Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 222 You've Made A Mistake

Chapter 222 You've Made A Mistake

"Never would I ever think otherwise." Mr. Zhao replied with a slight bow.

Giving a nod to the words, he dismissed Zhao. "Take the portal, it's much faster."

Creating a portal, Mr. Zhao could easily see his room on the other side. His heart pounded at the easy access his master could have to anywhere he put his mind to.

'So it was my master's ability that allowed those two devils into my room without a trace.'

Gulping, he reluctantly went in.


The master continued to stare at the place where Zhao had stood. His anger only burned at how incompetent his collectors were.

"AGHHHH!!!" He yelled in rage, opening up a portal that sucked up all the water in the pool.

His body trembled slightly and veins made their way onto his forehead. With bloodshot eyes, he punched the wall closest to him.

Crack marks spread and traveled around his fist.

"No one double-crosses me and gets away with it. No one!" He hissed.


In Mr. Zhao's room,

He rushed towards his table, his hands frantically searching for a piece of paper.

"Where is it?!" He muttered and pushed away all stationery that got in his way.



His head whipped to his door, he could only guess the only person who would visit him at such an hour.

"Open." He voiced his command to the door.


"I knew you wouldn't fail to disappoint." He laughed at the emergence of Zephyr.

Not answering the comment made by Mr. . Zhao, Zephyr simply bowed and frowned.

"I had done what you asked, and I hope I wouldn't be bothered by you or your threats in the future."

Those words made Mr. Zhao let out a chuckle at the impossible word. "Do you know the chain of power?"

'Do I have to stand and wait for this load of bullshit?' Zephyr thought in regret.

All he ever wanted after coming to this world was to be reincarnated into the body of someone he could lay low on. With the given circumstances, it was never possible for the body he possesses.

The thoughts that scramble his mind when he gets information on the previous host without a trigger caused him severe headaches.

He realized if he didn't make any attempt to be invested in the conversation, it might serve as an excuse for Mr. Zhao to go brutal on him again.

"No I don't Sir, could you kindly share your words of wisdom?" Zephyr said through gritted teeth while forcing a smile.

Dismissing the sarcastic tone in Zephyr's words, Mr. Zhao cleared his throat before he answered. "To maintain power, you use whatever means you have to get a hold on those or things you wish to access. No yielding whatsoever."

Zephyr couldn't hold back the frow that showed his distaste at his words. The only meaning he could grab from all he had heard is he would still be threatened if he was out of line.

Shaking his head and letting out a sigh, he looked up at Mr. Zhao. "So I should expect more in store if I don't follow your orders, huh?"

"Bravo!" Clapping his hand to how well he had deciphered his words, he gave a thumbs-up to Zephyr.

'I don't know why I feel this way, but I wished I had not listened to Nix and teleported to your room. The news of your death by those jerks would have spread far and wide.' Zephyr wished in his subconscious and his eyes glared with untold words shooting daggers at Mr. Zhao.

"Oooo! I'm so scared!" Mr. Zhao shivered, realizing there was more to tell in those glaring eyes. He could see that he was trying to hide his hate in his words, but his eyes told a different story.

Zephyr simply looked away, his eyes roving around to distract himself until Mr. Zhao was ready to speak.

"What is it you have acquired?" Mr. Zhao's cold voice questioned and he narrowed his eyes.



"Lumina? What about her?" Mr. Zhao cut in and his brow raised in suspicion. He had not expected to get the information starting with her.

Zephyr suddenly realized that there was more to this female than he had thought, even Mr. Zhao's interest was piqued just by the mere mention.

'Interesting, let's see how well this goes then.' He snickered in his thoughts as he prepared to continue with his words.

"When I had gotten there, she knew about my presence almost immediately even though I had hidden from their view." Zephyr began.

"Pfft!" Mr. Zhao tried to stifle a laugh at Zephyr's words, he found it funny for someone like him to think he could hide from a lightning rank user within that close radius.

"Excuse me, Sir?" He questioned as he felt upset and stupid from the way Mr. Zhao was suddenly acting.

"You tried to hide from a lightning rank user at close range while spying on them?" He burst out laughing.

Zephyr had understood why he was laughing from the very first time and had tried to curtail his embarrassment. "I had not known at the–"


Mr. Zhao punched down on the edge of his table which caused it to rip off its remaining frame. "How could you be so stupid?!!"

'F*ck you! How the hell was I meant to know about this little detail?!' Zephyr snapped in his thoughts, frustrated with the way Mr. Zhao conversed with him.

He had risked his life going back to the arena, risked being suspected by the others who might later put meaning to his sudden appearance.

"How the hell was I meant to know about this?!" He yelled back, sick and tired of being pushed about.

Those words stirred his inside, he had wanted to let it slide but the more he thought about Zephyr asking such a question, he felt played.

Slowly approaching Zephyr, he gritted his teeth and his fist clenched. Antipathy seething off him.

Zephyr gulped and immediately regretted his words, he could feel a murderous intent directed at him. His eyes widened at such a feeling and instinctively took a step back.

He dreaded the fact that as long as he was in Mr. Zhao's room, his ability to teleport in or out was dictated by the devil approaching him.

"You've made a serious mistake, saying those words!" He sneered.

The original Zephyr had known about this, and all of the organization's members knew about this information.

This was due to the arrival of the prodigy in the organization at the time, he had given them a bit of an insight into how a lightning ranker ability works–no one could sneak up on them without them getting a feeling and pinpointing the said location.

"All of the organization's members know about this tiny little detail. If I remembered correctly, you said you had gradually recovered your memory. So is that also a lie?" Mr. Zhao asked with his eyes twitching and a crooked smile plastered on his lips.

Zephyr tried to maintain his composure even after the words were spoken to him. He internally cursed at how stupid he was to blurt out those implicating words.

"Lumina had told me to teleport her to the arena once she realized I was with Solis in there," Zephyr replied, he hoped to distract him with that piece of information.

Feeling that might not do the trick, he shielded his eyes with his arms and expected the worst possible outcome.

Mr. Zhao paused in his approach, his hands loose at his side, and suddenly went into a daze.

Shaking his head after he snapped out of the trance-like state, he made a strangling gesture as he glared at Zephyr. "Why would you agree to such a request?!!"

Zephyr jumped back in fear at the unstable disposition of Mr. Zhao, the only thing he was glad about was the fact that he was spared because of that information popping up in his head.

"You had specifically pointed out that I know what they were up to and it turns out after I was caught and forced to go along with them." He explained.

"Go on." Mr. Zhao pressured. His eyes fixated on Zephyr's face.

"We had gotten to the arena and found out that Nix had gone ballistic on the electricity dude that had tried to stop us from leaving–"

"What about the other collector?" Mr. Zhao cut in impatiently, his lips trembling as he tried to imagine the sight.

He had known that fire rankers were dangerous, but for someone of Nix's experience, it was close to impossible to achieve such a feat.

Zephyr temporarily closed his eyes and tried to calm his thoughts. He had been interrupted several times and it was starting to feel like a sore thumb.

Left with no choice but to answer, he let out a sigh before he continued. "He was ripped apart, more of a gory sight if you ask me."

Mr. Zhao took several steps back, if Nix could do that to one of the collectors and had overpowered Ian, he began to realize how dangerous he was.

"What about the other collector? Was there some sort of conversation between Lumina?" He questioned in a panic.

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