Transmigrated into One Piece world with a Gift Pack

Chapter 140 - Future Sight

Chapter 140 - Future Sight


Blaize's figure smashed into the ice wall and slipped to the ground. As he tried to get up, pain assaulted from all parts of his body causing him to groan.

Kaido's last Conqueror Haki imbued attack fractured multiple bones in his body while blood flowed from his head, mouth, and nose.

His marine coat had been completely destroyed while the shirt beneath was tattered all over, revealing a toned and muscular body underneath.

He has been fighting Kaido for nearly three hours and it's a miracle that he survived till now. If not for his strong vitality granted by his Senju constitution, and healing ability he may have been knocked out after an hour into the battle.

Till now, he doesn't know how many times the bones have been broken or fractured. He's strong but Kaido's a monster who's superior to him in every aspect.

He lost the ability to use his devil fruit powers for some time as he overused them beyond the limit and emptied nearly 60 percent of his haki reserve. josei

As Sun has already set, he can't replenish them in a short time. His Haki reserve is at least thrice higher than a normal person but Kaido's more perverted than him with supreme Haki; maybe due to his Oni bloodline.

"Your abilities intrigue me, you can heal from severe injuries in seconds, is it because of your devil fruit or bloodline?" Kaido asked as he charged again.

Kaido wasn't uninjured as Blaize's flame, in fact, scorched his scales while he also got injured by his Haki but it wasn't anywhere near to stop him as there wasn't a sign of fatigue on his face.

His near-invisible endurance and the incredible amount of stamina amazed even Blaize who knew about it beforehand. Only after his attributes cross the '70' bar limit in all aspects he can face Kaido without losing.

But, to defeat him he needs to be stronger than Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world!

Clearing his mind, Blaize once again focused on dodging Kaido's attack that he has been attempting for some time. To dodge successfully, he needs to see the future.

His Observation Haki attained the level of instinctual, but it's some distance away from reaching the level of Future sight. The battle with Kaido is an opportunity for Blaize if he utilizes them correctly.

Kenbunshoku or Observation Haki is an extension of one's imagination, but just imagination isn't enough; intent, presence, emotions, and purpose also play a vital role.

Blaize calmed himself completely to concentrate and predict Kaido's attack. However, he got hit head-on by the latter's Kanabo and once again crashed into the ice wall.

'He's so fast!' Blaize punched the ground in anger and rose to his feet again. But what he didn't know is, without his awareness he's keeping up with Kaido.

Though Blaize's not as strong as Kaido, his Haki isn't weak either. The attacks that heavily injured him before didn't hurt him as much as they did.

It's not Kaido's attacks that are weakening but Blaize's control over haki is developing rapidly as he fought.

Blaize and Kaido clashed again and again but Kaido continued to overwhelm. Blaize didn't give up as stood back again and again, proving his willpower isn't weak.

Kaidou is highly confident in his power and considers himself to be far above others so Blaize's resilient behavior completely exasperated him, as he couldn't crush someone who's weaker than him.

"Enough playing!" Enraged, he roared and swung his Kanabo violently but Blaize dodged all of them.

Finally, Blaize managed to predict Kaido's attacks and dodged them, which surprised Kaido and he soon discerned that Blaize's Observation Haki is growing.

Blaize did indeed touched the concept of Future vision but he's still away from mastering it completely. Besides, it won't be of much help facing Kaido as he almost exhausted his physical strength and Devil fruit power from overusing them.

At that moment Kaidou attacked, using his dragon tail he propelled himself forward and rushed at an unbelievable speed. Though Blaize saw the future, it took every ounce of strength in his body to dodge.

It's how fast Kaido is.

The battle between them continued. Kaido attacked furiously and with everything he got while Blaize tried his best to dodge every one of them but sometimes the attacks hit him.


Another two hours passed,

Blaize gasped for air heavily, he's at his limit as his Haki too reached the end. In normal circumstances, his Haki won't deplete this quickly but to block Kaido's blows without getting injured he's forced to channel a huge amount of Haki.

It's also the only reason why remain standing till now. As for his physical strength, it drained to the limit because of healing his injuries too many times.

It took all his willpower and strength to remain standing. Even so, facing Kaido's incoming his heart was steady without any nervousness or excitement while his eyes exuded unwavering determination.

Channeling haki and leftover devil fruit power he had in him to his fist, Blaize punched the air in front of him. At that moment, Kaido's weapon came clashing emitting dark lightning sparks.

The clouds above shook, while objects rose off the ground from the sheer pressure while the ground beneath them cracked and split forming a wide crater.

The strikes collided but ceased from touching one another while the force from each blow exerted into one another, and finally, Kaido's strike overwhelmed Blaize's and banged right into his face.

A loud, powerful shockwave dispersed outward along with Blaize who lost consciousness after fighting Kaido for nearly six hours. Blood oozed from all his pores and he was violently flung away by the strike as he failed to coat his body with Haki.

The black sparks faded while Kaido wielded his Kanabo over his shoulder and cried. "I got excited over nothing!"

On the other hand, Blaize's figure cannoned back and was about to crash into the Marine ship, but Kuzan caught his body and placed him on the deck of the ship.

To calm the anxious soldiers on board, who are worried about Blaize's wellbeing, Kuzan stated. "He just lost his consciousness, he will be good once he wakes up!"


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