Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 36 Quests With Great Benefits

Chapter 36 Quests With Great Benefits

"I don't know why you are acting strangely, but I think we can settle whatever differences we have amicably." He smiled.

"How do you have two gifts? In fact not just two gifts but the other, which is also one of the four gifts." She raised a brow.

"Telekinesis is one of them?" He questioned in disbelief.

"Of course you didn't know." Lumina rolled her eyes.

The more she spoke with him, the less anxious she became. He was still as clueless as she was when it came to things like this.

"That would explain why you blurted out in class then." He facepalmed.

'If my passive gift is one of the four, that would explain how mother could use it with such skill.' His eyes began to tear up at the thought of his family.

Lumina noticed his eyes were glossed in welled up tears. Rushing towards him without thinking, she cupped his cheeks with her palms, searching his eyes for some answers.

"Tell me, what's wrong?"

Ba dum!

Ba dum!

The thumping of his heart could be heard by his ears. Turning his face away from hers, he couldn't let himself look weak in front of her. He shook his head, yet said nothing.

The words she spoke were oddly familiar to the one he had heard his mother say the moment he saw her the first time.

,m He didn't like this feeling, he bit down on his bottom lip to control his emotions. In reality, he was an orphan who never knew his family, but this alternate world gave him something he had longed for, yet it was forcefully taken from him again.

"Why?" He muttered in anguish, not necessarily speaking to her.

Lumina looked down helplessly, she could tell whatever front he was putting up was nothing but a cover for his true emotions, one he so desperately wants to keep hidden.

In a few seconds she realized where her hands laid on. As if burnt by fire, she retracted her hands quickly. "I– I'm sorry."

Nix got up from the bed, "don't wait up for me. You can have the bed. I seem to have messed up a lot of things for you."

Lumina raised her head to meet his gaze. "Where are you going?"

"I owe you no explanation. Do not try to follow me." He said coldly.

She was left stunned and unable to speak another word to him, his constant change in mood was so dynamic, she hoped one day she won't fall into his bad side. The only thing she could do was watch him walk out the door.josei

'Mune!' He called.

[Master! You're alive!] Her little fingers hugged his neck, she wouldn't let go until she was satisfied and sure he was as real to her as the warmth she felt.

Nix on the other hand was not comfortable with the hugging method she was using. Her bust repeatedly squished into his face.

'Mune! Let go!' He cautioned, clearing his throat right after.

He looked behind him, to be sure no one was following.

'Mune, do you know any quiet place I can go to and not be watched, while at it?' He requested.

Thinking for a moment, she tapped her cheek with her index finger.

[I got it!] She snapped her finger in excitement.

'Spill it!' He deadpanned, there was no time to spare.

[The library! It's rarely visited and it's also a great place to gather information about the academy] She reasoned.

'Lead the way, then.' He shoved his hands into his pockets. He needed to get as far away as possible from Lumina, she was a distraction he couldn't afford to foster.



Applying a little bit of force, he pushed his way in through the door. It's stiff hinges were a testimony to the fact it had never been opened for quite some years.

Coughing due to the excess dust built up. "When you said rarely visited, I didn't expect this kind of thing." He grimaced as his face was caught in a spider's web.

Pulling it away from his face, spitting out bits of it that got in his mouth, in disgust, he narrowed his eyes at Mune, who shrugged and had an innocent look on her face.

[Let me handle this, master!] She raised her hands, a huge gust of wind blew forward, some of the books falling to the ground. Gathering up the dust into a hard ball, it dropped to the ground.

[There we go!] Mune dusted her hands, levitating the books that had fallen and returning them to their rightful places.

Nix's mouth went wide open at what he had witnessed, his hands touching the shelf to determine how effective her powers had done to the dust.

Bringing his hand back, he didn't see or feel a speck of dust. "Amazing!" He gasped.

"You didn't tell me you possessed magic!" He narrowed his eyes at her accusingly.

[You didn't let me show you what I can do] Mune countered with pout, morphing to her adult size version.

"You're kidding right? Why would I ever stop such a useful power?" He pulled her in a hug.

If only he had Mune from the very beginning, he would never need to do chores again.

Mune squirmed in his grasp, her master was hugging her too tight. She had to revert to her miniature size.

"Where have you been all my life?" He blurted out, not fully realizing he was hugging himself.

[Master!] Mune tapped on his head to get his attention.

"Right!" Nix pulled himself together, sitting on the floor in a lotus position.

[How were you able to escape Zoar?] Mune questioned excitedly, circling his body for any sign of injury or the fight.

"The system aided me to a proper degree, a good thing that was still able to function. But like I said before, do not underestimate me." He laughed it off.

Not wanting to waste more time, he took a glance at his reward notification.


[The following rewards are available]


Paintbrush & Canvas: This allows you to bring your creations to life under the duration of an hour. These creations could interact with anyone or engage in battle under your command. It could also serve as a mental picture illustrator for future purposes.

"The usage and effectiveness can be increased with points earned during missions or quests..." He said by heart in a monotonous voice, "...yeah yeah I already got the gist."

Already knowing his points can never be safe with the more his level up rewards increased, he sighed in disappointment.

This reward reminded him so much of a character he knows with the same ability.

'Except mine has a goddamn limit!' He gritted his teeth in frustration, balling his hand in a fist in front of him.

Manifesting, the said items dropped to his crossed legs.



His lips were upturned in a grin. He had finally gotten something he was originally good at.

"Beware Shibui Gift Organization, it's only a matter of time before I get every single one of you!" He laughed maniacally at his words.

[Uhhh...] Mune raised the corner of her mouth to how awkward her master was acting.

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the daily quest]

Nix's moment was cut short with that notification popping up in front of him.

"Daily quest? This is what the reward section was talking about–quests, right?" He turned his attention towards Mune in displeasure.

[Yes, but it comes with great benefits!] Mune nodded her head.

"What kind of benefits?!"

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