Transmigrated as side character, I will steal all the heroines

Chapter 335

Chapter 335: Blackmail Mia

"You don't need to thank me, Mia-sensei. I'm a man, so it is normal for me to protect a beautiful woman like you." Alan said while puffing his chest.

"What kind of man? You are just a kid." Mia-sensei covered her mouth with a smile and laughed.

Her smile was so beautiful that it made Alan, who was watching her dazed for a bit.

"I'm not young. I'm already an adult." Alan tried to refute, but it only made the smile on Mia-sensei's face grow wider.

She subconsciously observed Alan's face carefully.

The boy in front of him is getting more and more attractive to her.

Deep in Alan's eyes, there seemed to be a sense of vicissitudes that did not belong to the age of eighteen.

Very charming.

"Okay, okay, don't say you are a kid. You are a man, okay."

After smiling, Mia-sensei looked at Alan strangely, "Actually, you looked very cool back then."

Mia-sensei felt Alan was very cool when he protected her just now, and her heart was still throbbing because of it.

"Hehe, do you just realize it now, Mia-sensei? I am the best student in your class." Alan said, looking innocent.

"Mia-sensei, from what I see, that teacher before should have not given up on you yet. He will not stop and will continue to pester you. Maybe when you go home at night, he will harass you halfway. If you don't mind, I can…" Alan said suddenly.

Mia-sensei's expression suddenly changed when she heard this.

In fact, she had never thought about this before, but after Alan said it like this, it was impossible to not think about it anymore.

Before this, Mia-sensei had never got harassed at night, but it didn't mean it wouldn't happen in the future.

In her opinion, the situation Alan said is very likely to happen.

"Mia-sensei, Don't worry, I will send you back!" Alan said while holding Mia-sensei's hand, creating a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere between them

"Ah, this… okay."

Although it is inappropriate for students to send themselves home, Mia-sensei couldn't bear to reject Alan and just let Alan do as he wanted.

. . . . .

On Ray's side, Ray was rejoicing when he saw this scene. The development was a lot faster than he thought, and even though it was a bit risky, it could also benefit him in a lot of ways.

Like in an economical way, the greater the risk, the greater the gain.

Ray didn't wait anymore and immediately stood up. He must prepare things before Alan and Mia-sensei arrive at Mia-sensei's place, and only that way he could be the oriole in this situation.

. . . . . .

- In front of Mia sensei's residence. -

Because of Mia-sensei's occupation, she rented a small apartment near the school, and it only took about ten minutes of walk from the school.

Soon, Alan's car arrived downstairs.

Mia-sensei got off of Alan's car.

"Alan, thank you, I will go back first."

"Um…Mia sensei, I'm here. Don't you even want to invite me upstairs?"

"Come with me."

Mia-sensei took Alan upstairs.

In fact, she also wanted to invite Alan to her residence, but she was afraid that it was a bit inappropriate. Only after Alan said it himself she was brave enough to bring Alan with her.

As soon as Mia-sensei opened the room, a faint fragrance came.

The room size is not big, but it looked pretty neat. The decoration is ordinary but very clean and tidy,

Obviously, Mia-sensei cares about this place pretty much.

On the dryer, Alan could see Mia-sensei's clothes inside.

Alan's eyes were focused on it as he found Mia-sensei's underwear was included in the dryer, which made Mia-sensei very embarrassed.

But somehow, Mia-sensei didn't hate it very much and even felt happy when she saw Alan was dazed by her underwear.

Staring a beautiful woman's underwear is something that only a protagonist like Alan could do. action

Mia-sensei soon turned around and went to the fridge to bring Alan a drink.

This is the chance for the two to get closer, and both sides definitely didn't want to miss this chance.

However, without the two of them knowing, Ray was currently outside while holding a big SLR camera in his hand.

Yup, the moment Mia-sensei invited Alan to her house, Ray had used the camera to photograph it and now was only waiting for Mia-sensei to come out to blackmail her.

" Hehe, it is so easy. Two people that are so stupid that they didn't even bother to check their surroundings first… So this is how Hentai protagonist felt, huh?"

The current Ray has an evil smile on his face. It has been a pretty long time since he last did this, and somehow it felt pretty satisfying.

An hour later, Alan eventually left Mia-senseis's residence.

Alan looked pretty satisfied that he was able to close the distance between the two, but Ray could see from their gesture that the two hadn't done anything yet.

Ray waited for a while and made sure that Alan had really left the area when he finally came upstairs to knock on Mia-sensei's apartment.


Not long after, Mia-sensei came outside in her house clothes, but she was very surprised when she saw that it was Ray who knocked on her door.

" Ray, what are you doi-"

" Hehe, I think it is better for us to talk inside Mia-sensei. You don't want the scandal of you inviting a student to your own residence spread out throughout the school, right? Alan said while showing the photos he had taken before.

Mia-sensei's face immediately turned pale as she saw the photos.

She never thought that she was this careless, and the scene had been photographed by someone else.

With no other choice, Mia-sensei brought Ray inside and let him sit in the leaving room.

" Say, what do you want to do by showing me that picture?"

" Hehe, don't be so tense Mia-sensei, I'm not here to harm you, okay?" Ray said nonchalantly, but Mia-sensei didn't let her guard down even one bit.

For Ray to come here with that picture, Mia-sensei wouldn't believe it if Ray didn't have any bad intentions for her.

" In fact, I'm just here to remind you, you need to be more careful of your surrounding. I would be bad if you were caught by the others, right?"

" Enough! Just say what you want! You are not welcomed here!"

Mia-sensei already had enough of Ray's hypocritical words. She slapped the table and glared at Ray.

" Hooo, so I am not welcomed here while Alan is? You should not be that impartial to your student, Mia-sensei."

This time, Ray deliberately focused on the word of teacher and student, which made Mia-sensei feel embarrassed.

" Actually, I'm just here to tell you something. I want you to be my lover, and I won't receive any rejection."


If before Mia-sensei was still feeling a bit wary of Ray, now she felt that a hole had been blown through her heart.

Her foremost worry became true, Ray was here to blackmail her into becoming his lover.

Mia-sensei wanted to reject, but she knew Ray would definitely spread that pic in the school if she was to reject.

A female teacher bringing a male student late at night. It would be a miracle if her teaching career wasn't destroyed after that.

Tears started to gather in the corner of her eyes as she felt the world was very unfair for her, but in the end, she still decided to agree to Ray's request.

It was a lie if she didn't feel empty, but she had no other choice.

" I agree…" Mia-sensei said while almost biting her own tongue.

She was very regretful, very regretful that she didn't check her surrounding before she let Alan come to her residence and let this disaster come to her.

On the other hand, Ray was elated that things worked as he planned. In fact, if Mia-sensei was to become a bit more clever and refuse Ray's approach from the start, Ray had no way to force her.

Spreading this pic? It would invite his own misery. Ray still remembers that Alan's sister was the wealthiest woman in the country, and with her background, it would be easy to track the one that spread the picture and brought him to the law table.

Now that everything has come to this, Ray only needs to deal the final blow, and his plan will be done.

He walked closer to Mia-sensei and whispered in her ear.

" But don't worry. I'm not that unreasonable. If you kiss me now, then I will make an adjustment to our agreement. You just need to be my lover for 2 months, and after that, you are free."

This is the last trap Ray had prepared for Mia-sensei. If she was to do this, Ray would get perfect evidence that was unrefutable.

Ray would make a situation where Mia-sensei forced herself on him, and he would record this on camera.

If she was in her normal condition, Mia-sensei would definitely realize that it was a trap.

But for the current her, she was too shaken that she couldn't think anymore, and just thought that this was a miracle from heaven for her.

Without noticing that a camera was recording her, Mia-sensei immediately pushed Ray down.

She didn't care even if this made her look like a slut, this was her last hope, last hope of getting together with Alan, and she definitely didn't want to miss this out.

She looked at the hateful man in front of her, and without any further due, she captured Ray's lips with hers.

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