Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 11 Subdue Naz

Chapter 11 Subdue Naz

Naz and Nix both held their ground in Aimi's hand.

Whimpering, she hung her head low, her wrist starting to hurt.

"Let go of her hand." Nix growled.

All he had wanted to do was apologize for unintentionally hurting her. She had wanted to show her affection, yet he had let her down.

He didn't know why Naz held on to her too, but he was definitely not going to be pushed over like last time.

He still had a score to settle with this overbearing brother.

"You have no right to say that after hurting her." Naz spat.

Nix couldn't understand why his brother held so much hate towards him, but he wasn't going to sit by and watch him carry out his anger on him.

'You are at a disadvantage now, jerk. I wasn't as weak as before.'


Feeling a telekinetic hold on their necks, they were thrown off balance.

Their mother had smashed the table into two with her hand. All the tableware went crashing into the damaged middle of the table.

[Make up mission failed: Make use of the chopsticks to eat]

[Make up mission: 2/10]

Aimi was pulled towards their mother, a blue aura surrounding her as she was kept afloat.

Glaring at the boys, her eyes glowed, her blue hair flying wildly around her. She was enraged, if they had an issue, why would they dare carry it out on their little sister?

"This is the last straw!" She yelled, tightening her telekinetic grip on their neck. "Can't we just be a normal family for even a day?!" Her eyes brimmed with tears but fueled by anger.josei

"Mother please!" Aimi cried, pulling on her mother's nightdress.

"Stand back." She levitated Aimi and held her in place while she teaches the boys how to behave in her presence.

Nix could now see what Naz had faced in the hands of their mother, what was worse was the fact that although there was a grip on his neck. If it were to be human hands, that would mean that the person was close and that was enough to counter attack at that range.

But this feeling, they were choked, yet their mother was at a great distance, to the normal eyes, there should be nothing trying to strangle them.

Gritting his teeth, he couldn't afford to lose any of his energy points, that was specifically reserved for the idiot in the same predicament as he was.

Trying to draw in breath, he was determined to make a ceasefire for a greater purpose.

"M... mother, let us ha... handle this oursel–" He was already losing his breath.

His mother raised a brow to his words, loosening her grip on both of them. They dropped with a thud.

Coughing, they hung their heads low as they tried to draw in all the air they could.

"I couldn't quite hear you earlier," her malicious glint shot at him. "Care to say it again?"

Naz held onto his neck, he looked at his brother in confusion.

Nix stared right back, but a new found determination was set in.

[Congratulations you have unlocked a new trait: Determination. Whatever you set your mind on, with the right resolve would be accomplished]

[Resolve: Counterattack of the weak]

"Let us handle this ourselves." He repeated, glaring at his brother. He was about done with him being treated like trash–a weakling.

If he hated him so much, at least he should know why he's being hated on. Instead he's given a cold shoulder and death glares.

If it weren't for the fact that they were twins, he would have sworn he was adopted.

Maybe this was why this character had run away from home. This should be why he had woken up in the muddy field. He probably had tried to run away from all of these, and this could only be accomplished by going to the one place everyone feared–the dragon's territory.

'You want to fight me so badly? Then you'd get that chance today.'

[Make up mission rescheduled. Complete this mission, it takes care of all others]

[Make up mission: Subdue Naz]

A grin made its way to his lips, finally a mission he itched to accomplish.

"How are you supposed to do that?" His mother folded her arms.

"Simple, I get to see how far Naz can go against me." He pointed at his brother who stared at him in surprise.

"You want to spar against your brother?" His mother was shocked at what he was suggesting.

In the past they had always had squabbles, but it had always ended with Nix being beaten to a pulp. Could she really allow him to be so stupid to go against his brother?

"Brother Nix, you don't have to do this!" Aimi cried.

Nix couldn't bear to see her hurt, this was all the more reason he wanted to break free from the strings of his mother and brother. All this while, the only person who had deeply cared about him was his sister.

"Ahhh!!" Aimi held onto her head.

Deactivating her gift, she caught on to Aimi who dropped in her outstretched arm.

"It's acting up again?" Her hands trembled as she pushed back Aimi's hair.

Nix and Naz had rushed to have a look, but a barrier had kept them from getting closer.

"Don't you two come closer!" She yelled, cradling her daughter to her bosom. "You both have done enough damage, settle whatever differences you have before you are allowed to see her." She threatened, looking over her shoulder with a death glare.

Without another word, she climbed the stairs.

There was no time to waste, they needed to settle this once and for all.

"Follow me." He growled, shoving his hands into his pocket, taking large strides towards his desired location.

"What makes you think I would follow a loser like you?" Naz taunted.

Nix halted in his steps, the more Naz spoke, the more it fueled his resolve to go through with this.

"If you are such a wimp then I guess it can't be helped." Nix shrugged, resuming his movements.

"I'll show you who's a wimp!" He yelled, stomping his feet, following in tow.

'Just wait and see.' Nix snickered, a bright blue glow shone in his eyes.

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