Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 524 Gathering in Borealia

Chapter 524 Gathering in Borealia

“Are you sure that you do not want to ride back with us? It is a long journey back to the Borealian capital, and navigating these mountains is not easy.”

Shaking his head, Marcus looked at Bianca with a confident expression and said, “Yeah, I am sure. I want to look around the mountains some more on my own before heading back. Anyway, I already made the journey to see Retharin on my own so anything else should be child’s play.”

“Okay I understand. Just try not to get yourself lost or hurt.” Bianca said with a concerned expression.

After that the carriage that Bianca was in began moving as she headed back to Borealia leaving Marcus on his own on the outskirts of the city.

‘Whew dodged a bullet there. I do not think I could take another two weeklong carriage ride.’ Marcus thought as he watched Bianca’s carriage fade into the distance.

Once Bianca was out of eye shot, Marcus ascended into the air and looked down upon the massive mountain range below him.

However, contrary to what he said about exploring it, he simply began flying in the direction of his home.

He had already gotten plenty of exiting experiences on his trip, and just wanted to get home and relax with his friends and family..

So, he flew as fast as he could through the mountains until he came to the area, he had left the spoils from his glacier exploration.

Luckily, he was able to find the spot he buried everything, and it was all still accounted for.

Then with nothing left to do in the area he continued his flight home.

‘There it is. To think that it only took me a few hours to get back.’ He thought as the outline of the massive royal capital of Borealia came into view.

Feeling elated to be back home Marcus picked up the pace truly pushing himself to limit.

Soon he could see the northern main gate that he ad gone through dozens of times.

‘I suppose I should land and enter normally.’

Dropping down from the sky, Marcus found a place that was out of dight and became physical again.

He then walked onto the road and made his way towards the gate’s entrance.

Of course, he certainly turned a bunch of heads as he walked by the line of people trying to enter the city.

It was practically unheard of for a noble to walk into the city but here Marcus was doing just that.

Even the guards were caught off guard by this and at first were wondering if Marcus was someone trying to pretend to be a noble.

Yet he had the credentials and was easily let into the city, as dozens of people looked at him strangely.

Back inside the city Marcus found a quiet corner and went back into his ghost form before flying across the city.

Quickly he passed through the inner wall and into the noble district where his estate was located.

“I am back.” Marcus said to the guards that were standing outside his gate.

Seeing him arrive they were both very surprised and flustered to see Marcus just walk down the street.

“Lady Irene it is good to see that you are back from your trip.” Amy the maid on duty said greeting Marcus.

Smiling, he responded saying, “It is good to see you as well Amy. I have missed my home.”

The two of them then headed up to his manor where the other maids came out to greet Marcus after his long trip away.

“Clara did anything important happen while I was away.” Marcus said to his head maid after the fanfare of his return had died down.josei

“Yes Lady Irene, you have received a number of commissions by way of the Blazegram Forge, one of which is from her highness the Crown Princess Frostine.”

“Okay if you would not mind going to get them for me, I will look them over and tell you which ones I am going to accept.”

Bowing her head Clara did as Marcus asked and soon came back with a very large stack of letters.

Seeing this Marcus groaned but this was something he needed to do since he had been busy with other matters for a while.

“Okay Clara send confirmation letters to these forty people and rejections to the rest.” Marcus said once he had finished sorting through the requests.

“It shall be done.” Clara said with a bow.

Though before she left Marcus said, “Oh yes that is right. Within a few weeks many guests are going to be gathering here, so please make sure that all of the guest rooms are prepared.”

After saying that Marcus had finished al of the business that he needed to attend to upon his return and headed up to his library and began reading.

He simply wanted to relax for now and did not intent do any work for at least the next week.

Quickly the weeks went by after Marcus’ return, and it was finally the day when everyone was to meet up.

Though to Marcus’ surprise when Mrazivý showed up at his gate she had brought someone else with her.

‘So that is where she has been and who she was training with.’

Walking up to Mrazivý Marcus said, “I am glad you are back Mraz, and it is good to see you again Quillon.”

Nodding his head towards Marcus, Quillon said, “Yes, it is good to see you again, but I hope you do not mind my intruding. When Mrazivý told me about your plans I felt the urge to accompany you, since it is not often, I meet those around the same age and level as me that I can call peers.”

“Sure, the more the merrier. It will be comforting to know that we have someone like you around when we are delving into a dangerous place.”

“Now follow me inside and I can show you to your rooms. You two are the first to arrive so you can have your pick.”

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