Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 567 Winning Over the Tribe

Chapter 567 Winning Over the Tribe

Now that he had healed Kellen and gained Andrea’s assistance, Marcus went to meet with the rest of her tribe who had gathered in the village’s main hall.

Naturally when they saw Kellen up and moving, they were incredibly shocked as everyone thought that he was as good as dead.

In fact, if he was not the tribe leader’s little brother, he probably would have already been given a funeral pyre as was customary for the dead of their tribe.

Still, it was a joyous occasion as if someone had come back from the dead, and the irritation from Marcus’ presence practically vanished as they threw him to the back of their minds and surrounded Andrea and Kellen.

They wanted to know how this miracle happened and how he was doing,

Yet while Marcus’ presence had become disregarded in the wake of Kellen’s recovery, it did not stay that way for long.

As soon as all of them were told that he was the one who had healed Kellen, all of their attention was fixed on him.

Some of them had curious looks in their eyes wondering how this happened, a good number had conflicted expressions as they did not really like Marcus, but he had just healed a member of their tribe, and another group was looking at him hopefully as they too had permanent injuries.

Once the fanfare of Kellen’s recovery began to wind down, Andrea clapped her hands together loudly and got everyone’s attention..

“Now that we have calmed down and I have everyone’s attention, I have an important order to relay. I have promised mine and the tribe’s aid to Irene. We have come to a mutually beneficial agreement, and she has already upheld part of it by healing Kellen. Now for our part we are going to help her clear out the beasts and monsters in the woods-“

However, before Andrea could finish her statement and explain everything that was going on, Davion shouted out, “You are going to sacrifice us simply because that bitch healed your brother. Do you have no shame ordering us to our deaths for the sake of your family?”

Slamming her foot into the ground Andrea looked at Davion with eyes full of fury, and said, “That is enough. It appears that even after you were humbled by Irene you have not learned respect. I am you leader and will not tolerate you insubordination anymore. Come, we are going to settle this right now. Prepare to defend your life.”

Seeing that Andrea was serious, Davion shirked back and started shaking.

He had already tried to fight Andrea for control of the tribe when the last leader stepped down five years ago, and he had been royally beaten.

She was simply a lot stronger than him, and with a seven level difference Davion’s chances were slim to none in a battle to the death.

Getting down on the ground, he lowered his head and said, “Please forgive me Andrea. I will not speak out again. Just spare my life.”

Scoffing, Marcus could not believe how shameless Davion was, but he guessed that most people acted like this in the face of certain death.

Unfortunately for him, Andrea was done, and said, “You can die on your feet fighting like a man, or I can end you on your knees like an animal waiting for slaughter.”

Gulping, Davion could tell he was done for.

But a shining star arrived to save his life.

“Andrea, would you mind sparing his life. I want all of the power I can get when dealing with the beasts and monsters in the forest, and while he may be a coward, his strength is not useless.” Marcus said, stepping between the two of them.

Looking back at him, Andrea was surprised to see Marcus defending Davion after all that had happened, and said, “Are you sure Irene? He had already proven to only be a cause of problems.”

Nodding his head, Marcus turned back towards Davion, and said with a devilish smile, “Oh it should not be a problem. He will still be fighting for his life, just not against you. I have a special job he can do that will help immensely. I could use some bait to lure out the strongest beasts and monsters.”

Feeling his heart skip a beat, Davion did not like the look in Marcus’ eyes that were staring at him like he was already a dead man.

“Very well, if you think you can have a use for him, his life is in your hands. Unless you do want to fight me right now instead Davion?”

Shaking his head, Davion knew he would die in a serious fight with Andrea, but if he played along, he would at least live a bit longer and have a chance of getting through this.

With Davion shut down, the other members of the tribe fell into line and Andrea continued her explanation.

“Now as I was going to say before I was interrupted, we are going to help Irene to eliminate the growing number of beasts and monster amassing in the forest, but we will not take on anything we cannot handle. Irene has already told me that she will take on the strongest creatures in the forest, and if you doubt her ability feel free to test her. She already beat Davion and his followers without moving a single inch, so just understand that she is stronger than even I am.” Andrea said as she crossed her arms and looked out sternly at her tribe members.

Of course, plenty of them looked hesitant, not wanting to risk their lives to fight.

At least that was until Andrea told them what Marcus was offering as a reward.

When they heard that they would be getting new mithril weapons that were better than what they already had and would be personalized for them, their blood began pumping and they were ready for a fight.

While they did not want to fight for nothing, weapons were something very important to them, and the chance to upgrade was something worth putting their lives on the line for.

Not to mention that Marcus was going to heal their injured and had already done so for Kellen.

“It is just these seven?” Marcus said to Andrea as the injured members of her tribe were brought forward to him.

“Yes, just them now that Kellen is fixed. Go ahead and heal them up and show everyone else why I decided to make a deal with you.”

Turning towards, the first injured person Marcus looked over had wounds that were pretty bad.

They were missing their left foot and eye, and both of their ears had been ripped off.

Nevertheless, these wounds were still well within what he could heal, and in less than a minute he had restored their body back to its peak.

When they opened their lost eye for the first time, and moved their fluffy ears around again, tears began pouring down their face.

Naturally it was pretty emotional to suddenly be able to see and hear as they had before being crippled.

Moving on Marcus quickly healed the rest of the members of the tribe who vehemently thanked him.

After everyone was healed the mood in the main hall had changed drastically, and the majority of the tribe now saw Marcus in a positive light.

He had fixed their members who had been crippled, and in return all he wanted was their strength.

And now they also knew that they could fight with their all without worry of being injured, as Marcus could just fix them up. As long as they did not die, there was no injury he could not heal.

“So, when did you want to start?” Andrea asked Marcus.

Thinking about it for a few moments, he said, “In two days should probably be enough. I need to head over to Norr Village and talk to the captain in charge of the soldiers that have been sent as an emergency force and coordinate with them”josei

However, as Marcus said this, Andrea scowled and said, “I hope you are not planning on trying to get us to work with them. You have won my respect with your strength and by healing my tribe mates, but I have no intention of working with those weak and spinless soldiers of the kingdom.”

“Oh no I never intended for that. Anyway, as you said, they are not as strong as you or your tribe. The kingdom’s forces up here are typically on the weaker side as they do not need to defend against any hostile nations. No, I just need to check in with the captain and tell him to hold his men back to protect the settlements other than this one. I will have them play defense, while we are on offense.”

Nodding her head Andrea found this agreeable, and said, “Actually, if you are going to Norr village there is someone else there that you may wish to recruit. His name is Dagwood, and he is pretty strong. Other than me he is probably the strongest person that lives this far north, and he has made it his goal to go around protecting the settlements on the northeastern frontier. Last I heard he was in Norr shoring up the defenses there. He is not a part of the kingdom’s hierarchy, and he has traded with our tribe in the past, so we have a good relationship with him. If you want to add some more power to our group, I recommend getting him on your side.”

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