Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 575 Dealing with the Cryohydra

Chapter 575 Dealing with the Cryohydra


After being pushed by Marcus, Davion suddenly felt his body being completely submerged in ice cold water.

However, while he expected his body to suddenly be overcome with an incredible cold, he found that he was still pretty warm.

This was to the heart of the forge spell Marcus had cast on him, which gave him a perpetual blazing aura.

‘Hey, we do not have all day and I doubt you can hold your breath forever. Get going and find that hydra for me.’ Marcus said over his telepathy.

Except he received a quick response he was not expecting.

‘Please be merciful. I do not know how to swim.’

Groaning, he could not believe he had forgotten that most people in this world did not know how to swim.

In this world most bodies of water had powerful beasts and monsters lurking under the depths, so why would anyone willingly get in them and swim around.

Not to mention this was a kingdom in the far north and probably only for a couple of months out of the year would the water even barely be warm enough for the average person to get into.

As for swimming pools, Marcus had actually not seen a single one yet in this world. Which made sense, as only really wealthy nobles could probably afford something like that. And again, this kingdom was pretty cold.

‘Okay, I will give you something to help you move around underwater.’ Marcus transmitted to Davion.

He then pulled off his own boots and wrapped them up with his iron threads, before lowering them into the water.

‘Go ahead and take these boots and put them on. They are enchanted and will allow you to move underwater as if you were still on land. Also, with them on you will still be able to breath and ignore the changes in pressure. Just make sure you bring them back as these are my personal boots, and I am quite attached to them.’.

Grabbing ahold of the boots, Davion inspected them and could tell they were pretty powerful magical items.

And as he slipped them on her felt a noticeable change, as if the water was no longer smothering him and that he could stand up normally.

Though that was not all as he was now able to filter the water into his mouth and somehow breath the oxygen within it.

‘I think I also feel more limber and faster. These boots really are impressive.’ Davion thought, and at the same time transmitted to Marcus who he was still connected to telepathically.

‘Yes, you are right that they are impressive. Those are the first really powerful magical item that I ever obtained. Now get going already. You should be able to move without any problems just by running as normal.’

After Marcus said this to him, Davion tested it out and her found that he really could run through the water like it was solid.

The boots reacted to his will and every step he took they seemed to push the water so that he moved around.josei

In fact, it was more like flying than normal walking as he could now move in three dimensions.

Still while he enjoyed his new ability to move about, Davion was quickly reminded by Marcus that he had a job to do, and that at any moment he could take those boots away.

Davion feeling that his life was teetering on Marcus’ mood, began delving deeper into the lake in search of the seven-headed cryohydra that was their quarry.

Luckily as deep as this lake went, it was not hard to spot where this powerful monster had made its home. Since it had created a massive ice dome at the bottom of the lake.

Clenching his teeth Davion could feel his instincts telling him not to get any closer. But he knew that it was either probably die in between the hydra’s jaws, or definitely die to Marcus’ magic.

Diving deeper he soon made it to the top of the ice dome, pulled out hie weapon, and prepared to attack.

‘Ripsaw Strike.’

Slashing down with his most powerful attack skill, Davion began sawing through the ice and making as much noise as he could.

Quickly he broke through the dome and howled loudly into the water. Issuing a challenge to the seven-headed cryohydra.

Then he immediately turned around and began running away, knowing that he would last all of maybe five seconds if he fought against a monster at this level.

And no sooner than he had begun fleeing did he hear a roar from below, and where he had been sawing through the ice just moments ago was suddenly hit with a blast of cold energy from the hydra’s breath attack.

Picking up his pace Davion moved as swiftly as he could back towards the hole in the ice Marcus had made.

Unfortunately, when he was about halfway there, he turned around and saw the monster that was chasing after him and his heart sank.

Even from a glimpse he could see that this monster was colossal.

Its torso to tail was easily sixty to seventy feet long, and with its heads it passed well over a hundred feet long.

Truly it was a massive monster that was the stuff of nightmares and was a creature that could cause havoc through the kingdom.

Other than major cities with impeccable magical defenses and high-level fighters, this hydra could turn any other settlement into rubble.

Even River landing which was the largest town for over a hundred miles would be unable to deal with something like this.

‘Shit, shit, shit, shit.’ Davion thought as he sped towards the surface.

Yet when he was around a hundred feet away and could see the opening in the ice, he suddenly felt a chill as the cryohydra unleash its breath attack from three of its heads.

He turned around and watched as the water right behind him quickly turned to ice and was approaching him rapidly with no hope of evading.

Bracing himself Davion prepared to be frozen in ice at any moment and reach the end of his life.

But the ice never made it to him, and as he opened his eyes, he saw a massive beam of light shoot down from above and blast through the cryohydra’s breath attack before hitting it square in the chest.


A huge explosion of light rocked the lake as Marcus’ quasar blast spell hit the seven-headed cryohydra.

Being caught up in this blast Davion was thrown from the water and into the air where he saw Marcus hovering right above where that huge beam of light originated from.

Having seen this he now understood how far away he was from Marcus who boasted an unfathomable amount of power.

He now wished he never made an enemy out of him, and that he had not let his ambition to become leader of the tribe cause him to anger Andrea.

‘I suppose I should catch the idiot.’ Marcus thought as he watched Davion fall.

Flying over to Davion, Marcus plucked him out of the sky so that he would not just fall back into the lake.

“You are lucky that I still need you to act as bait latter on. I almost decided not to save you there, but it was a decent opening, so I took it. Now go run and hide in the woods until this is over.”

Confusion on his face Davion did not understand what he meant.

He thought there was no way anything could have survived an attack like that, but in just a few seconds the cryohydra burst out of the lake seething in anger.

Its rage was nearly palpable as three of its heads had been blown off and its chest had a large blood hole in it.

Seeing this Davion took Marcus’ advice and ran deeper into the woods to avoid getting caught up in their fight.

“You certainly are big I will give you that.” Marcus said as the hydra pulled itself out of the water.

At this point its heads and chest had already regenerated, and all seven pairs of its eyes were staring at Marcus like he was a dead man.

Of course, he was still keeping his cool, as while this hydra was impeccably strong, it still did not pose much of a threat to him.

‘Darkness drill.’

Flicking his hand forward Marcus sent a standard darkness drill at the hydra to gage its defenses.

However, he was surprised to see that it activated a very powerful barrier around itself that completely nullified the spell.

After that the hydra’s heads moved around and surrounded him and began lashing out to tear him to shreds.

However, before it could hit him, he just went ethereal and flew up into the sky as it looked around for him.

‘Looks like it cannot use spiritual energy. It has no way to really beat me.’

Seeing as how the cryohydra could not deal with his ghost form, Marcus was absolutely confident that he could win. All he needed to do was hit it hard enough so that it could not regenerate.

‘Time to test out how powerful this glove really is.’

Pointing his hand downwards he began channeling his mana into the blaze glove and preparing to cast a spell out of it.

Naturally the cryohydra felt this. though not because it could tell where Marcus was, but because it could feel the hostility and danger he was emitting.

Turning in his direction it aimed all of its mouths towards him while also deploying its barrier around itself.

Then right before Marcus was ready to unleash his spell, he became tangible again and fired.

‘Sun shot.’

Casting the tier six fire magic spell from the blaze glove, he sent out a compressed blast of heat and fire right for the cryohydra.

At the same time, it sent out seven blasts of cold, one from each of its heads to meet the fire magic spell head on.

Yet the hydra’s blast of powerful cold energy was easily ripped through by the tier six spell and as it hit caused a huge fiery explosion that engulfed the monster’s body.


As the explosion rapidly expanded it quickly came right back at Marcus, who had to go back into his ghost form to avoid being caught by his own attack.

‘Damn it looked so small when I shot it out, but it certainly backs a punch.’

Looking down from above at the devastation he had caused, Marcus was astounded by how much power this tier six spell cast form the blaze glove had.

It had caused what was close to a small nuclear blast, and the side of the lake he had shot it off at had been blown away and was on fire.

Luckily the snowy landscape was slowing the fire’s advance, but Marcus knew he was going to have to deal with it soon before it turned into a massive forest fire.

‘Well at least it did the job.’

Staring down at the large crater that was being filled in with water from the lake, he caught a glimpse of the now charred and headless corpse of the cryohydra.

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