Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 16 Hidden Truth In The Scroll

Chapter 16 Hidden Truth In The Scroll

[Passive gift: Telekinetic field deactivated]

[Passive gift: Telekinetic binding in effect]

Raising his hand with an outstretched palm, he slowly clenched his hand.

The creature was lifted and held off the ground by the neck.

Struggling to get free, it's mail slowly digging into it's skin, it's legs dangling and it's hand trying to break free from the grasp on its neck to no avail.

Like he had once seen his mother inflict pain on Naz, he was sure to increase his pressure on it as seconds went by.


[40 points gained]

The creature squirmed, trying to escape. The mail which had covered its body were forming creases slowly all over its body.

"Why did you attack this place?! Who sent you!" He yelled in rage. Closing his eyes momentarily, he couldn't bear to face the direction in which Aimi laid.


[50 points gained]

Although he knew the creature couldn't speak, which annoyed him greatly, he needed to vent out his anger on the very thing which had wreaked havoc on what he once called a home.

Whoever had sent this thing had definitely wanted to keep their identity a secret. They were after the scroll but until he had definitely carried out his revenge on it, he wouldn't be able to feel the peace he once had.

[Energy level: 35 points. 5 points before deactivation]

He rolled his eyes at the interface. It would seem this gift takes a greater toll on his energy points. He needed to end this quickly before he missed his chance.

"I am wasting my time with you." He growled, clenching his fist.

The creature's head imploded as it was crushed by force.


The creature's remains dropped to the ground.

[200 points gained]

[You have earned the class: Beast slayer]

[Congratulations on your successful completion, you have a total of 322 points earned]

[Passive gift: Telekinesis deactivated]


The scroll fell to the floor. Looking to his side, he had almost forgotten about that piece of object. Picking it up, he sighed, once he was done, he would check it's content.

[Passive gift in effect]

He needed his hands free, so he levitated the scroll in the air like he had done before, with it following him wherever he went.

This form of the gift didn't need any energy consumption whatsoever, due to the relative light weight of the object.

Slowly, he dragged his feet towards where Aimi laid.

The pain in his heart increased as he looked down at her blood trail. He had gotten his revenge, but why was his heart feeling like a thousand needles piercing it?josei

Dropping to his knees, his hands trembled as he stretched his hand towards her face. It was cold, all warmth gone.

Shaking his head, he refused to believe what stared at him right in the face. "Aimi, it's time to wake up." He tapped her face.

He forced a smile, his vision blurring with tears.

"I've gotten revenge on that vile thing, you can stop pretending now." He let out a strained chuckle.


Pulling her in an embrace, he rocked his body, "please come back to brother. I won't be so ignorant and weak anymore." He cried.

After what felt like forever, with no tears able to drop anymore. He hyperventilated, his reasoning starting to get back to him.

He had yet to confirm the state of his mother and brother. With an optimistic mind, he assumed they might be hurt but not in the gruesome state Aimi was.

'Yes! Surely mother has telekinesis, they wouldn't have been able to deal devastating damage to them while she's there.'

Sniffling, he wiped his nose. He needed to get back to the sparring room where he had left them.

Ignoring the pain that was beginning to jab at his side. He cradled Aimi, in search of them.


Kicking open the door, his sensory senses were attacked by the smoke which had been an issue for him earlier on.



[Passive gift: Telekinetic field push]

The smoke was forcefully pushed out of the 20 meter radius he had created.

It was enough for him to clearly see the bodies of his mother and brother.

"Please be alive." He increased his pace, careful not to exert himself too much.

Once he had gotten to where they were, he reluctantly took a step back. Carefully laying Aimi on the floor.

"No!" He yelled, holding onto his head, pulling on his hair.

p There his mother was in a kneeling position, the same way he had seen her healing Naz at that time.

She didn't have any injury, so did Naz, but there was something off about their skin and hair color. Their skin had been reverted to a sickly gray and their hair white.

Judging from the position they still were, the attack had been a swift and devastating one.

He took another step back. Guilt immediately took its effect on him.

'You caused this.' His thoughts condemned him.

"No." He held his head, shaking it.

'If you had not lured Naz and beaten him to this extent, he would be alive and so would mother.' His thoughts continued.

"I didn't cause their death." He yelled to no one in particular.

Hitting on his chest, the fleeting feeling of finally having a family was ripped from him. This made his heart ache more painful than the stab he had sustained.

He couldn't bring back the dead, all three of them dead, and what was he left with? A scroll?

Calling the scroll to him, he opened the scroll holder, pulling out the very scroll his mother had been reading then.

His eyes doubled as he read it's content.

In it was listed the number of secret human experiments and their gifts forcefully taken and transferred to others which had been done over the past two decades.

'Gifts can be transferred?' He tilted his head in confusion.

The names of it's investors and corrupt officials who had all gained gifts through this method were listed.

They were all linked to an organization said to nurture and groom the gifted to serve their city as heroes, this was merely a cover to carry on their experiments.

Glancing down further, the names of the scientists involved in such an experiment were also listed.

The scroll dropped from his hand in shock at what he had seen. His fingers began to tremble once more.

"It couldn't be!"

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