Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 684 Alaric’s Progress

Chapter 684 Alaric’s Progress

A little over three weeks went by after Alaric’s first battle with the group of goblins.

During this time he had gotten a lot more experience fighting out in the wilds, and at two weeks in Marcus stopped watching over the boy and sent him out on his own.

Of course, he did instruct Inten to follow him stealthy just in case, and only a few times did the diamond mouse have to covertly interfere with one of Alaric’s battles.

Then one day when Alaric returned with quills all over his body and the now dead giant porcupine dragging behind him, Marcus decided that their training trip had been successful enough.

‘Yep, he had finally reached a decent level for us to get started on his real training.’ Marcus thought as he appraised Alaric.

The young half elf was now level twenty-one and considerably stronger than he had been when they got started.

In just a bit more than three weeks he had gained ten levels which was pretty good growth and not easily replicated.

Most people leveled up a lot slower and took their time, since getting seriously injured could leave them crippled or dead.

But in Alaric’s case, one of the major advantages with having Marcus watching over him was the full healing he received at the end of each day. Even the one time he lost his hand when it was bit off by a large snow leopard.

This allowed him to throw himself into battles everyday and not worry about whatever injuries he might incur.

Of course, he did his best to get out of his fights as unscathed as possible, since he still felt just as much pain as anyone else.

“You have done very well over these past few weeks, Alaric. Your progress has been good and your perseverance to keep going exceptional. But now it is time for us to head back to Borealia.” Marcus said while healing Alaric.

Though as he said this there was a panicked look in the young boy’s eyes, and he shook his head in disagreement.

“No, I need much more time out here. I know I am not even close to as strong as Lilia yet. I still need to stay out here and train more.” Alaric said with a frantic expression.

It was clear that he thought that Marcus saying it was time to return home meant the end of their training. But in actually they had only gotten started.

“You misunderstand Alaric. I am not finished getting your stronger yet, but just staying out here and grinding more levels will stifle your potential. Your level is now high enough for you to receive more thorough instructions and start to pick up other useful skills. Along with that we need to get your rank up as an adventurer, so it is time for you to start accepting requests.”

Hearing this Alaric swiftly perked up and went to start breaking down camp immediately so that they could return to the city.

‘I was going to let him rest for the night, but if wants to go now it is not a big deal.’

Aiding Alaric, Marcus began putting things away into his practically absurdly huge item box and within just a half dozen minutes they were ready to go.

Just as when they came out Alaric got on Blitz’s back while Marcus got on Roxene’s.

Soon enough they were back in the vicinity of the royal capital and unlike last time Alaric was steady and confident even with Blitz going nearly two hundred miles an hour.

Once they were back inside the gate the day was already long over and it was the dead of night.

Though in the royal capital of Borealia even the nighttime was still packed with people, and it was only around fifty percent less traffic than during the day.

Luckily with Roxene and Blitz it was easy enough to get around most other people and within just a couple more hours they had arrived at Marcus’ mansion.

“Clara if you would not mind helping Alaric to bed. It appears that he has reached his limit.” Marcus said as he pushed the young boy who was half asleep towards his head maid.

“You can count on me Lady Irene. I am sure you are tired as well so if you wish you may head up to you room and get some rest.” Clara said before taking Alaric away to a guest room.

Yet instead of going to his room, Marcus slipped out to his forge where he began making a new weapon and set of armor for Alaric.josei

‘Now that he is over level twenty it is about time for him to use mithril equipment. I will probably wait a bit longer, but I might as well make it now while I have the chance.’

All through the night Marcus hammered away and made a new set of armor and a weapon for Alaric out of mithril and ended up making it a masterpiece.

‘I was trying to just make it pretty good, but I guess my level nine skill level has a more profound difference than I thought. I should have just not used any celestial platinum if I wanted it to not be recognized by the system.’ Marcus thought as he looked at the chainmail and staff he had just made.

Nevertheless, he figured it would be fine and stored them away into his item box to give to Alaric later.

“So, are we going to adventurers guild to pick up some requests today?” Alaric asked enthusiastically while they were eating breakfast.

It was clear that he wanted to get out there and put to use all he had learned out in the wilds.

“No today we are going to a place where you can learn more about magic and hopefully find someone to teach you more about wielding a staff. With my knowledge alone there is only so much I can teach you. None of the attack skills I have are compatible with your weapon, so it makes since to find someone else who can teach you some.” Marcus said before stuffing a muffin into his mouth.

A bit sullen Alaric had been hoping to go to the adventurers guild, but when Marcus mention where he was taking them the young half elf’s eyes lit up.

“Are we realign going to the Guldur Spire!? I have heard that even graduates from the royal academy are not guaranteed to be admitted there.”

Naturally Alaric was excited about going to such a prestigious place that was where the greatest mages in the kingdom gathered.

pᴀɴ(ᴅ)ᴀ ɴoᴠᴇʟ It was one of a few main paths that graduates from the royal academy tried to pursue.

Most graduates that did not return to their family’s territory either tried to become knights, civil servants within the capital, or go to the Guldur Spire to become full-fledged mages.

Of course, Alaric had thought about going there himself before. Especially since he had three magic skills at such a young age.

“But will I really be allowed in? I have not even graduated from the royal academy yet, so I am not qualified to take lessons there since I am still not an adult.”

“Oh no need to worry about that. I am friends with Aria the grand archmage. I am sure that if I pull a string or two, I can get you in.”

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