Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 7 System Is Messing With Me!

Chapter 7 System Is Messing With Me!

'Why? Why does life have to be so cruel to me?'

His eyes glued to his mother's cleavage once more, guilt tugged at his heart for doing something forbidden. He blamed it all on her choice of dressing.

'Why weren't you a step mom or something?' His eyes began to tear up.

"Is there anything the problem, Nix?" She took him into her arms again, caressing his hair.

'Yes! Just like that. Thought wise, you aren't my mother.' He continually repeated to himself till he believed it.josei

Naz watched with displeasure at their mother spoiling his brother. She shouldn't be doing that, he's meant to be scolded for running into an enemy territory.

Forming an ice ball, he flicked it towards Nix. To his disappointment, a barrier stopped his projectile.

It was his mother's doing. She released Nix, who reluctantly let go of the way his head felt on the soft cushion her bosom gave.

Glaring at Naz, her eyes glowed, her blue hair flying wildly around her.

Naz shivered, he had messed with the wrong person. He had wanted to run, but his movements were restricted. His mother had her hand outstretched binding him in place.

"Your brother is recuperating and you dared try to bully him." She began to tighten her hold on him.

'Maybe having a mother isn't so bad.' Nix had a smirk on his face, watching things unfold. Judging from the dexterity in which she used her gift he could tell she was inflicting pain on him but not a damaging one.

"Mother, I plead for mercy." Naz begged, groaning in pain. He wanted nothing more than to end the pain.

"Where were you when your brother was attacked? You should be glad I'm not choking you right now for what you had done earlier." She raged, tightening her telekinetic grip on his neck instead.

"You should be protecting your brother, not trying to kill him."

"Mother, brother Naz has learnt from his mistake." Aimi held on to her leg. Bringing out her ace card–a big puppy dog eyes brimmed with tears, pouting.

"Has he?" She looked down at her daughter, her hold on Naz loosening.

Aimi nodded her head with a smile.

Closing her eyes, she deactivated her gift. Her hair fell back in place like it had never flown widely around her.

"Let this be a warning to you, Naz. No one messes with the Lae family, except me. If I get as much as a word on you trying to kill your brother again..." She paused, what was the use of saying it when she could instill much fear by her actions instead.

Her hair flying wildly around her again, she concentrated her attention on a flower vase placed at the window sill.



Naz shuddered, falling to the ground, shaking at the warning he witnessed the tiny cracks made its way on the vase.

Deactivating her gift, she sighed. This wasn't how she wanted her day to be.

Looking over her shoulder, she said in one final note: "Don't end up like your father."

Nix widened his eyes at her statement directed at Naz, 'what did she mean by that statement? Was there something he had missed while drawing all of this? Where was this plot coming from?'

Turning her attention towards Nix, she forced a smile, rubbing her shoulder. Squatting, she scooped Aimi into her arms. Calling on Aimi's dragon toy with her gift, she passed it to her.

"Here you go, my darling." She tapped her forehead, giving a cheery laughter.

Aimi let out a giggle, she always enjoyed when her mother doted on her.

Nix stared in awe at how two faced his 'mother' was. Now he could see where Naz had gotten his temper from. From what he had deduced, Aimi had the ability to calm these two ticking time bombs in her different ways.

'Aimi, you have suddenly become my favorite person... well aside from being my sister.' He smiled at the lovable scene in front of him.

"Naz, go set the table. Your brother must be hungry." She sneered, raising her nose, she walked away in whatever direction the door she went in through, leads.

The flower vase exploded upon her exit, emptying it's contents onto the floor.

'Coincidence? I think not?' Nix deduced she had held the vase shape with her residual gift. So once she left, the residual gift seized to exist, therefore the vase couldn't keep up with the damage it had been forced to keep.

Nix was shaken by this, but looking at Naz, he seemed to be very much accustomed to it. All flying ceramics had been stopped mid flight by his water gift engulfing them in tiny water bubbles.

"Yes, mother." He sighed, feeling dejected. He couldn't even have the time to get angry at Nix, he was the least of his problems now.

Nix sat on the bed, guilt stricken. His rational thoughts said he should follow him and help. He had recovered, at least he could feel it.

On second thought, he was never good at chores, he was pretty good at lazing around. The word was in a distant part of his dictionary. Instead he decided to sit it out and pretend not to be capable.

'Recuperating was more important' He nodded to himself.

"Stats." He called for the user interface.

He waited for several minutes, yet nothing. He wondered if the stats appeared on its own accord.

'Is it broken or something?'

[Name: Nix Lae]

[Level 1]

[Health: 100/100]

[Exp: 58/100]

[Energy: 100/100]

[Strength: 70/100]

[Agility: 89/100]

[Trait: Courage, Hope, Survival]

[Class: None]

[Gift: Fire]

[Mission success/fail: 0/1. To make up for a failed mission click on 'Make up mission']

Nix smiled, finally the stats were up and to make it even better, it made a makeup system. It reminded him of the close shave he had once back in college. If there wasn't a provision of a makeup test, he was sure he would have failed.

'Who knew there would be a similar setup in this world?' He was starting to get all excited about the whole thing.

Pausing, he realised that, this was his creation. There were bound to be something's he would have subconsciously or intentionally added.

Rubbing his fingers, he breathed out. Clicking on the 'Make up mission'.

[Make up mission: Assist Naz in setting the table]

[Make up mission: 0/10]

Nix cleaned his eyes as the pop up notification appeared in front of him. It was at this point he knew the system was messing him.

'Are you f*cking kidding me?!'

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