Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 243 What's With The Change Of Heart?

Chapter 243 What's With The Change Of Heart?

Mr. Zhao facepalmed and shook his head, "trust me, it won't, it can only affect a dragon temporarily and stings them."

Ayanami wasn't still sure about his words but chose to go along with it if that was the only way for her to gain the favor of the one person who treated her as special.

"I won't disappoint you, sir!" She assured as she clenched the scale in her hands with a smile.

Mr. Zhao patted her shoulders and dusted them, "remember, act natural and be on the lookout."

With a final nod, she turned to leave for the said item.


In Obsidian's room, his eyes jolted open as he took huge gulps of air after that ordeal.

He was sweating and hadn't realized the huge toll it had on his energy.

'Who would have thought a little spying would cost a bit extra?' He thought as he held his head.

Feeling light-headed, he forced himself up from his bed only to jump back in shock when he found Alex staring directly at him from the side of his bed.

"You're acting strange." Alex pointed out with narrow eyes. He could feel something was off but needed an affirmation from the culprit.

Obsidian sweat dropped at the comment, he wondered if he had been watched for such a long while to notice anything strange.

"I am strange on a regular basis." He tried to joke his way around it.

Alex shook his head, even though they had little interactive sessions, he knew one thing was certain–Obsidian rarely made jokes nor does he try to avoid questions as much as he had done since he and Lank returned.

"You two did something to spite Nix and the dragons." He answered, "I'm just worried that you might be in the bad books of such a crazy shithead."

Obsidian harrumphed and gave a deaf ear to Alex's words, even though his words had struck a chord in his hardened heart, he was also concerned about what he had heard on the order given to Ayanami.

If this method were to be used, Nix was sure to be found out and so were they.

"Alex..." He began, letting out a sigh of disappointment. "... I know you're worried about my safety, but I need you to know I can take c–"

"Suit yourself." Alex cut in, turned around, and pulled over the pillow onto his head to block out the weird sentimental talk that was about leaving Obsidian's lips.

He refused to believe nothing was wrong after he had watched how hurt Nix was and how anxious he had been because of the feelings he had resonated from the dragons, so much that he had even tried to retaliate against his friends.

'That wasn't Nix, I just know it.' He said in self-denial.

He remembered how Lank had tried to hide something that he chose to run away instead of solving the problem, and how Obsidian had readily covered up his tracks.

Pulling away the covers, he turned to Obsidian and spat out the plain truth. "You two owe an explanation to Nix, I for one won't be a part of you two silly games."

Obsidian sat on his bed, stunned and guilt-ridden. He had not wanted Nix to be found out so easily, yet things became complicated which his prank.josei

'Did I do the right thing?' He thought as he began to question all that had happened.

He had unintentionally severed the friendship Lank had with Nix and he was caught in between it.

With the dangerous plan brokered between those two in a secret place, he began to fear for the safety of Nix.

Until he could properly control his abilities, he would still be affected by the elixir.

Pulling off the cover, he resolved in his thoughts to step out and confront Nix so they could come to a reasonable conclusion.

Alex watched Obsidian as he had determination gleaming in his eyes. Getting to a sitting position he readily asks. "Do you really think he would be willing to meet with you?"

Obsidian had barely commanded the door through a voice command when his lips sealed shut. He contemplated the fact that Nix could still be harboring some hate for what they had done.

With a smile he responded confidently, "I think he would want to listen to what I have to say now."

Alex shrugged, glad that he could at least talk some sense into the feral. "Try to make sure you don't get your ass handed to you while you try."

"I'm not banking on that." With that, he left to meet with Nix.


A few moments later,

"Let me go, I know I was wrong!" Obsidian cried as Nix pulled on his tail with his telekinetic hold and created a fire that was set 6 feet away from the straightened tail.

"You're just telling me now?" Nix raged, tilting his head as he contemplated the best way to punish Obsidian.

Lumina laughed as she watched the show. "It's not nice to pull his tail, you know."

Nix looked behind him and stared lovingly at Lumina, her words seemed to lighten the whole situation as he chuckled. "This little feral just made me go through hell because of some prank and now he's coming to apologize?"

Lumina shrugged at his words, she was still a bit oblivious to what was going on, apart from the little speech on the elixir and Obsidian and Lank's little adventure, she wondered why this wasn't ironed out well the first time.

She could remember how downhearted Nix had been when he got back to their room, he had refused to speak about what had happened and she chose to give him some space.

Not until Obsidian came along and decided to dig his own grave by letting the dragon out of its cage.

Nix whipped his head back at Obsidian, "why did you suddenly have a change of heart after that little stunt you two pulled on me?"

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