Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 589 Change of Direction

Chapter 589 Change of Direction

Hearing that their only certain reinforcements were going to be delayed made their situation even more dourer.

They had just had their assess handed to them, and both Gwyneira and Retharin only just barely escaped with their lives thanks to Marcus’ help and Asher’s intervention.

Currently the best they could do was slow the Doomsday Worm down for a bit, and even that put their lives on the line.

Of course, they did have the Sword Savant here now, but his strength alone would not be enough.

Certainly, at level eighty-four and with an impressive status even for his level, he could be considered in the same league as Retharin and Gwyneira. But that was still far from what they would need to win.

Their enemy was unrelenting and seemed unkillable with regeneration that was greater than anything any of them had ever seen..

It was comparable to if someone had a pump constantly pushing elixirs into their body.

Blowing off its head and slicing through its body were the equivalent to a small scratch for it, and at this point they were not sure if it could even be killed.

“All we can do now is slow it down the best we can and hope that the adventurers guild sends in some of their top personnel. They should at least have a few dozen level eighties among their ranks and if we are lucky someone level ninety or higher will come to help us.” Gwyneira said.

She understood that winning this battle was out of her hands now.

Even her best shot had held the Dread Burrower down for only around a minute and a half.

Normally that attack would have frozen its target solid and left them nothing more than an ice statue.

But it had barely bought them any time and did not even fully restrain that monster that threatened the entire continent. And maybe even more.

Who was to say that it would stop after killing everything here and not move into the ocean next? Make its way across the world, going from one landmass to another.josei

“Well, I am not just going to sit around here and do nothing. If we cannot slow it down, we can at least speed up the evacuation of the area. We need to save as many people as we can.” Marcus said with a resolute expression in his eyes.

He knew the best out of all of them how powerless he was, since he had barely been of any use in that fight.

There was pretty much no room for him to help, and even his strongest attacks had little effect on the Doomsday Worm.

If Gwyneira and Retharin might be comparable to a couple of bees that could cause a little damage with their stings. He had been a gnat that posed no threat and was only mildly annoying.

Still, he refused to do nothing as the home he had made on this new world was decoyed and was going to do what he could to help out.

‘When is it that I started thinking like this? Before this had just been another place I had ended up. I figured I would explore it a bit, and once I had seen its sights and had some fun, I would move on.  Yet as I moved from place to place, I slowly found more people I cared about, and this kingdom became more than just a stop on my journey.’

Smiling and looking off into the horizon. Marcus remembered the moments that had defined who he had become since coming to this world.

“Yes, you are right. Now is not the time for subtlety. We need to at least make sure that River Landing and the surrounding villages have made it at least a minimum safe distance away.” Gwyneira said as Marcus’ determination spread like a virus.

Joining in Retharin also offered his support in carrying people around as well.

Mobility was the one thing they had over the Dread Burrower, and with their abilities they could fly numerous people to safety.

“We can take the next day to get people away and rest ourselves up. Then we can make another stand when it reaches the edge of the woods and try and slow it down some more. We just need to hold out until our reinforcements arrive.” Marcus said with zeal.

Joining in with him, Retharin and Gwyneira had undergone a change now that they had a new goal.

Marcus while the weakest one here still had a huge impact on morale. And maybe it was just the fact that he was a great spirit, but his words seemed to lift up everyone else.

“What about you Asher? What is it you plan to do?” Marcus said to the man who had stayed still and quiet the whole time.

“I will stay here and prepare myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. When that behemoth of a worm shows itself again. I will be ready to hit it with everything I have.”

With everyone having figured out what to do for now, they quickly went into action.

Marcus took the form of the great knight whose soul he had devoured back in Tralenstein. Before flying off towards the village that was as close to a hometown as he had.

He was planning on using his form as a caladrius to transport a huge number of people all at once, so he needed a disposable human appearance to use.

While he was there, he could also talk to Roxene and Inten who he had left there on his way to get Retharin’s help.

On the other hand, Retharin and Gwyneira flew straight to River Landing to evacuate the people there, as they could easily carry a few hundred people at a time.

They only had a little time to get everyone they could out of harm’s way, and they were going to do all they could to save people, since they had been ineffective in slowing down the coming threat.

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