Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 233 The Grand Opening

Chapter 233 The Grand Opening

"Those goddamn unpredictable users are having a brawl in our–my room!" He hissed in disdain and was hyperventilated.josei

If they could feel the vibration from the outdoors, he couldn't imagine the sort of effort that was put into thrashing the makeshift new training room.



"Get the hell out of there!" Obsidian snarled, hitting on the door loudly.

Lank looked to his right, then left to confirm they weren't watched. It was only a matter of time before the others would come out of their rooms out of curiosity.

Pulling on Obsidian's arm, Lank tried to yank him off the door and in turn broke its handle.


Obsidian froze upon the damage done, his brows twitched several times as he tried to calm his nerves before he faced Lank.

"It wasn't my fault, man." Lank quickly defended, raising his hands in surrender.

Obsidian closed his eyes and nodded his head at how he couldn't even blame his friend. "Whatever, it was an impulsive action."

Lank's mouth gaped open at how he had managed to scale through that so well.

"They wouldn't hear us anyways, the rooms are soundproof." Obsidian clarified with a wave of his hand.

Lank let out a sigh, he could finally be calm about ever encountering an issue.

Looking down at the broken door handle, "they have the funds to fix that."

Lank tried to follow up as Obsidian chuckled right after his words.

Realizing they had better things to stalk, Obsidian called Lank closer, "want to see something interesting?"

Lank nodded but was unsure if it was wise to voice out his curiosity to someone like Obsidian.

Obsidian, being quick to catch onto his nod, smiled and pulled Lank closer to him in a side hug, "come with me."

"To where?" Lank hissed and pushed off Obsidian, skeptical about following him anywhere other than their jurisdiction.

Obsidian shook his head and had a smile as he got his balance after that shove.

"Don't you want to have a bit of an eyeful experience before we leave this goddamn shit hole?" Obsidian edged on in a whisper, wiggling his brows and had his tails sway ever so often.

Lank narrowed his eyes and gave it a thought, he had not necessarily left the fixed parameters of room Apex.

"This place does feel a bit restrictive with all the inactivity going on..." Lank muttered in consideration of the current situation they were in.

Rubbing his chin, he stared at the floor for a hard and long while, giving Obsidian's suggestion a thought.

Obsidian was patient enough to let the mischievous suggestion sink in. He needed a partner to participate in the prank he had planned and what better way to do so than with a friend.

"What does this entail?" Lank finally replied.

Obsidian's eyes brightened and his eyes momentarily glowed in ecstasy and flickered back to normal. "Why tell when I can show?"

A part of Lank was still uncertain if his agreement was a good idea. If he could busy his thoughts with something else, then that was what he was going to do.

"It wouldn't hurt to give it a shot." Lank nodded his head.

"That's the spirit!" Obsidian whooped up his hands and pulled Lank by the hand and towards the direction of the said location.


In an unknown location,

Lank's red eyes glowed in the dark and so did Obsidian's silver.

Lank pulled his hand forcefully from Obsidian's grasp. "Where the heck is this and why is it so dark?"

Obsidian chuckles at how a feral could complain about the dark. "You can see in here, right?"

'That's not the answer I was looking for goddamnit!' Lank hissed in his thoughts.

He was already having second thoughts on how foolish he could be to follow an equal psychopath, this might be fun for Obsidian, but not for him.

"You already know the answer, right?" Lank snapped and observed his surroundings.

He could make out the veiled windows covered with a black thick drape.

'That must be the cause of–'

"That's right, it was intentionally done to make here dark, but that's not the part I'm focused on." Obsidian related.

He pointed in the direction of a metal door that had a weird tube-like lock.

Lank tilted his head in confusion as he watched Obsidian walk closer to it.

At the side of the door, Obsidian slapped its side and laughed out at how less metal it was with the sound.

Lank grimaced at how a sloshing sound was heard. "What the heck is that?"

"A door." Obsidian deadpanned.

When Lank facepalmed, he realized how much of a stupid question his words were and couldn't blame Obsidian for answering in such a way.

The door had been authenticated, but that sound wasn't. Careful not to be misunderstood anymore, he continued. "What was that weird sound a while ago?"

"That's a mystery even I don't have the answers to." Obsidian shrugged.

He was also as curious as Lank when he had first found out about the place a few days ago while on his usual stealthy stroll around the organization.

"How did you find out about this place then?" Lank cut in, mesmerized by how well the room was sealed shut and the veils doing their best in blocking out the light.

Slowly bringing out his tentacles, he had a smug look on his face.

Lank took several steps back, finally recalling the last time he had seen that and the memories it brought alongside it.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Lank exclaimed.

"Would you just take things slow?" Obsidian hissed and laughed at his childish reaction.

"Slow? What do you want to do with that? Strangle me? Restrain me?" Lank made preposterous accusations, careful of how he threaded.

Obsidian's mood dropped drastically at his words and actions, "you don't trust me, do you?"

Lank froze and realized his mistake and looked down in guilt. "It's not that..."

"You had asked me a question, I was yet to give a response, yet somehow I was accused with no base," Obsidian replied in hurt.

He had wanted this to be a form of bonding with someone he considered a friend.

"Obsidian, I–"

"No, it's my fault. I didn't give any heads-up." Obsidian cut in, his mood greatly dropped, and let out a sigh.

"Anyways, as for your question, these little appendages led me here." Obsidian forced a chuckle and tried to move on after what had just transpired.

Lank's heart sank at his shallow thinking, "I didn't know... I apologize for how..."

"Water under the bridge," Obsidian cut in yet again, he couldn't bear to hear an apology or that would make him feel guilty for how he had responded.

"Let's focus on the adventure, okay?"

Lank nodded his head, suddenly more serious as to why he had been brought over, considering it a privilege for him to be taken to such a top-secret base.

"It turns out the tentacles recognized where they've been, it's almost like I could hear what they were saying in my head." Obsidian enthusiastically explained.

"So they told you about this place." Lank narrowed his eyes and tried to take his words as it was.

Obsidian bobbed his head in a yes.

"If that's how you put it, who am I to question?" Lank shrugged and accepted the explanation. They were in a restricted place, that was enough evidence to believe.

"So what's it have to do with them?" He questioned, wondering what sort of eyeful he was talking about.

Obsidian snapped his finger and had a smirk on his lips. It turned out that was the question he had wanted to reply to for a while.

Closing his eyes and bringing his palms together, the tentacles glowed with a faint white which showed the transparency of the clear insides of the tentacles and converged in front of him and at Lank.

Lank dropped down in a brief moment of shock and astonishment after the glowing tentacles came a little too close. "Woah! That's..."

"... awesome, I know." Obsidian finished up, feeling proud of himself.

The once dark room was dimly illuminated due to the glow of his tentacle which reflected on the door.

Lank was too mesmerized to respond to Obsidian's indirect self-praise and continued staring with his heavily dilated eyes.

Obsidian's lips drew into a thin line when he realized how far gone Lank was just by staring at them.

"Hello?!" Obsidian repeatedly snapped his fingers in front of Lank to bring him back to the reality of things.

Shaking his head, Lank immediately got to his feet, "what did I miss?"

"If you had stayed that way any longer, then you might have missed my grand opening." Obsidian retorted, clicking his tongue.

"Anyways, I had realized that this does more than light up, it is the key that fits into that tube," Obsidian responded and turned around to look at the door.

Looking over his shoulder with a smirk, "care to see what's in there?"

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