aimed right for Marcus’ head, and of course infusing it with spiritual energy, Ziemia figured she could take Marcus out or at least disrupt his attack.

Except the bolt never reached him, as Marek deflected it, sending the exploding bolt high into ethe air where it discharged harmlessly.


Casting his spells simultaneously with Roxene, the two of them put all of their focus into combining their four spells, and sending them through Marcus’ focusing lenses.

Though this was by no means an easy task, since combining two spells cast from one individual was hard enough, and Marcus could only really due it with the help of his focusing lenses. But trying to do it with four spells from two different sources was beyond challenging.

Still Marcus channeled his fury into his determination and, with his and Roxene’s link, the two of them managed to fuse their four spells and send out a blast of light and darkness beyond what either of them could achieve on their own.

Nevertheless, the attack was not perfect, and around ten percent of the energy simply could not go through the lenses that had met their peak capacity, and the power discharged around Marcus and Roxene.

Luckily the two of them had heavy resistance to their own magics, and the majority of their attack blasted forward right for the royal castle.

Speeding forward, Marcus and Roxene’s combined attack smashed into the barrier around the royal castle and its surrounding area.

And to the surprise of many it actually began to crack, as the attack forced its way through even such a powerful barrier.

“Grunt!” Ziemia called out.

Immediately her contracted spirit appeared before her and began channeling all of its power.

Then massive walls of earth sprouted up out of the ground in between Marcus’ attack and the castle proper.


Breaking through the barrier the four combined tier six spells continued on, smashing through the walls that Grunt had set up, before impacting the main barrier around the castle.

This time however, Marcus, and Roxene’ attack met its match as the barrier around the castle was the strongest one yet.

Their attack soon began to peter out as it could not force its way through this last remaining barrier.

‘Everyone continue the assault. Push on with everything you have. Do not let this opportunity go to waste.’ Maker shouted over the telepathic network.

He knew that right now both sides were disoriented, but with Marcus’ furious attack, he had just pushed through one of the final hurdles in their way of taking the castle.

Yet they needed to act quickly because all Marcus had done was put a hole in the castle’s outer barrier, and if they waited the kingdom could repair the damage.

Rallying themselves into a fervor, like Marcus the liberation troops turned their fury into fuel, continuing the charge straight for the heart of the kingdom that had killed far too many people in their desperate attempt to stay in power.

“Jed, you can leave Tesia in the care of those below. Right now we need to join the rest of the troops and push on to the castle. I have already called Jadzia, and she and your companion are on their way over. Now let us go and take on Cibor and finally finish this war.”

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