Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 42 Saved And Slapped

Chapter 42 Saved And Slapped

The beam broke off into several bits of different coloured balls of light which hovered in the air.

In confusion, she tilted her head, dropping her hands to her side.

The balls of light dashed towards the students with great speed. Scattering about and hovering in front of each student momentarily before touching the chest of each one, then disappearing on contact.

All the students who had been affected by Agatha's beam gasped and jolted awake, confused and disoriented but all unharmed. They were slowly gaining back the warmth and color they had lost.


Lumina looked up at the cause of the sound, Nix's hand was slowly slipping from the crack. The broken piece of the medal tearing into his flesh.


Lumina touched her forehead, looking at her hand, she saw blood.

'Blood?!' She looked back up, his arm had been torn by the medal as he had broken in it.

"Fae, conjure something that could break his fall!" She yelled at her friend who was still struggling to process what was happening to her.

"Yesir! Gia! Anybody?!" She yelled to those names she knew personally, who could do the same.

Her eyes darted from Nix's dangerously dangling body and the students.

"Come on, he's about to fall!" She called to them, her hands grasping and shaking in panic. Nix's body was still hovering a few feet in the air and from the looks of it, he was also losing blood.

'Dammit!' She gritted her teeth.

Waiting wasn't an option, the students were still in a confused state. It was pointless to rely on them. The only thing to do was take action herself.

"So much for teamwork." Lumina scowled as she looked at the students one more time before she prepared herself to climb the statue again.

Jumping onto the metal statues again, she skipped and grabbed the hands of the statue. It was more difficult than the last time to get up.

She took a deep breath as she placed her foot on the metal. Sticky and smooth it seemed. She lifted her leg and put it on the other leg. It was a bit easier this time and she managed to pull herself up. She stood on the statue's hand and climbed up.

Pulling herself up the statue's arm. She was making progress but it still wasn't easy.

'Whatever you did to get up there, is a problem now, Nix!' She held onto the arm, feeling frustrated and a little out of breath.

She tried to pull herself upwards, her hands slipping from the statue again. She was running out of ideas to save him and with a huge sigh of exasperation, she looked upwards at Nix's body.

"I'll save you." She yelled to him, her voice breaking with frustration and fatigue.

Swinging her leg over the statue's arm, she let go with her other leg and let gravity take over. Merely a few feet away from him, she stretched out her hand to him. "Wake up, Nix!" She yelled at him.

"Fae, now would be a good time to get your thoughts together and help out here!" Lumina yelled, her face and hands now covered in sweat.

She was trying her hardest to help him but her concentration was scattered. One second she was looking at Nix, the next she was looking at Fae, then she was looking at Nix again. It was a problem!

Fae's hand was on her head, she was trying to recall what she was supposed to be doing. The yell from Lumina got her attention eventually, she looked up and saw Nix's dangling body and in that moment, she knew what she had to do.

Raising her hands above her head, she began to chant. She was focused on Nix and the chanting slowly began to clear her head of the tiredness. She was able to concentrate and her hands began to glow and so did Lumina and Nix's body.

Feeling the magic flowing through her body and into Nix and Lumina.

"Jump!" She commanded Lumina, and Nix's body began to fall. He was falling straight towards her arms.

Lumina closed her eyes, focused on Nix and then jumped. Landing on her hands, she pushed off against the statue and managed to catch his body. With the help of Fae, she was lowered from the statue once she had secured him.

Fae looked up at Lumina. "That was close." She said, as she tapped the shoulder of Lumina.


Nix sat up in bed. His body was covered in bandages all over his arms and chest. He was clearly exhausted from the ordeal and was still in a daze but he was slowly coming out of it. "How did I get here?" Nix asked.

"You were brought here." Lumina deadpanned.

"Shhh! Lumina, he's still recovering." Fae reprimanded, nudging her in the side.

He looked around to see where he was. The room was white and the walls were covered in white tiles.

'A hospital room? An infirmary?' He wondered.

"I shouldn't be in here." He planned on getting down from the bed.

"Suit yourself!" Lumina said in anger, receiving yet another reprimanding from Fae.

He tried to move his arms to feel his wounds and he remembered the pain.

"F*ck!" He winced as he moved them.

"You got that right." She sneered in response to the word.

This was a good time he could have used his health potion. He would rather have them right now than have to feel this pain. He thought back to the last time he did it and how it felt.josei

He looked up at the mirror beside him. He knew that the potion would heal his wounds and he knew he would be able to heal himself, but there were a sizable number of eyes watching him, preventing him from using that.

,m "I will be fine. You two don't need to watch over me like I'm going to die." He said to the two, forcing a smile. "Go rest. In fact, go have a good sleep. You're both dead tired, you will need it." He told them.

If they could go, he could use the potion and show that they need not worry about him.

As he said this, Lumina's brows twitched in annoyance. Her boiling rage was about to spill over at his words.

"I heal incredibly fast. Just go have some rest and watch as I make it happen." He winked.

'That's the last line, you egoistical knucklehead!' She fumed, walking up to him.

"What are you doing?!" Fae hissed at Lumina.

Nix masked his confusion with a smile, "even with a frown, you look so beautiful." He teased.

Raising her hands at him, she slapped him across the face.

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