Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 548 Realization of Self Perfection

Chapter 548 Realization of Self Perfection

Looking at the gates to the dungeon before them everyone was a bit surprised.

Certainly, it was possible that something like this might reside down here, but discovering a new dungeon was a pretty big deal.

However, before they could head over and investigate, more of the flying crystal rays came down to attack them.

It appeared that his was indeed their home. Though they had already killed most of them in the other caverns, so they cleaned up the remained that attacked them with relative ease.

Once that was done, they all decided to scout out the rest of the area, before going to check on what they assumed to be a dungeon, in order make sure they did not get blindsided by some other powerful beasts or monsters.

Luckily it appeared that the rays were the only thing that had inhabited the area.

“I suppose that it would take a pretty formidable beast or monster to be able to survive having to fight against those ray monsters all time.” Mrazivý said off handedly when they were finished searching around the large lake that had the dungeon sitting in the middle of it.

With everything seeming safe, they began walking over to the dungeon as Mrazivý froze a path for them to walk on.

They had already checked the lake, or more specially Marcus in his ghost form had, and found that nothing lived in it..

“It is pretty impressive up close.” Lilia said in awe of the giant ornate doors

Nodding his head, Marcus agreed with her as he examined the intricate carvings on the doors.

They depicted what looked like the fiercest warriors and beasts, but also in places there were scholars writing in tomes, and craftsmen creating masterpieces.

Truly it was a weird mashup, but eventually Marcus realized that the theme was probably those that were experts in their field, be it physical prowess or the arts.

Except as they all looked at this dungeon entrance, they realized that something was different.

‘Wait! why are the doors closed? At the Ocean Bluff Temple, and Cordillera Depths, it was just an open archway that led into the dungeon.’

Of course, Marcus was not the only one who thought this, as none of them had ever seen a dungeon that was sealed before.

“Are we sure this is a dungeon. I know it gives off the same feel due to its design and size, but maybe it was built a long time ago by some people that used to live down here.” Lyra suggested.

‘If that were the case, why were their no other buildings around? And why would this one doorway that honestly seems to lead to nowhere be here? Marcus thought.

“No, I believe it is a dungeon. Maybe it is just closed because we are the first ones here?” Mrazivý said giving her speculation.

Shaking his head, James said, “I am not sure about that. I have read records of when the Ocean Bluff Temple appeared, and it did not have any sort of doors like this.”

As they all pondered about this dungeon entrance, Roxene just rolled her eyes and sighed, before walking up to the doors.

She actually knew what this was since she had been apprised of certain entities and places within the world before being sent here.

Placing her paw on the door, a bright light lit up and a shimmering glow began illuminating their group.

Then the light disappeared as quickly as it had arrived, and the doors began opening.

Looking inside once they had fully opened, all that was visible was a set of stairs leading downwards.

Yet as Roxene tried to walk inside, Marcus picked her up and said, “Woah not so fast. Where are you going before we check this out to make sure it is safe?”

Going Lax in his arms, Roxene said, ‘While I cannot tell you what I know about this place, I can at least say that it will be safe for us to enter, and it would be best if you and I go first just in case.’

After saying this to Marcus, Roxene nodded her head towards the entrance beckoning him to go in.

“Roxene and I are going to take a look first. I will contact all of you once we make sure it is safe.” Marcus said as he looked back at everyone else.

Though Mrazivý and Lyra were hesitant to send him in alone with just Roxene, but ultimately, they relented when Marcus said that he could make a quicker escape with just Roxene if necessary

Turning back towards the doorway, he entered inside and headed down the stairs, still holding Roxene in his arms.

Soon they made it to the bottom of the stairs, and he entered into a large room with nothing in it except a large circle in the middle.

However, before he could investigate further, the circle lit up and a person appeared out of it.

Walking out form the circle, this middle-aged woman with black hair approached Marcus and Roxene, yet Marcus immediately understood that something was not right here.

‘My life sense is not picking anything up.’

He then tried to appraise her, but nothing came back. It was as if his skill had simply not found an entity to lock onto and failed.

“Hello and welcome to special dungeon number eleven, ‘Realization of Self Perfection’. I am the guardian that watches over this place. Would the two of you wish to be registered as users?”

‘Yes, we would.’ Roxene said before Marcus could respond.

And even though she had used her telepathy, the figure that Marcus was uncertain about said, “Understood, you have been registered as users one and two out of twenty-one.”

Hearing this Marcus looked confused, not understanding what was going on, while Roxene looked enthused.

‘Okay you can call the others in. I just had to make sure that we got registered, which is why I had us go in first. But since there are enough spots for everyone, it is all good.’ Roxene said to Marcus with quite the content look on her face.

Still, Marcus did not know what she was on about, and asked Roxene what was going on

‘I already told you I cannot say. I made a promise to the administrator. Anyway, it does not matter anyway. The guardian will explain everything to you if you want. So, ask your questions to her.’

Sighing, Marcus looked down at his mischievous companion before turning his head back towards the guardian of this special dungeon.

“Could you tell me what this place is and its purpose?”josei

“Understood. This is a special dungeon designed for limited entry. Its purpose is to test the skills and knowledge of those who enter, and to help advance their qualities to their peak.” The guardian said in a monotone voice void of expression.

At this point Marcus realized that this guardian was probably more like some type of AI, which was why he had not gotten anything back from his life sense or appraisal skill.

“Well, at least that answers the question of why you wanted to go first so bad. I am guessing that only twenty-one people in total can use this place.”

Nodding her head Roxene gave confirmation that Marcus was on point.

Shaking his head he could only brush off Roxene’s obvious selfishness, and called the others inside so that they could properly explore what this special dungeon had to offer.

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