Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 624 Overwhelming Display

Chapter 624 Overwhelming Display

A moment after Boreas told off the mythic grade beasts, the largest one that was covered in black armor plating said, “Do not get so full of yourself human! You may be of a higher level but do not think that makes you above us! We are the ones that sit at the pinnacle, not you!”

However, for all of its grandstanding, Boreas could care less.

It did not matter to him whether they thought he was stronger or not, because the simple fact of the matter was, that he is far stronger than they are.

And seeing that Boreas was not taking them seriously in the slightest, the massive beast that had just yelled at him lost its temper and swung its mace like tail down on Boreas, along with Marcus Lyra, and Jaela who were floating next to him.

Yet while this attack had and immense amount of force behind it, Boreas stopped it without even moving a muscle.

A shield of wind appeared in front of the attack and the giant beast’s tail was flung back so violently that the entirety of its body was pulled along with it as it flew back a mile before stopping.

Boreas then looked at the other two mythic grade beasts, and said, “If you want to fight, I am more than willing, but I would prefer for this to end amicably. Though I am not going to just stand by and let the kingdoms you protect carve out a part of my territory.”

The green dragon and sphinx shudder as they saw the dangerous glint in Boreas’ eyes, and they knew they were no match for him.

They were both in the mid-eighties level wise, and while they were somewhere between Motis and Gwyneira in terms of strength, they did not stand a chance against Boreas as he was now.

Unfortunately, one of the beasts that was more brawn than brains and had not learned its lesson already charged towards Boreas again, this time not holding anything back..

When it was within around four hundred feet it opened its mouth and unleash a devastating sonic blast that made the air around it ripple.

Still, an attack like this was no problem for Boreas to deal with, and he simply snapped his fingers and created a vacuum around himself as well as Jaela, Marcus, and Lyra who would have been caught up in the attack.

This made it so the sonic blast went around them, as no matter how strong the blast of sound was, it still had to travel through the air, which was Boreas’ domain.

“I see that the name thunder behemoth is not just for show. However, you will find that your powers are useless against me. I will give you one last chance to turn around and go back to you own domain.” Boreas said with a look of disinterest.

Of course, this only made the thunder behemoth even angrier as it was not used to be dismissed like this, and especially not by a human.

It was one of the strongest beings on the continent, and it was not going to be taken lightly.

“I will crush your body until there is nothing left but dust!” The Thunder Behemoth yelled as it charged Boreas.

Its body began crackling with sonic booms as it bounded forward through the sky and charged right towards Boreas.

Normally its huge size would be its greatest weapon as it could smash through just about anything unabated, but it was dealing with someone many levels higher than it and at the peak of his power.

“Pierce through all, Tempest.”

Suddenly appearing in Boreas’ right hand was a top tier amethros lance similar in design to the one that Mrazivý’s brother Jason wielded.

And with one powerful throw, Boreas let loose his weapon which did as commanded and pierced straight through the rampaging mythic grade magical beast.

It was all over in less than a second as the lance right through its densely armored head and punched a hole through to the other side with its magic core embedded on the tip of the lance.

The light in the massive thunder behemoth’s eyes went out almost instantly, and it began plummeting towards the ground.


An earth-shattering sound echoed across the area as the titanic beast smashed into the ground and left a massive crater where it had landed.

Looking down at this it was almost an unbelievable sight for Marcus to see, as a beast near the pinnacle of the world had been slain in one move.

That was simply the power that Boreas possessed as a man who had developed his strength diligently over centuries and was practically unrivaled in the world.

At this point the other guardian beast had run off, not wanting to be on the receiving end of Boreas’ lance that could just as easily strike them down.

Looking down at the beast he had just killed Boreas let out a long sigh, and said to himself, “I am probably going to get an earful for this, but he did attack me first and I was just defending my territory so they cannot really fault me too much.”

At this point though Lyra crouched down and held her head, having witnessed so many unbelievable things that she was starting to get a headache.

She had been dragged all across her nation and watched a single man pull of unbleivable feats and it was starting to overwhelm her.

Marcus for his part was exasperated as well, and had it not been for him being part of the fight against the Doomsday Worm and having already seen the absurd powers Boreas had, he would have been in a similar state to Lyra right now.

Nevertheless, something else quickly garnered his attention, as he stared at the gleaming amethros lance that had just reaped in Boreas’ hands with the Thunder Behemoth’s magic core still on it.

The only other system recognized amethros weapon he had seen was Jaela’s, and while he had gotten the chance to use it briefly, he had not really fully examined it as he was caught up in the middle of quite the battle.

“Boreas that lance looks quite similar to the one that Prince James used called Storm Breaker. Is your weapon perhaps based on that one?” Marcus said as he slowly inched closer to Boreas’ lance.

Naturally as a forgemaster he wanted nothing more than to get his hands on it and examine what properties it might have in order to get some future inspiration from it.

Sadly, Boreas put it away before Marcus could get close enough to touch it, and said with a smirk, “Yes, it is based on Storm Breaker, which actually used to be my weapon before I upgraded to my current one. Though more importantly, now that we have dealt with Lyra’s problem, we can all talk at our leisure.”

With a devested expression Marcus looked at the now empty space where Boreas’ lance had been moments before.

He had really wanted to see it, but before despair kicked in, he looked towards Jaela and the greedy expression on his face actually made her flinch for a second.

“Jaela, would you mind me looking at your scythe a bit while we talk. As a forgemaster and a wielder of the same weapon, it would be invaluable for me to see it.”

Marcus slowly approached Jaela having his forgemaster instincts sparked by seeing Boreas’ lance.

It had been a while since he had the time to further his profession and now that the opportunity was in front of him, he wanted nothing more than to thoroughly examine the two top tier weapons that were within his grasp.

“I am sure you can discuss something like that later. For now, we need to deal with that.” Lyra said as she hit Marcus on top of the head and pointed down at the now lifeless body of the thunder behemoth.

If its body was just left there, hordes of beasts and monsters from all over would swarm around it and could cause a mass outbreak in the area.

Looking towards Boreas, they all waited for him to do something with it, as since he was the one who killed it, the body belonged to him now.

“I already took its core which is the only thing I really wanted. Marcus how about you take it. You can consider it the rest of the reward for your help in defeating the Doomsday Worm.” Boreas said his disinterest in the thunder behemoth’s body quite obvious.

With his attention redirected, Marcus looked down at the hulking form and figured he could make some pretty impressive items with it.

Not often was it possible to get ahold of the entire body of a mythic grade beast, and he was not going to be humble and let this opportunity slip by.

“Sure, that seems more than fair.”

After that he flew down to the ground where the giant beast had left a massive hole in the earth and stored it away into his item box.

He was now more glad than ever that he had upgraded its space, as before it definitely would not have fit, but now he had just enough to store the entirety of the thunder behemoth into his item box.

Once he was done with that, he flew back up to the others.

Lyra for her part still looked not entirely well, as she was coming to grips with that, she had been dragged into something well beyond her.

Still, she was a part of their group now, and Boreas after having finished quelling the fighting, was ready for a long discussion between those from Earth.

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