Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 537 Healing and Reflection on the Battle

Chapter 537 Healing and Reflection on the Battle


After the hard-fought battle between of Marcus and Lyra versus Quillon and Mrazivý, the ultimate victors had been decided.

In a devastating clash of their strongest attacks, Marcus eked a victory. As he had knocked Quillon unconscious and given him multiple life-threatening injuries most would have no shot at surviving.

Of course, it would be hard to call it a total victory seeing as how Marcus as in just about as bad a shape as Quillon.

If he was still a humanoid instead of a spirit, he currently would be bleeding out all over the place with a number of destroyed organ similar to Quillon.

Still, his durable form was a part of his strengthen and even being torn apart he was still able to stay conscious and smile.

Currently he and Quillon were receiving treatment, with Aerial healing her partner with the help of Lyra, and Mrazivý healing Marcus using his own powers that he had given to her in the form of an engagement ring.

“Thank you, Mraz. I feel better now that you have fixed me up.” Marcus said with a smile after Mrazivý had fixed all of his injuries.

Luckily it had only taken a couple of minutes thanks to Mrazivý’s help and Marcus’ regeneration skill.

However, as soon as he had recovered, Mrazivý positioned her hand over his head and flicked him as hard as she could..

“Ow!” Marcus yelped as Mrazivý hit him.

Reaching up with his hands, he covered his forehead which now had a dent in it from where Mrazivý flicked him.

“That was for shooting me in the head with your laser spell. I know we were having a practice match, but you should never hit a girl in the face, especially your fiancé. I will forgive you this time with just that, but next time I will get really angry.” Mrazivý said, while pouting cutely.

“Okay I understand. I got carried away. I promise never to hit you in the head again.” He said with a remorseful expression.

Seeing Marcus’ genuine repentance, Mrazivý stopped pouting and smiled, before saying, “Okay now that you have healed and we have resolved that little issue, I think we should go check on Quillon.”

Sighing Marcus nodded his head and forced himself up, even thought he was still feeling heavily and sluggish from pushing his supreme skill to its limits.

The two of them then put each other on their shoulders and slowly walked over towards Quillon who was still undergoing healing.

He had taken some pretty nasty wounds during their battle and honestly, he had come pretty close to death.

“How is he doing?” Marcus asked as the got closer to Quillon.

Turning her head, Aerial frowned at Marcus since he was the one who had put her contracted partner into this condition.

Still, she just let it go since Quillon had been fighting of his own accord, and said, “With the lesser elixir that Lyra here gave me. I was able to stabilize him with my healing wind, but it is going to take at least a few hours for him to recover even with his regeneration skill.”

“It is a lot harder for a flesh and blood beings to heal themselves than us spirits as you know.”

Getting back to work Aerial continued using her magic to restore Quillon. ho while no longer in danger of dying, was still in rough shape.

“Mraz if you would not mind helping me. let us speed up his healing.” Marcus said.

Nodding her head, Mrazivý walked with Marcus over to Quillon, and the two of them sat down on their knees and held out their hands towards him.

Quickly the soft white glow of Marcus’ spirit healing came out of his hands and the ring on Mrazivý’s finger and enveloped Quillon.

Witnessing this, Aerial was completely surprised, and she shouted out, “Wait you can use your spiritual energy to heal others!”

Looking up at her Marcus just titled his head, not understanding why she was so shocked.

“Is it really that impressive? Were you not doing the same thing with your wind just now?” Marcus said, genuinely confused.

Groaning, Aerial looked at him like he lacked all common sense, and said, “No what I was doing was completely different and far less grand. I was just enhancing my healing magic a bit with spiritual energy to stimulate his own regeneration. What you are doing is using spiritual energy to actual restore the damaged areas rather than just enhancing his natural healing abilities. It is a very rare ability that few spirits have.”

Thinking about it, Marcus had believed that while it was a useful and maybe rare power, he did not think it would be so outstanding as to warrant this level of attention.

“Well now you know that I can do this. Anyway, I am a great spirit, so of course I have some uncommon powers.” Marcus said, trying to get Aerial to stop freaking out.

Shaking her head, she could not believe how lackadaisical Marcus was about an ability that back in the spirit world was the most coveted.

Still, Quillon took priority right now, so she refocused on healing him, contributing her power along with Marcus’.

Soon, Quillon opened his eyes once the majority of his injures were fixed up and his body was no longer in crisis mode trying to keep him alive.

Looking up he saw everyone huddled around him with their hands outstretched.

“Thanks.” He said, understanding that everyone was chipping in to help him recover.

He then turned to Mrazivý and said, “I guess we lost?”

Nodding her head with a defeated expression, Mrazivý confirmed Quillon’s suspicion.

Thought it was pretty obvious since he had blacked out that they had lost, since even if he had taken out Marcus, Lyra would have still been standing.

However, Quillon just smiled, and thought, ‘My first lost in a fight where I was able to use my full power.’

With Everyone now awake and at least recovered enough to move around slowly. They all headed over to a nearby pavilion, and sat down to discuss the battle they had just had.

“Okay first things first. Quillon, what was that skill you used to destroy my reflector shield? I have never had that happen once before.”

Coming right out the gate, Lyra asked the question that had been on her mind since her unique skill was overpowered.

Answering her, Quillon told her that it was simply the difference in compatibility and that his supreme skill was simply stronger.

Of course, this just had Lyra asking questions about what a supreme skill was since she had never heard of it before.

“Hm, you haven’t? Irene as one as well so I figured you would know.” Quillon said, while pointing at Marcus.

Lyra began glaring at him and asking him why he had never told her.

‘Oops, guess it slipped my mind.’ Marcus thought as Lyra grilled him.

After that the six of them with Lilia and Aerial now joining in continued discussing the battle.

They specifically hammered home Mrazivý and Quillon’s rough start, since neither of them were working together, and they did not turn around until they had already been thoroughly slapped around.

Eventually though, someone else showed up at the training grounds, and a familiar face to Marcus and Mrazivý said, “Oh, what are you all talking about? It sounds like you are having a good time?”

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